Joe had taken residence in the T.A.R.D.I.S. parked on the surface of the helicarrier. he was taking a break for the last week before the Head Death of the dimension returned.
However it wan't long until his week of R&R ended… Abruptly.
A woman snuck into the the room stealthily creeping into the room, her blade slid from her scabbard.
However, while her cybernetics hid her mind well, the muffled thoughts were still heard by Harry.
He was easily able to make out hostile intent.
He let loose a blasting hex in her direction however with her super human reflexes she was able to dodge the incoming spell.
Wanda was awoken by the commotion, and flung a hex bolt at the assassin.
Harry was able to pull the assassin's name from her mind - Gamora - and cast a discrete tripping hex on her.
Wanda took the opportunity and launched another hex bolt managing to catch her un her upper arm.
The green woman exploded into smoke leaving a small green beetle in her place.
Conjuring a bug jar, harry was able to catch up to the assassin and capture her in the jar.
It was not long before the bug was rounded up and sent to Henchgirl through the Floo.
However it was not long before Thanos realised his left hand was missing. he had been warned of this by his Mistress, and had planned well. he brought the Infinity gauntlet to bear using the mind gem on his captive.
A surprisingly docile Annihilus.
Annihilus had been captured in the negative zone, using his infinity gauntlet to stun him.
He commanded his mindless minion to attack mr Black.
It was not long before the lord of the negative zone was flying above the S.H.E.I.L.D. helicarrier.
However it wasn't long before the effect of the Mind gem wore off on the ruler. He stalled for a second however he was close enough to the helicarrier to be engulfed by Joe's massive Aura.
Scared by the threat, he instinctively created a shield to block it but, he did not realise that he was not in the negative zone.
The antiparticles collided explosively with the normal matter destroying him and his equipment leaving no trace.
Far overhead in space Thanos was seated on the control chair of sanctuary II.
He viewed the destruction of his pawn, the man would eventually turn up again and escape to the negative zone surviving there until the the dimension was destroyed… Though his control rod was destroyed, so he may die.
Enraged he launched one of the ranged weapons systems.
Unfortunately he accidentally activated one that was being serviced by several engineers.
And an important part had just been taken out.
the device shook before the energy was released… Explosively.
The explosion set of a chain reaction completely destroying all of the weapons systems, forcing Thanos to fight in person.
as he and his warriors entered the landing craft he had the remaining engineers repair the ship to return to Titian.
He touched down in Manhattan, in front of a surprisingly small fighting force, then the one in front moved he seemed to flicker before he was behind his lines, a void-black scythe in his hand.
Thanos was enraged, he brought his gauntlet to bear, only recently had the last piece been collected the Aether.
The six stones glowed before releasing a beam of pure energy.
Joe faded out of view, even as the energy beam blasted through the after-image, before he appeared on Thanos' arm, swinging the sword-form of the death scythe upwards cutting though the gauntlet and up into Thanos' arm, before letting it decapitate the Mad Titan
But the scythe still let Joe absorb the powers of the stones, awakening his ability as the Beast of Judgement… the End of Immortality… the God Slayer… The True Death.