~Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo~

Hello everyone! It's been a while, I'm sorry! I've just been so busy and was suppose to update this story a while ago, sorry again! But I hope you guys like this chapter! Thanks for reading this story! Special thank you to Ddh2989, Veraozao, Renji4eva, Ichihime94, Alie0514, nypsy, Animefun17, Sweety, OrihimeKurosakiInoue, broman2, Orihime14, and teetertotter23! Thanks for the suppport, your all so kind. This updates for you ;)


previous chapter...

"Orihime, this is a child. A blessing. You'll have your nursing degree soon and Ichigo himself said he wanted to be a part of the child's life."

Orihime lifted her head and smiled. "That reminds me! I have to tell Mr. and Mrs. Kurosaki! I think Yuzu and Karin might want to come! Oh, if only I could bring Sora too…"

"Why don't you?" Tatsuki asked with a frown.

"Bring Sora to the ultra sound on Wednsday? " Orihime questioned turning to her best friend, that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

She didn't miss Tatsuki's face pale.

Chp 15


"T-Tatsuki?" Orihime looked over at her now pale friend and began to panic. "What's wrong?" Assuming the worst, Orihime looked around herself. Did someone over hear? Someone I know? Mother or Sora? On the verge of hyperventilating, Orihime felt Tatsuki squeeze her hand.

"Orihime, don't move." Tatsuki bit her lip, her raven brows furrowing.

"W-Why?" That didn't help Orihime's panic at all.

"Just don't, I'll explain in a few," Tatsuki gulped reaching out for her friend who was very tense.

As her phone began to vibrate, Tatsuki ignored it; I don't have time for this crap.

While Tatsuki glared at her pocket, Orihime felt a presence near her. The fact she couldn't see said persons face didn't help her fears in the least.

"Tatsuki, Tatsuki Arisawa?" A deep masculine voice said from behind Orihime. I know that voice, Orihime didn't know if she should relax or freak out. How long has he been here, did he here everything?!




Looking down at her phone and reading the numerous emails, the tall female rolled her golden eyes at the words from her superiors.

"Must abide to rules, yeah right," she smirked at the thought. The company she worked for knew how the famous Yoruichi Shihoin did business, but could she blame them for trying? She was precise, knew how to sell and perform. Why would they allow her to present all of their newest patents to some of the greatest companies all around the world for the next six months? They were putty in her hands… Laughing at the thought, she continued to read through the email. Finally setting her phone down, she took a good look at the large white mansion in front of her. Walking up the numerous steps, the fountain did not go unnoticed. I see the many upgrades since the last time I was here.

Ringing the doorbells, it didn't take long for one of the many maids to open the double marble doors.

"Hello Mrs. Shihoin," the female on the other side bowed.

"Afternoon." While the maid moved aside, Yoruichi continued her way in.

"Mr. Kuchiki was not expecting you today, shall I bring him?" Yoruichi smirked.

"No its fine, I was just dropping by to say hello. I'm pretty sure I know where he is, thank you for your assistance." The female continued her way into the large home. It's been a while.

Walking along the hall, she passed by many maids cleaning. Finally reaching the library, she swung the doors open. Sitting across from her was the man she was looking for, newspaper laid out in front of him, tea in his hands. Lifting his gaze from the paper, he dropped his tea cup.

"Who let you in?"




Orihime took a deep breathe.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

May be, if I make a run for it…

The raven haired female knew her auburn haired friend was freaking out, letting out a long sigh she looked over at the approaching figure and sighed.

"Uryu," Tatsuki grimaced, "When did you get here?" Seriously?

"It's nice to see you too Tatsuki," Uryu chuckled. Orihime still hadn't turned around. May be if I close my eyes tight enough and click my heels I'll wake up back home.

"I actually arrived in Karkura last night," Uryu said in a matter-of-fact tone. Not what I meant, Tatsuki wanted to clarify but felt her phone vibrate once more. Smiling sheepishly at Uryu, she cursed under her breathe.

"How are you?" Tatsuki asked Uryu while she began frowning at Orihime.

"I'm good," Uryu responded with his hands in his pockets as he finally reached the pair.

"Orihime?" Uryu questioned. Opening one of her eyes Orihime was blinded by the light. "Hello Uryu! It's been a while," Orihime stuttered out as she squinted at the taller man.

"It has," Uryu smiled at his once good friends. "How's my cousin holding up?" Uryu shook his head, smirk plastered on his face.

"G-Good," Orihime choked out, does he know? Did he hear anything? No body was supposed to find out! "Ichigo's good." Orihime added clearing her voice. Uryu's brows furrowed in before he could respond, a gentle voice called his name.


"Over here," Uryu turned around. The smile on his face grew and his blue eyes softened.

Both Orihime and Tatsuki immediately knew what was happening. Curious, they looked over his shoulder and froze.

"Tatsuki, Orihime," Uryu spoke to his friends but his eyes were not on them, "This is my good friend, Nemu Kurotsuchi." He said holding the petite females hands. She nodded at them flashing a ghost of a smile but her attention immediately went back to Uryu.

"Hi," Orihime said surprised, her panic vanishing for a second.

"Yeah, friends," Tatsuki laughed.

As the pair flushed, Uryu cleared his throat and gently let go of Nemu's hand.
Feeling her phone vibrate, again, Tatsuki pulled the device out of her pocket and grimaced.

"Oh sorry Hime, Shit…" Tatsuki took her phone out and shook her head.

"Are you alright?" Orihime questioned worry written across her face.

"Yeah, crap," Tatsuki began texting on her phone, looking up at Orihime she frowned.

"I just remembered one of my student's parents had scheduled a last minute meeting at four, she's been calling me." Tatsuki grimaced. "I have a few minutes left until the meeting…"

"Oh," Orihime responded. The auburn haired beauty relaxed and squeezed her friend's hand.

"I'm sorry Hime," Tatsuki had a pained expression on her face.

"It's fine, go ahead! Good thing the café's close to the school." Orihime smiled in reassurance but was beginning to panic on the inside.

"I can reschedule it-"
"No! This is your job," Orihime shook her head. I can take care of this, I think…

"Alright," Tatsuki bit her lip and glanced over at Uryu and his 'friend' Nemu.

"Hime, do you want me to have Chad still pick you up?"

"No, its fine! I still have a few things to do around this area," Orihime shrugged and waved her hand, "Go ahead, I don't want you to be late!"

"Thanks Hime, I'll call you later?"


"It was nice seeing you again Uryu! And nice meeting your friend," Tatsuki winked at Nemu. "You should drop by sometime, I'm sure Chad will want to see one of his good friends."

"Will do," Uryu nodded.

Giving Orihime a quick hug and tossing a bill to cover there drinks, Tatsuki began sprinting in her heels. Giggling at the scene, Orihime waved at her friends retreating figure.

Turning back to Uryu, Orihime needed to find out how much he heard otherwise she knew this issue would be clawing her insides the rest of the day.

"Did you just drop by the café?"

"Yes, a few minutes ago actually." Uryu said looking down at his watch.

Sighing in relief, Orihime smiled her real smile.

"We were actually meeting my father for a late lunch," Uryu frowned, "I'll see you around?"

"For sure! It was nice meeting you Nemu." Orihime smiled at the pair.

"Like wise."

With a final goodbye, Orihime shook her head with a goofy smile on her face. Looking up, she gasped. It was the man from the library.

"Hello," Orihime waved at him. He didn't have his name tag on and his suit was replaced with a t-shirt and jeans. I wish I read his name the first time, but Ichigo was in my way.

Smiling at her, he nodded his head and crossed the street. As his figure disappeared, Orihime turned the opposite direction and began her tasks.

I need a few groceries; pick up the pound cake mom loves across the street, pay my phone bill, attend my classes…




"Is that anyway to talk to your mentor?" Yoruichi raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow and crossed her tone arms.

Byakuya's glare increased tenfold.

"Cat ladies are not welcome to my home." Byakuya went back to reading his paper and ignored his company.

"Still as temperamental as ever I see." Yoruichi moved to sit across from him, looking down at her manicured nails she heard a knock at the door.

Looking up, she saw the hard features on Byakuya's face soften.

"Mrs. Shihoin, welcome to our home." A small figure made her way to Yoruichi.

"Oh, Hisana my dear, I don't know how many times I've had to tell you this. But please, call me Yoruichi."

"Welcome back Yoruichi, it's been so long." Hisana smiled.

"Yes, I was just visiting."

"You didn't have to visit," Byakuya threw in.

"Byakuya," Hisana frowned, "Would you like to stay for dinner? I would love to spend some time with you if you are free?"

"May be later this week, my kids are expecting me back home soon." Yoruichi smiled at the tinier lady.

"I would love to have you all over for dinner. I'm sure Byakuya missed your company and Rukia would be so happy to see her friends!" Hisana smiled at the thought. Byakuya sighed. Yoruichi smiled.

"That sounds perfect, how does Thursday night sound?"




Sitting on the bus, Orihime scooted closer to Ichigo as more people walked in through the doors.

"How was your day?" Ichigo asked throwing his arm around her when he saw a group of men ogling at the auburn haired beauty. Glaring at them, he shifted his gaze back to her.

"Busy," Orihime sighed, "Did you know Tatsuki was engaged?"

"I did," Ichigo admitted with a small smile.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Orihime playfully smacked his upper arm.

"It wasn't my information to share and Tatsuki threatened my manhood so…"

Orihime giggled, "Did you know Uryu was back? And he brought a friend," Orihime said the last word forming brackets in the air with her fingers.

"Really? How is it he's my cousin but visited you first?"

"Tatsuki and I ran into him today actually," Orihime paused, "I told her. Everything."

"Oh," Ichigo cleared his throat, "Should I keep my head up for any projectile object flying my way when she's near me?"

Orihime furrowed her brows, "Ichigo that's dangerous and you could get hurt…"

"Then I will keep my eyes pealed."

"She wasn't that mad, she-" Orihime stopped at turned away.

"She what?" Ichigo playfully poked her.
"She thinks were meant to be." Orihime felt her eyes water.

"Hey," Ichigo frowned, "Does spending the rest of your life with me sound that bad?" He tried to lighten the mood.

"But you broke up with me," Orihime pointed out.

"And it was the biggest mistake of my life." He admitted. He felt his heart beat increase but couldn't move his gaze away from the prettiest shade of grey eyes.

"You don't have to say that." Darn hormones, I can't keep the tears at bay.

"But it's the truth."


"I'm sorry. I-I was trying to protect you, that's my job; I'm your protector always and forever. But I ended up only hurting you in the end didn't I?" Ichigo shook his head with a painful smile adorning his features, "Orihime I'm not perfect and you deserve perfect. I'm going to fuck up and upset myself and you and…" Taking a deep breathe, he grabbed both of her hands. "I love you so fucking much it hurts; I want to give you everything you deserve. I want to give you the world. I love you; I will never stop loving you. I could never replace you and I was a dumbass for thinking I could. Hime, you understand that I had good intentions at the end of the day right? I didn't mean to hurt you on purpose," Ichigo gritted his teeth. Me, of all people hurt you, the kindest, most generous, woman out there. I hurt the one person that accepted me for me, all my flaws included. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Oh Ichi, I forgave you along time ago…"

"Be mine? Again? Give me another chance, please?" Before she could respond, he continued. "I will always love you and protect you, I promise you that. But please be patient with me, I tend to be a little dense and have a talent at fucking up."

"That's not true," Orihime frowned as tear fell. Ichigo brought one of his hands up and caressed her face, wiping the tear away. Biting on her lip, Orihime looked down at one of their hands entwined right above her stomach.

"Yes," she whispered looking up.

"Yes?" Ichigo asked with surprise and delight.

Orihime nodded.

Not spending another second, Ichigo slightly bent his head and moved in. When his lips touched her soft ones, sparks flew. It's been way too damn long. Oh how he missed this. If they weren't on a bus surrounded by people, he would've pounced on her. As Orihime parted her lips, Ichigo groaned. Too damn long. Not breaking the kiss, Ichigo grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up. As she straddled him, it was as if they were the only two there. Stuck in the moment, Ichigo was happy Orihime didn't say anything to break them up. Although they both were not one for public affection, this could be his one exception.

While she ran her hands under his shirt, he explored the depths of her perfect mouth. As Orihime moaned into the kiss, she continued roaming her hands up and down his chest. Biting down on the bottom of her lip, he saw her eyelids flutter open. Panting, they both took in gulps of air.

Ignoring someone clearing there voice to his right, Orihime brought her lips to his. If they weren't lost in each others touch, the orange haired pair would've noticed the area around them had gone completely silently.

Feeling someone poke his upper arms, numerous times, Ichigo growled and pulled back.

"What?" He breathlessly barked out.

"Umm," the flushed female cleared her throat regaining her composure, "There are children on this bus." She glared at Ichigo and Orihime removing her hand from over her child's eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Orihime apologized moving off Ichigo. When he felt her body heat gone a noise reverberated from the back of his throat, lifting her back up Orihime let out a squeal.

Placing her on his lap, he ran his hand through her hair.

"Don't think your going to get away so soon," Ichigo whispered into her neck.

"I-Ichi!" Orihime was flush the rest of the ride home.




Rattling the keys into the knob, Orihime kept dropping them.

"Ichi, if you keep touching me before I open the door we'll never get inside."

"Mhmm," Ichigo said as he stood behind her kissing the back of her neck. She was so soft and smelled so good, vanilla. He loved everything about her, could you blame him for missing her touch, her skin, her?

Finally managing to open the door, with help from a very touchy Ichigo, Orihime began giggling as he ran his hand under her shirt.

"My family is on the other side of this door!" She began laughing.

As the happy reunited pair walked inside, Orihime called for her family.

"Hello Mo-," she stopped mid sentence.

"We have company?" Ichigo asked from behind Orihime.

Sitting on the dining room chair was a very familiar looking blonde haired man. Walking through the kitchen was a smiling Yoruichi.

"Ichigo, Orihime, you made it." She placed a bowl of rice on the table. "Sora made dinner, feel free to join us. I'd like you to meet someone." Said person turned around and waved at the pair.

Orihime dropped her keys.

Ichigo sucked in a breathe.

"Meet Kisuke Urahara, my good… friend, turns out he came to Karakura a little earlier than expected to surprise me." Yoruichi smirked.

"Mother, wow," Orihime choked. "I-I didn't know you were dating the librarian."

Yoruichi and Kisuke began to laugh like there was no tomorrow.

Somewhere along the way Orihime blocked it all out and saw stars.


She fainted.

What did you think? I would love to know!

Sooo, what are your thoughts?

Kisuke Urahara makes his way!

Do you think he knows about Orihime's pregnancy? If so, will he tell Yoruichi?

Nemu and Uryu showed up,do you think he heard the truth..?

Ichi and Hime are back together! But will they stay together?

until next time,
