Hi there, it's me again, the writer that no one cares about XD. Any how, this time, instead of writing cross-over actions I decided to try a proper fanfiction with a little more romance (for the ladies out there... *sign*). I will write some more if people actually read this publication, so please, if you like it then comment or follow; I won't disappoint you ;)
Touma had a dream one night, hell; it's one of those elapsing dreams he kept on having every night. It wasn't about that Russian gravure idol in bikinis he saw on those magazines sold in the local convenience store in, neither his neighborhood nor the battle with Accelerator; this dream had to do with a boy.
That black van… he muttered in his head, those guys wearing black ski masks… they're… taking him away… need… to stop them. At that point Touma usually finds himself on the ground powerlessly arching his hand out with his sight all blurry while the boy struggled to set himself loose; the boy yelled uncompromisingly, but no voice came out from his mouth.
Who could that boy be? Touma didn't know himself, but one thing was for sure; the boy saved him from getting abducted by those kidnappers. When the boy disappeared into the opaque as the kidnappers loaded him inside the back of the van which put Touma in an acute catatonic state; a mysterious, but rather familiar voice called him from the top saying:
"'Ello guv'nor!"
Touma turns to see who called him, but unfortunately; this is the end of the dream. Touma woke up on a warm summer morning where you can hear birds cheeping on a tree branch outside the window. Lifting his head up from the pillow; Touma narrowed his eye lids do to the bright sunbeams peering through the window shades and lets out an elongated yawn while scratching his spiky discombobulated hair.
Summer mornings a week before the vacation wasn't that bad compare to the cold winter mornings, especially when you smell that scrumptious scent of soy-sauce based omelet from the kitchen.
Touma jumped at that instant when the alarm clock went off and slammed the snooze button impulsively. He thought of buying a new one not only because it's broken, but also not to mention its archaic features of metallic frame and a miniature hammer between the two bells on its top.
Sitting up straight on the bed; Touma reached his arm towards the desk and began scrambling through multitudes of comic magazines and assignment papers in search for his phone in order to check the actual time. Flipping the phone, the digital clock on the main screen suggested: 6:00 AM. He then looked back at the alarm clock which also showed: 6:00 AM that caused Touma to lift one of his eye brows up in doubt.
"Hmmm? This doesn't sound right… I thought that this clock was an hour early, but…"
So then, Touma remembered about that reoccurring dream. To him, it was like he's stuck in some kind of a limbo; after having the same exact dream he always woke up an hour earlier than typical time.
Well, I guess I don't need to buy a new alarm clock after all; good to save some money. Touma smirked satisfyingly, but he only did it for the sake of pulling himself out from the gutter of that bizarre dream he had.
Touma shrugged and stood up from the bed and pulled the window shades up; the room illuminated instantaneously like if a hydrogen bomb exploded right in the sky. Bright and warm as ever; Touma can feel it in his vein as he changed to his school uniform. The metallic hangers clanged when he shut the closet door then Touma walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Coming out from the bathroom, an affectionate little voice accompanied Touma while he was adjusting his tie around his collar.
"Good morning Touma!"
Intriguingly enough, this simple phrase good morning was astonishingly amusing for Touma; almost as bedazzling as if Joe DiMaggio stepped into the New York Yankee stadium and as pleasant as a palm tree shades on a hot summer's afternoon. This certainly made Touma's morning.
"Wassup Index." Touma sat on the pavement while his hand slightly chilled by holding a cold glass of milk fresh from the fridge.
"Touma, Touma! Are we really going to Clack 'N' Cheese today for my birthday party?" The girl with the nun outfit took a nibble on her overly toasted bread and swallowed down without showing disgust.
"Of course, I promised you remember?" Replied Imagine Breaker.
"I can't ever be sure in trusting your words Touma because you have a tendency to lie and deceive…"
"Since when?! Stop making up stories that never occurred in the first place!" He rebuffed.
"It's so true! Last time, you promised me that we will go to 31st Johnson's together for ice cream instead; you ditched me and went out with that cocky short-haired girl!"
"I told you that I was forced to go against my own will! Why do you always have to doubt me on everything I say?!"
This conversation escalated to a point where they both started nagging each other like married couples subsequently, making them exhausted.
Fortunately, rather than being saved by the bell, a knock came from the door and bundles of letters were ejected from the postal hole. Touma returned from the hallway and opened the first later that was on the bundle.
It turned out to be that it was from his father saying:
"Dear Touma, how do you do? How's school going in the Academy City? I wrote this letter to you from Goah, India to inform you that your adopted twin brother will come to Japan and visit our house from South London. Your mother and I won't be back for a while hence, can you let him stay at your apartment until we return? Sincerely, from mom and dad. P.S.: I'm hoping to meet your girlfriend soon."
Huh? My brother? Did I have a brother before I lost my memory? Kamijou stirred his head in attempt to reckon, but it resulted laborious.
"Touma! Why did you ignore me?! That's so disrespectful of you!" Sphinx meowed as if it emphasized with what Index said.
"What?! You were still talking to me this time? I was going through my letters for Pete's sake!"
In that apartment room, there was no such thing as fair trial since the little nun always had the final say. At that moment, Index's fingers convoluted in anger then she jumped on Touma's head like a banshee and began chewing his hair while he struggled to shake her off… like always.
In the mist of commotion the door bell rang again and Kamijou went to open it while Index's was still on top of his head. When the door swung opened, a Caucasian man, same age as Touma, but slightly taller wearing a tight white t-shirt with a design of a monotonic tape player illustrated in a street calligraphic style and a light slim kakis pants underneath with a pair of sneakers.
The light brown haired man gazed at kamijou with his hazel eyes and smiled euphorically.
"'Ello guv'nor." He said it with delight.
So... how was the introduction? Provoking? Or just plain boring... :(
Nonetheless, cover art work by JxbP ( art/Misaka-Mikoto-389087954)