Pain. Song fic. Song by Three Days Grace. Potterverse belongs to the greatest writer of our time.

Dark fic. Cutting, BDSM, sex eventually. Don't like, don't read, duh.

All mistakes are my own... please, please tell me if there is one, I don't care if it's just a comma, or a wrong word.. aka, then, than... i always screw those two up. This is my first HG/MM story. Tell me what you'd like to see, give me ideas. It'll help me figure out where the hell this story is going.

It was three months into the new school year and Minerva had been watching Hermione closely. The young woman had returned after the war, asking to come back and do her NEWT year. Minerva agreed and even gave her the Gryffindor Head Girl quarters since the Head Girl this year was in Ravenclaw. The young woman had lost a lot in the war. Ron dying at the hands of Bellatrix before Molly killed her. Even so, she had expected that once back in school the girl would revert back to her eager studious self. But it seemed as though things would only get worse for her.

Hermione still refused to raise her hand, and when called upon for an answer her reply was spoken through angry gritted teeth. It wasn't till a moment ago, when Minerva was wondering around the room checking on everyones transfigurations that she became upset. The girl smelt of infection. And she had a good idea of what the cause was. Moving back to the head of the room she dismissed the class and with a quick "Miss Granger please stay for a moment." The students left and she used her wand to quickly close the door before going over to the young woman, pulling out Hermiones chair and pulling her robe sleeve up. Seeing the deep cuts, and the infected site she narrowed her eyes at the witch.

Hermione tried to pull her arm away, only to have herself tugged to her feet and practically dragged behind Minerva into her personal rooms, where she was deposited upon the sofa. The older witch quickly leaving the room. It wasn't said, but Hermione knew she was to stay put. Pulling down her robe sleeve and sitting on her hands she waited to see what her once mentor planned on saying. Not that it made a difference. No one could make her stop.

Pain, without love

Pain, I can't get enough

Pain, I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Minerva came out of the other room, bottle in hand. Seeing the girl sitting on her hands she gave her one look and Hermione sat the injured hand on her lap, pulling up the robe sleeve. Coming over to sit beside her she started using a salve on the infection. Hermione couldn't understand why she hadn't said a word yet. She didn't understand how Minerva even knew. Finally tired of the silence she quietly asked. "How did you know?"

The moving hand stilled. "I could smell the infection on you. One of the joys of my animagus. Why did you do it?"

Hermione looked at her for a second. She'd always thought the woman was beautiful, but she looked like some kind of dark angel right now. Full of anger, yet taking care of her. Minerva resumed attending to the many cuts. Taking a deep breath Hermione decided to just tell her the truth, she was of age, there wasn't a thing the woman could do to her. "I'm numb, inside, all the time. I just wanted to feel, for just a moment, something."

Minerva chose her words carefully, she didn't want to scare the girl away, but she knew what she wanted to do, but not just yet. "You can't be doing this, it's not safe. You could've ended up with blood poisoning. This will have to stop."

She finished cleaning up the wounds, grabbing her wand she began speaking softly, knitting the skin back together, leaving it unblemished where angry red and black lines had been. Her hand staying on the arm.

Hermione tried again to take her arm away from her, but Minerva held strong. "You can't do anything about this, i'm of age, I have no guardians. Just leave me be. I'll do better at keeping them clean, it's the only way to feel. Ginny's with Harry and I couldn't save Ron and you cannot save me!"

Minerva narrowed her eyes. Ginny and Harry? I thought she and Ronald...Coming back to the point at hand she asked. "So nothing I say is going to stop you?"

"No, I have to be able to feel something, I can't handle life without this, I don't want to do it without that pain."

The older woman knew that look, knew she meant what she said. With a voice as smooth as silk she asked "What about an alternative way to feel?"

The young witch looked up at her quizzically.

"Do you trust me?"

Hermione had to think on that for a moment, she hated the idea of trust. Trust got you hurt, trust broke your heart. But looking at the older woman, she found that she still did indeed trust her. "Yes, more so than anyone."

A weird grin spread across the older woman's face. "Good" Standing she grabbed the youngers hand and gently brought her to her bedroom.

You're sick of feeling numb

You're not the only one

I'll take you by the hand

And I'll show you a world that you can understand


"Quiet, you said you trust me, now trust me. I'm going to give you a way to feel. Remove your shoes and outer robe and lay down on your stomach on the bed."

Hermione wasn't sure what to think, but she did trust the older witch, and followed the instructions. If Minerva could offer her a way to feel, then why not try it.

Minerva was looking over the young woman. She extinguished all but a few candles and it cast an eerie glow about the room.

"I'm going to bind your arms and legs in place, and then i'm going to spell your clothes away."

Hermione didn't make a move and so Minerva cast the simple charms. She looked the young woman's body over. Thinking she decided that if she was going to do this, she was going to at least try and enjoy it. Hermione had pale skin, and she was far too skinny, but her bum was very lovely. And she couldn't wait to see it turn a nice shade of red. The curls in her no longer bushy hair fell about her back in lovely ringlets. Yes Minerva was going to enjoy this.

Hermione still wasn't sure what was going on, but truth be told, she really didn't care.

Minerva went to her closet, choosing the right tool for the job. Deciding on a leather strap that was about an inch wide she came back around the bed to the girl. In a low seductive voice she started to talk to Hermione. "I'm going to help you feel the pain you need, it will be controlled. I won't harm you in a permanent way. "

Hermione looked into the green eyes searching for something, anything that would make sense to her, she saw a small glimmer of something, but not knowing what she closed her own eyes and gave a nod.

"Good, now I'm going to only swat you ten times for your first session and we'll talk afterwards. I'm going to begin now."

Hermione almost laughed. Swatting, yeah like that's going to really help. The first strike taking her breath away. Well that is nothing like I used to feel. The second and third felt about the same, just in different areas. Then the fourth came a bit stronger, as did the fifth and sixth. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. It was painful, and even as the seventh stroke landed she smiled as the tears fell over. The last three making the tears come harder and she felt her restraints loosen. A blanket dragged up over her. The bed dipped near her head and she felt strong arms gathering her.

Soft whispers issued into her ear. "You did very well Hermione. I'm very proud of how you have handled all this"

For some reason Hermione felt pride raise up in her. Her hair was being stroked as she started to calm down, her bum was very sore, but it was a good sore. Minerva put a finger under her chin to raise the brave young woman's eyes to her own. "Thank you for trusting me. Do you think you can talk, would you like some water?"

Hermione nodded, and within seconds a cool glass was being pressed to her lips. "Thank you."

Minerva gave her a tissue and Hermione started taking in her surroundings. The older witch had rid herself of her outer robe and had on a button down white shirt and black pants, what surprised her was that the infamous bun was down as well and her hair was long, with big curls in it, from being in the bun. Hermione felt a blush rise up, seeing her like that, so at ease gave her stomach a bit of a flutter. She pushed it down and away, the blush going along with the moment of feeling.

Feeling the younger woman stiffen, Minerva started running her fingers up and down her back, getting her to relax again. "Ronald?"

Hermione looked into those green eyes, trying to decide what to tell her. "No... not Ron... never Ron... however I do not wish to discuss that right now. I would like to ask if you do this, whatever this was, with other students?"

"First of all, I don't see you as a student, I haven't for a while now. Not after what you've been through. And no, i don't do this with students. As to what this is. It's a lifestyle. I have a few books on it if you'd like to read them you can do so here, in my chambers, but they cannot leave my rooms. But i'd like to know if this will be a suitable alternative to the cutting?"

Hermione took her bottom lip between her teeth, really thinking on it. The pain had been good enough to make her cry. "Yes, for now at least."

"Alright. We have a lot to discuss, but first i'd like you to become more familiar with this lifestyle and set up a few rules." Stroking the long hair she asked "Are you ok for me to move?"

Hermione realizing she was very naked, more or less cuddling with her Professor quickly moved her blanket covered self off of the older witch only to be reminded of her sore bottom. Minerva looked her over once before nodding and going to her closet again. Grabbing out two books, one on being a sub, switch, or Dom/Domme, the other a catalog on all the different toys. "These will both help you, there are a couple of questionnaires in there that i'd like you to do. If you have any questions please ask me. If you'd like to look them over a bit, i'll go see about getting us both some dinner since we missed it. I'll be out in the sitting area whenever you want to come out."

The young witch gladly took the books. Reading over the first page she saw that the lifestyle was one of BDSM. Flipping through the book she took in a bunch of words... submissive, erotic behavior, roles, humiliation, kink, pain, top, collar, safe word. She'd need to start from the beginning to understand this. Grabbing the other book... one that looked like a wizarding catalogue, so had moving pictures, she flipped through it... what she saw gave her butterflies. Women and men tied up, being spanked with different things, some of them had faces of ecstasy about them. Realising this wasn't just about pain, but that it could be about sex as well made her mind fill with images of her and ginny. And she shut the book at once. Getting up she looked around for her clothes, finding them folded on a chair, she slowly put them on, deciding to tuck her knickers in a pocket, because her bum was indeed sore. She made her way out to the open room to find Minerva dishing out food to two plates. "I can fix my own plate thank you very much professor."

"I know you are able to, however you are underweight, and if we are to continue down this road, you eating right, will be a part of the agreement." Smiling she added "And when we are in this room you will call me Minerva, and when we are in session you will address me as..."

She thought on it a moment, she didn't want to be her Mistress, at least not yet anyway, but hearing the young woman say Professor could be fun for her. "Professor, is that understood?"

Hermione was not happy about the food, but the pain had been good, so she agreed. Sitting down somewhat sideways so as to not put too much pressure on her sore arse, she took up her fork and started eating. Minerva having already started.

"You said that you don't do this with students, but you want me to call you Professor when we are in that kind of setting?" She asked after she had swallowed.

Minerva knew asking that of her was going to bring up questions, she just hoped they wouldn't be voiced. "I think i'll find some enjoyment in the term being used. If you however are uncomfortable with it, I'm sure I can come up with something else."

"No it's fine, I just wondered."

Minerva smiled and decided to take control of the conversation. "Did you look through either books?"

"A bit. It was... umm... different."

A smile like Hermione had never seen lit up the black haired witches face. "Indeed, it can be a bit much to take in, but tell me, which different did you find it? Good? Bad?"

Hermione took a sip of what turned out to be pumpkin juice. Stalling while she came up with the answer. She gave Minerva a leveled gaze. "Good, the wizarding catalog showed some interesting toys for this, umm BDSM stuff." She stuttered a bit over the last two words, not sure how to describe it.

"Lifestyle is the word you might be looking for. I learnt of it myself when I was just a couple years older than yourself. A friend introduced me to it, and I found it fit me well. Though i'm what they would call a switch."

Seeing the young woman's quizzical look she decided to explain. "There are generally three types of people. Those who enjoy giving pain, and enjoy being in charge, that's a top, a Dominant, a Dom/Domme, or Master, or Mistress. Those who prefer taking the pain, and can take being told what to do, though you do have your brats, who like to be difficult, but those would be a Sub, Submissive, a pet if you will. And then you have the Switch. They can, as the name entails, switch roles. Tell me Hermione, could you cause someone pain on purpose, for enjoyment, or for punishment?"

The girl was trying to wrap her brain around what was just said. The question had been spoken in a way to cause the brief fluttering in her stomach to return and once again she pushed it away. "I.. that is, yes, I think I could. I like being in charge, but I enjoyed giving it up to you today, it felt natural."

Minerva was pleased. This could turn out to be fun. But they had only discussed the punishment side of things. She would wait and see what the girl marked on her papers or until she made the first move towards a more sexual nature. Right now it was about getting her to stop cutting. "We have a couple hours before curfew, you can stay here and read through the books, or you can go back to your rooms, as long as you promise to come right back as soon as you feel like cutting."

They both had finished their meals and Hermione found for once she didn't want to be alone just yet. "I'd like to stay, please."

"Go a head and grab the books, you can read them in here with me while I mark papers."

Hermione made her way back to the bedroom. This time taking in her surroundings. The room was large, the bed taking up the most space, it looked to be a queen bed, with a deep crimson comforter, almost the color of blood. The rest of the room was done in dark woods, the walls an almost black red. It was beautiful in it's darkness. Grabbing the two books from the bed she made her way back out to the living area. It was split into two different areas. The dining table to one side, then around the fireplace a huge sofa, along with a couple of wingback chairs. The fireplace mantel having photos lined upon it. The walls having shelves upon shelves filled with books. She itched to go to them to read their titles, but figured the two she held would do for now. She sat her new studying materials for the night on the coffee table, going to sit in front of the couch she paused. "Can I grab my bag so I can take notes if need be?"

Minerva was sitting on the couch, her knees tucked up under her leaning on the arm looking over papers. "Hmm.. yes of course."

The young witch quickly made her way out and back sitting on the floor just off to the side of where the older witch was. The older woman smiling at the unknowing submissive gesture.

They both spent the next two hours mostly in silence, both working. Though when the younger of the two had a question the older one would gladly sit aside her work to help.

When Hermione got back to her rooms she changed for bed before laying down. Sleep however did not come, no she kept replaying the last two hours in her mind. The first checklist was almost like a personality test. To help her see if she was a sadist or masochist, a sadomasochist, top or bottom, or switch. Once finished she asked Minerva if she'd like to see it. And the older witch gladly scooped it up. She had ended up being in the area of a switch, with a bit of sadomasochism. Minerva had explained to her that though the results are usually right on, that one doesn't really know until in the actual situation. The older witch also informed her of her own results, which were similar to Hermiones.

The second checklist though is what really had Hermione up. It was a list of bondage and sexual toys and tools. She had used the catalog to find out what every single one of the items meant. She hadn't realized there were so many. Of course she had heard of a witches vibrator, but the other stuff, a spreader bar, whips, chains, rope, these were things that she hadn't thought of incorporating into a sexual situation. She had enjoyed the idea of many of the devices and gladly wrote down the ones she was open to using. It would have been easier to write down those that she didn't want too. She had actually only got through about half of the list. The things you could use to tie a person up with was fascinating. Though she wasn't sure if this thing with Minerva or should she think 'Professor', would turn sexual. She knew she could get sexually excited by pain. It was part of why cutting was so appealing. Though that hadn't happened today.

While Hermione thought these things over Ginny would pop into her mind, and she'd simply push the her away. She hated when the young woman slipped into her mind. This was about her and Minerva, and it was a way to feel something other than numb. Finally sleep took her away.

Meanwhile Minerva was in her own bed. Think about the way her body had enjoyed looking upon Hermione charmed to her bed. Next time she'd take her time and enjoy tying the girl up. She'd never done this with a 'student' before... she hadn't taught most of England as some thought. But it had been a good ten years since she had had a partner. She knew Hermione was hurting, and she thought she could help the young woman get through it and out the other side. She also knew she shouldn't, but she did want to bed the young witch. Who wouldn't, and she was more than of age. She decided then that if given the chance, she would. But no feelings would be attached, Minerva didn't do that. It was about a release, if feelings got involved it would ruin things, she'd have to make sure the girl knew that up front. Decided in her thoughts, she rolled over and went to sleep. Dreams filled with all sorts of kinky things. Yes the honorable Professor Mcgonagall was a twisted witch, and she enjoyed it.

This life is filled with hurt

When happiness doesn't work

Trust me and take my hand

When the lights go out you will understand

A/N So what would you all like to see happen? Yes, there might be some Out of Characterness. But Minerva really doesn't have much of a character to go on... so my imagination is running wild with her.

The next chapter will be up at some point. I need some inspiration for it. As I said before I don't know where this is going. I'd like it to be dark... i like dark and twisted.