A/N: Hey everyone, this is a new story I'm writing its IichigoXRukia. Another one of my favorite couples from the series Bleach. I got this idea from a Hallmark movie " I Married Who?" I didn't get a chance to watch the whole movie but I liked the concept. When I seen the description I said wow that could work for an IchixRuki story so this is my take on it.

Disclaimer: The characters of Bleach do not belong to me. This story is just for my enjoyment, and hopefully others also!

A/N : As always please read and review, flames are welcome , critiques greatly appreciated!

"I'll let go as much as realistically possible."

"In other words for you none at all." Matsumoto sighed and shook her head, "You used to be fun, what happened to you Rukia."

"What do you mean, i agreed to fly out here to Vegas didn't i? I'm sitting in a bar with you aren't I?"

"If it was up to you, we would be having this bachelorette party at your house, enjoying tea and crumpets."

Rukia shook her head, her best friends, Rangiku Matsumoto and Orihime Inoue had convinced her to come to Vegas for one last hoorah as they say. She was getting married in less than a months' time to the man of her dreams.

"At least have one drink Rukia."

"Nope, how else would we get back to the hotel? I will be the designated driver tonight."

The waitress came over to take their order, "I'll have a sex on the beach."

"I'll have a mojito, virgin please."

"Two mojitos, but make sure mine has extra rum in it. I'm trying to get wasted."

The waitressed laughed and walked away.

"You need to slow down Ran, I don't think I'm strong enough to carry you out."

"Unlike you I'm single, I can do whatever I want." She smiled big at Rukia, "Who knows maybe I won't need you to carry me out, there's plenty of strong sexy guys here."

Rukia shook her head laughing, "If it comes down to it, I'll make sure to pick the hottest one."

The waitress glanced at the two mojitos, she slipped a lemon wedge onto the rim of the virgin one to remember what was what. She made her way through the crowd back to the three seated girls and gave them their drinks.

"Thanks." Matsumoto slipped her a tip and winked at her.

"Anytime, the waitress said as she disappeared.

The girls sat enjoying the music sipping at their drinks, "What do you want to do after this, we could go to another night club, or The Gies are playing, down the street, pretty sure we could get in as groupies... OH MY GOD."

Orihimes eyes grew big and Rukia turned to look in the direction she was staring, "What?"

"Its Ichigo...Ichigo kurasaki just walked into the bar..."

Rukia frowned, she had heard the name before, maybe seen a pic of him but she didn't really know who he was, "And so?"

"So," Rangiku sat up, tossing back the rest of her drink, "He's hot, not to mention he is a movie star."

Rukia frowned, "like I said so what..." at that moment he turned to look at her, and their eyes met. She grew silent as she stared into his piercing hazel ones. She turned away quickly taking another sip of her drink, "He isn't even that cute."

Orihime giggled, having already ordered another Mojito the one before seeming to have no effect on her. "I think he is, but his friend is hotter..."

Matsumoto glanced at the entourage again, this time noticing the other two, "the old one or the geek?"

Rukia refused to turn back around, she didn't dare to, maybe she was just being paranoid but she thought she could feel his eyes on her, burning a hole into her back.

"The glasses. He looks smart..."

Matsumoto burst out laughing, "You are defiantly drunk to think you have a chance with him Orihime."

"Shut up, you never know maybe he's into the ditzy kind, you know I could complete him." She smiled dreamily as she continued to stare at the tall seemly silent guy.

Rukia burst out laughing at that, feeling strange, more like giddy. Her earlier apprehension disappearing with each sip of her drink.

Matsumoto stood up suddenly, "Come with me I have to visit the little girls' room."

Rukia shook her head, suddenly feeling lightheaded. She glanced around the bar it seemed to be spinning or maybe that was just her. Her eyes landed on the fiery hair that stood above half the crowd. His back was turned towards her and he and his buddies were downing shots. She slowly finished her drink.

"I'll go with you" Orihime offered in a sing-song voice. Standing up shakily. This drink had started to give her a buzz.

Rukia watched as the two disappeared into the crowd, and another drink was brought to her a lemon wedge stuck precariously on the edge.

"Thanks," She grabbed her clutch to pay but the waitress shook her head and threw a glance across the room.

"That and whatever else you want for the night is paid for." She said with a wink walking away.

Rukia looked up and again their eyes met, she frowned. She didn't need a guy to pay for her drinks especially this guy. He probably thought at the end of the night she would be so grateful he was paying her attention that she would fall right into bed with him. That wasn't going to be the case she wasn't a wanton whore, she was going to set him straight once and for all.

She stood carefully stepping down from the high stool chair, her legs unusually weak and unsteady.

"To late Rukia we're already back." Matsumoto came up to her grabbing the rest of her drink and downing it.

"I'm not going to the bathroom Ran,"

"Then where?"

"That…that guy he…" she stuttered her brain feeling muddled.

"What guy?"

"Your movie star he picked up the bill for the night and I'm going over to give him a piece of my mind." She stood as straight as she could muster and walked off to where they stood.

Matsumoto and Orihime followed after her, a small smile on Matsumoto's face, as she watched the shorter girl walk over to the table. She inwardly congratulated herself maybe this bachelorette party was going better than she had planned.

"You!" She stood with her hands on her hips as the three guys stared up at her.

"Me?" Glasses said a questioning look on his face.

"No! You!" she closed the gap between them and got in close her face near his, her finger poking at his chest, "I…" She stopped, forgetting exactly what she had come over there for in the first place.

He stared then tilted his head up a bit and their noses touched, a small smirk tugging at his lips, " Yes," he spoke with all the arrogance you would expect from a man who was used to woman falling at his feet.

"You…you…" she straightened up and turned to her friends when they said nothing she smiled sheepishly, feeling like a big fool. " Sorry I don't know what came over me there."

He stood and came beside her, "I do" he whispered something into her ear and her face burned, her pale skin flushed bright pink.

-Next Morning-

Rukia awoke with a throbbing head ache. She sat up and ran her fingers over her temple trying to soothe it away. She glanced around the room, her mind still a blur. She stood shakily trying to find her purse. She found it under a pile of discarded chip bags and rummaged through it for some Advil.

She desperately needed some coffee, the door behind her creaked open and she stood to give which ever friend came out a piece of her mind. Instead of her friend stepping out, a tall shirtless man stepped out, a towel around his neck.

"Your awake, Rukia."

She turned away from him quickly her mind racing. What was a half-naked man doing in her room…? She glanced around again this time noticing it wasn't her room. "Oh no" she was in his room, sleeping on his couch after what? She couldn't really remember anything about last night but her mind was telling her she hadn't done anything good, and she had made a huge mistake.

"You want some coffee? I can have some sent up." He stood in front of her then and her eyes grew wide. This was not some random guy she had hooked up with it was Ichigo…

"Umm no I'll just be leaving now…" She stood grabbing her purse, and rearranging her clothes she caught sight of a mirror and began to fix herself. She had to make sure she hadn't just made the biggest mistake of her life, her fiancé would never forgive her cheating on him, "I slept on the couch right? The whole night?"

"Yea, and I slept in the bedroom."

"So we didn't sleep together right? There was no sexual contact between us?"

He smirked, "I wouldn't say that…"

She turned to him her hands on her hips a deep frown on her face, "What do you mean?"

He shrugged and went to the fridge, grabbing some water he gulped it down. "Don't worry Rukia, we didn't 'sin' if that's what you're worried about." He said it in a way that made her purse her lips.

"Whatever happened last night was mistake Ichigo, I was obviously intoxicated…"

He stood there his tall lean body perched against the table, "I don't know what you want me to say, you weren't complaining last night…"

"What I want you to say is no Rukia we didn't have sex, you were obviously out of it so I let you sleep on my couch." She was getting annoyed and it didn't help her head hurt like crazy. She sighed "I am getting married in a few weeks, I …" she ran her hands over her face, stressing out, "Did we sleep together or not."

"I think a more appropriate question would be, will you be able to get married or not."

Rukias eyes narrowed, he was starting to piss her off, and she didn't like the game he was playing, "What do you mean by that?"

He came up to her and took her hand, bringing it up to her eye level.

"OH MY GOD…"her mouth gaped opened in the most unattractive way possible.

"You like it Rukia?" maybe she was just imagining it but he accentuated her name in a way that sent a shiver up her spine " I wasn't sure about it when you picked it out but I think it has a certain charm don't you?"

Rukia stared at the huge rock on her finger. It was gorgeous of course but it looked as if it cost more than she could ever hope to make. She pulled at it taking it off and holding it out to him, "You must know that we have to get this marriage annulled. I clearly wasn't in the right mind to marry you." She racked her brain trying to figure out what had happened, she had ordered virgin drinks so she shouldn't have been drunk, yet she couldn't remember anything past the first drink coming to the table.

She sighed, remembering how she felt after that first 'virgin mojito'. The waitress must have mixed up the drinks, "What happened last night?"

He smiled, his perfect white teeth showing, "We got married, a nice little ceremony in one of the many chapels here in Vegas."

Rukia shook her head, trying desperately to remember anything from the night before.

"You were lucid enough to say 'I do'." He set the ring down on the table, "Don't worry I'll get my lawyers on it, before you know it the marriage will be annulled."

He walked past her into his bedroom, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

"What about the ring…"

"Keep it …" He stuck his head out the doorway to stare at her, "as a memento, remind ya what could have been." He laughed and went back into the room

Rukia sighed again rubbing her temples then grabbed her stuff and rushed out of the room before he could come out again. This was not happening. How was she supposed to explain it to Michael? He wouldn't understand and she knew there was going to be a lot of begging and explaining but hopefully he would forgive her. She hadn't actually slept with ichigo and besides that she had been drunk. She would never in her right mind go for a guy like that.

He was too flashy, seemed like an arrogant self-satisfied jerk from what she had heard about him. What kind of guy dyes their hair Orange? Who does that even in this day and age? He did have a great body though, "Ugh…" not the kind of thoughts that should be on her mind. She exited the elevator and knocked on the room door. She had no clue what happened to her room key, if it was in Ichigos room there was no way she was going back for it.

"Rukia…?" A questioning voice resounded from behind the door.

"Who else would it be open the door Orihime?" She stood impatiently ready to tear into her.

The door slid open and Orihimie stood there looking as if she just rolled out of bed.

"How was it Rukia?" Orihime giggled walking off back to her bedroom.

"What do you mean by that?" She followed her, her anger slowly rising at how flippant orihime was being about this, as if she hadn't just possibly ruined her whole life.

"Um…" Orihime shrugged, she had a bad hangover she just wanted to get back into bed and sleep it off. She didn't need Rukia's shrill voice in her ear right now.

"Where the hell is Matsumoto? We need to leave today. I have to get back to Michael and explain this to him." She held up the ring.

Orihime sighed and threw her a cell phone, whose it was she wasn't sure, "You know what that is? Use it to call him because I am not leaving, this room is booked for three more days and I am actually enjoying this little vacation."

Rukia sighed in frustration, this was supposed to be her friend, a back stabber more like it. "Where is Matsumoto? She at least would understand the situation."

"I don't know, after the wedding she took off with his friend and I came back to the hotel."

Rukia threw her hands up in exasperation and walked out the door, what was she supposed to do now? Hop back on a plane and run back home, hoping the marriage would be annulled in time for her own? She couldn't leave she had to make sure he got the marriage annulled. For some reason she didn't trust Ichigo, what kind of man would take advantage of a drunk girl? A sick one that's who.

She made herself a cup of coffee and sat staring off into space trying desperately to remember the events of last night. She could remember the club and then leaving it going to another party and dancing and giggling and even more drinking but that's about it.

She grabbed the cell Inoue had thrown at her and dialed Michael's number. It was better he heard it from her than anyone else. She listened to the rings before his deep voice answered.

"Michael…hey it's me Rukia."

"Rukia its 2 in the morning, what's wrong?"

Rukia glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, she had totally forgotten about the time difference, "Nothing…I'll call back in the morning."

"No I'm already up, what's going on? Is everything alright there?"

"Yes…" now as she listened to his sleep ridden voice she couldn't bring herself to tell him. Couldn't tell him she had gotten married to a total stranger, a famous one at that. "I just wanted to check up on you and tell you I miss you a lot and I can't wait to walk down the aisle to you."

"I miss you too babe, just three more days and you'll be back in my arms, so don't worry have some fun, and when you get home we can have some of our own."

She nodded absentmidly, "Ok go back to sleep, I'll call you later Michael, love you."

"Love you too Rukia."

The dial tone rung in her ear and she wanted to burst into tears. Michael was perfect for her. He was so understanding so loving…

She stood then, with purpose in her heart. She was going to see Ichigo and take him to the courthouse and have their marriage annulled today if it was the last thing she did.


Rukia stood nervously outside his room door. Of course it was the presidential suite. She knocked a second time, wondering if he had already left his room.

"How may I help you?"

It was the guy in the glasses, she vaguely remembered Orihime trying to hit on him.

He stared at her for a brief second, "Oh Mrs. Kurasaki, sorry didn't recognize you come in."

Rukia frowned, "Its Kuchiki actually or you can call me Rukia."

He adjusted his glasses but said nothing as he led her into the room. Again she sat on the same couch she had woken up on staring around the big room. This time she was as sober as she could be.

"You came back Rukia."

She turned to look at him, a small smirk on his face, his hair disheveled, "You need to come with me, to the courthouse, we are going to get this marriage annulled right now."

Ichigo sighed, what seemed to be a grin forming on his lips, "I'm…"

"I'm afraid that will not be possible Mrs. Kurasaki," glasses said.

She hadn't bothered to ask his name and she wasn't about to, but the way He emphasized her new name, sent a shiver of dread down her back, did they actually consummate the marriage? That would be the only reason they wouldn't be able to get it annulled. They would actually have to go to through with a divorce. "Excuse me? Maybe Ichigo hasn't informed you yet, but I am marrying my fiancé in a months' time. This needs to be resolved TODAY." She was beginning to get agitated.

"Yes that's all fine and dandy, but Mr. Kurasaki has business to attend to today. As his lawyer, I have already advised him on what to do, and have already drawn up the papers for the annulment, but we will not be able to get to it till tomorrow. Ichigo's schedule is packed for the day." He adjusted his glasses again and turned away from her.

She frowned, "You bring your lawyer with you everywhere you go?" she was right not to trust him, who else but a troublemaker would need to be accompanied by a lawyer where ever he went?

He laughed then shrugged, "You could say I'm a bit mischievous, but not usually he's good to have around because he's far smarter than I am, besides he makes a pretty good wingman."

Rukia sighed turning away from the overly conceited Ichigo "If you have them with you I can sign them now and tomorrow you can partition the court."

Ichigo stood there watching her, a small grin on his face," Don't worry Rukia, Ishida will handle it, as for today, why don't you come with me have some fun. Promise I'll make ya forget all about your worries."

Rukia glanced at him briefly unsure whether to take him up on his offer or not. She really shouldn't be spending any more time with him. Because drunk or not she obviously had found him attractive, and charming enough to marry him, "I… I don't think so. Thanks for the offer though Mr. Kurasaki." She stood hesitantly waiting for Ishida to come back. If that was his lawyer she was sure he knew that a married man was less desirable to his fan base than a single one. He would rush the papers in order to protect his client wouldn't he?

She was so lost in thought she hadn't notice Ichigo come up to her. He was close to her now, towering over her small frame. One small step and their bodies would be touching, his hard lean frame and her soft one. She wanted to move away but she was transfixed and it seemed as if her body was willing itself to move closer. Before she knew it she was touching him. Her hand laid on his chest, the hard muscles under his shirt teased her fingertips. She stared into his eyes, her mind gone.

"Rukia," his voice was low an underlying tone to it, "If ya keep touching me like that, I won't be responsible for what I do to that delicious body of yours." He had pulled her into his embrace her small breast crushed against his rock of a chest.


"The papers are here…" Ishida stepped in, then immediately regretted it. He wanted to kick himself, he had walked in at the most inopportune time.

Rukia snapped back to reality. She was reluctant to leave the warm embrace but she stepped back, "Ok, I will sign them…" her voice was shaky along with her legs. She walked over to him, and grabbed the papers. "Is it ok if I take these with me, I would like to read them before signing?"

"Yea that is fine."

She purposely kept her back to Ichigo, she didn't want to look into his eyes, and she had to forget about Ichigo. She hurriedly left without any other words. When she was back in her room she finally let out a sigh of relief. She took a seat on the couch and pulled out the papers and steadily read through it. Each and every paragraph. It seemed simple enough as long as she and Ichigo signed it they would be able to have it annulled.

A couple hours later she set down the paperwork and glanced at her watch, it was almost 2:30 and she hadn't seen hide or hair of her two friends. Maybe they had left when she had been lost in her reading. Whatever it was their fault she was in this situation, they obviously hadn't cared enough about her to stop her from marrying a random stranger.

She stood and stretched, she didn't feel like going out now, especially by herself, so she got something to eat then went to lay down to take a nap.

A loud knocking at the door woke her up. She sat up in bed and rubbed at her eyes, she glanced at the clock it was 11:30. She turned, one of the other girls could get the door she didn't feel like getting out of her nice warm bed.

"Who is it?" Matsumoto peeked out the little keyhole, darkness greeted her, and she opened the door slowly.

"Matsumoto…" The deep familiar voice called her name.

She smiled "Gin, hey," she opened the door wider and Gin strode in followed by Ishida and Ichigo. "Umm…you guys are here late." She glanced at the three men her eyes finally resting on Gins.

"I need to speak to Rukia, is she here?"

Matsumoto nodded, "hold on."

Rukia could hear them talking and she buried her head under the blanket. She didn't want to see him, didn't want to be near him, her body had reacted to him earlier in way she hadn't expected, but had delighted in. She was engaged to be married, her brain knew that but her body defied it.

"Rukia…Rukia" Matsumoto gently shook her, when she didn't stir she did it harder.

"What!" she hissed at her friend.

"Your hubby is here to see you." Orihime chimed in, where she had come from Rukia didn't know.

"shut up Orihime…tell him I'm sleeping whatever he needs to talk about can be discussed tomorrow."

"Uh ok." Matsumoto wasn't paying attention to her, she was busy fixing her hair in the mirror

"Ran…" Rukia sighed and got up, they wouldn't be any help at all they were too worried about their own personal lives to give two shits about hers. She walked out to the living room and glanced at the three men. "Yes." She said exasperated, she doubted whatever he wanted to talk to her about was urgent enough to warrant him coming by so late at night.

"Can we talk Rukia?"

She stood her arms crossed in front of her, "If you want to talk then do it, and it better be important."

He flashed her a smile that held a darker undertone. "In private." He glanced at her two friends.

She frowned she didn't want to be alone with him, but she turned and walked to the balcony, expecting him to follow her arms still crossed.

Matsumoto stood behind Gin, she leaned down, "what are they talking about?" she whispered to Gin.

"Annulment aint happening Moto, they gonna have to shoot for a divorce," he smiled at her and her face lit up also.

She smirked, "and you Mr. Doubter, what do you have to say?" she giggled poking him in his chest.

Gin pulled her into his lap, "I was wrong."

"What? I want to know Ran." Orihime who had been busy desperately trying to get Ishida's attention, but was failing wretchedly.

"Don't worry about it Orihime."

"What is so damn important that you had to drag me out of bed?" Rukia had put a few spaces between them and she watched him, her expression guarded.

"So it's a crime to talk to my wife now?" Ichigo moved closer to her, her small body shrinking away from his.

"I'm not your wife." She said through gritted teeth. He thought this was a game, but to her it wasn't, the rest of her life depended on them dissolving this marriage before she left for home. "Ichigo can you be serious for one minute?"

His expression changed then, and he looked heated? No there was something else too it, "We can't get the marriage annulled Rukia." He mimicked her crossing his arms and leaning against the railing.

She sighed, "What are you talking about, what kind of trick are you trying to play Ichigo."

"No trick, in order for our marriage to be annulled we both have to consent to it, which we both do and we mustn't have consummated it…" He let that settle in, watching as her eyes narrowed.

"Which we didn't Ichigo, I might not remember the whole night but…"

"As you said you don't remember but lucky for you I do." He went up to her, his smirk reaching his eyes, "Well most of it."

"What do you mean…?" Even as she asked the question she knew, she was screwed, or had been in a matter of speaking. Her marriage to Michael would never happened, he would never let it go. She had slept with another man while engaged to be his wife, while telling him he was the man she loved. She groaned out loud, her life and the happy ending she thought she would have was gone now, out of her reach forever.

"Let's say I remember enough to conclude we had sex on our wedding night."


"Sorry let me put it in a way you will understand Rukia, we did the nasty, tore up the sheets we fucked…"

"No you said you only remember enough to think we did"

He touched her then, his fingers running up her bare arms, "Would you like to know what I remember Rukia?"

She shivered the way he said her name held an ominous meaning behind it not to mention the devious look in his eyes, "I…no..."

His fingers ending on her hip, and she scrutinized it the long fingers attached to his big hands she had forgotten what she had got out of bed in, she cursed herself for not throwing a robe on. In the cool of the night his fingers were like fire burning her skin through the thin cloth. He traced an invisible pattern on her as she watched mesmerized, "This perfect little body under me, squirming and writhing in pleasure…"

The words fell from his lips as a whisper his breath tickling her ear, "Your small pert tits, and your rosy nipples hardening in my mouth..."his lips kissed her neck trailing soft kisses across her collarbone. " The sweet taste of your slit on my lips," his hand gently parted her legs and slipped under the short garment.

Rukia let out a gasp her breath catching, he was touching her, in the most private of placed yet he seemed to be in his element, seemed as if stroking her sex was the most natural thing to do, "Ichigo…"

"The way you moaned my name." He slipped a finger under her panties and gently stroked her without the barrier. His digits playing against her lips in a slow, rhythmic oh so pleasurable way. "Such sweet sounds Rukia…" His lips touched hers and she let out faint moan. Her hips moving on their own under his ministrations, her body responding to his dominate hands. Her desire growing with each touch, she could feel the peak approaching. She wanted to let go and indulge in the moment, but her mind was screaming no…no

"Ichigo…we… stop we can't do this…"

"Why not, we've done it before, wife." A dangerous glint came to his eye and hers widened and she pushed at him.

"I... am not your WIFE." She shouted pulling herself fully from his grasp.

He smiled at her, showing teeth, the pointy ones a wolfish grin that sent a spark through her, "For the time being you are, until your memory comes back or you can prove otherwise we've slept together." His desire laden tone turned solemn, "Our marriage is legal."

She wrapped her arms around herself knowing that what he said was true. She was married to Ichigo and the only way to get out of it was a divorce. That would take how long she didn't know she would have to come clean to Michael and kiss her life goodbye.