
A war has left a nation torn and its remaining heirs escaping with their lives. Little did the Admiral know that by taking them in, it would alter the life of his daughter drastically, especially when her curiosity draws her closer to the budding marksman. One night, after receiving news of her abduction, the ranger departs on an arduous journey, vowing to bring her home safely.



Note: Completely AU and possibly OOC, depending on future plot developments.

Finally managed to expand a rough plot into a decent enough chapter (I hope). I was hesitant on starting this as I have yet to finish the other stories started, but it kept bugging me over the months. I managed to find the time to sit down and get it off my mind. Now that I was able to get the flow going, I decided to share it.

I guess it'd be great if I could get a gauge of what people thought about the plot. Yes? No? Maybe? Continue? Stop? Shred it into itty bitty pieces?

*skillfully dodges rotten tomatoes*


Chapter 1

Italics – Thoughts

Tales passed down from grandparents to their grandchildren would comprise of how it was like in the Old Days. Back then, there was peace between the four kingdoms of Messa.

In the misty mountainous forests to the North, the people of Kagen resided. Kagen had the smallest land area and population amongst the four kingdoms, but their technologies were unsurpassable; or so it was told. Much was unknown about the small kingdom, as the quiet people were seldom seen in the rest of the kingdoms, preferring to keep to themselves. Shrouded by the dense forest, many a traveler had never made it back out again. There were legends of exceptional archers and rangers from the rare occasion that one appeared in a town. It was said that an arrow once let loose from the hunter's bow, never missed its target. Further myths were that the people of Kagen rode on mysterious Snow Wolcons, flying beasts that sported vicious canines of wolves and speed of falcons. What a Kagen Ranger could do with a sharp aim and a swift mount, one wouldn't want to find out.

The largest land area belonged to the Chryzan Republic. The Southern Great Plains crossed several thousands of miles. Under the guidance of their leader, Councilor Chyzan, the large population supported a vast economy. You could find the best musicians, artists, potters and weavers in Chryzan. The best wheat and grain came from the outlying farms; and the most sought after material: silk, from Chyzan. Horned Striders were the preferred choice for transport and assistance to the Chryzans. Not taking into account their slight speed deficiency and the blind spot caused by the large horn in front of their snouts, these bulky animals were powerful enough to take down a dozen men in a single charge and strong enough for working the farms and transporting goods across the large empire.

The grizzled and tough citizens of Arixia Nation were unyielding when it came to their work and attitude. Some would say they were outright brutish. A significant part of their kingdom comprised of a desert and most of their citizens were grizzled miners, masons or metalworkers. Under the harsh weather, both climate and trade made the citizens who they are today. So attuned to these strained conditions that over the decades, their citizens developed immunity to the poisonous sting from the carnivorous Sand Scorpions, which they now fight and then tame as transport. The Sand Scorpion unit of Arixia made up for their lack in numbers with lethal stings that could fell even a large Horned Strider and with two offensive pincers. Miners and blacksmiths by trade; they harvest rich minerals from the rich mountains that surrounded the Nation. More recently, their attention turned toward the untapped mountains that bordered Kagen and Arixia. However, most miners knew better than to set foot into the Kagen forests, lest be consumed by it.

Facing the Eastern Seas, the dignified people of Vitilus resided. The slightly off-white buildings and neatly paved roads were all made of the abundant sandstone found in their country. Gathering fine sand from the shores, Vitilus also gave birth to many skilled glassblowers and their works of art could be found throughout their towns. Albeit smaller in land area than the Southern Great Plains, their people were prosperous and wealthy as they were also the only suppliers of highly demanded sea products. Their pride and joy – the amphibious Talon Raptors. These stealthy creatures thrived on the land and sea that the Vitilus climate offered. Fully equipped with a pair of razor sharp talons and a terrifying acidic spray, these creatures were superb in aiding their human counterparts in fishing for prey. With their steadfast companions, Vitilus had the primary control of the vast sea of Messa. Their specialized units of Talon Raptors could sink enemy ships by swimming underwater undetected and their naval supremacy was unmatched.


The time of peace and prosperity was shattered when the neighboring country of Arixia saw the death of its patriarch. With the reins of leadership handed over to the young yet power-hungry heir, the long lasting peace between the kingdoms of the land was literally fed to the flames within his second year of power. The first to fall was Kagen – Arixia's next door neighbor. Their population was small and largely spread across the mountains. There wasn't much strategy in the new heir's attack – merely using the strength of numbers and also by collapsing many mountain paths to cut off reinforcements.

With him leading the frontlines, the army clad in black rampaged and pillaged the outlying areas of Kagen. Sanctioned by the newly crowned king, the black army employed harsh tactics, setting entire villages ablaze and committing acts of unspeakable evil. Even the fact that the civilian populace was combat ready, Kagen found it difficult to match the numbers and callousness of the Arixia Nation. Rangers exceled at picking off small numbers of soldiers but were cut down quickly with a large numbers. The minute a Snow Wolcon was grounded, they and their riders were swarmed and all found themselves on the receiving end of poisonous stings. It was only a matter of time, with the forests to the capital razed ruthlessly to smoldering ashes, when the armies began marching for the capital.


The hall was lined with thick stone columns on the side, crowned with large gold rings at the top and bottom. The polished marble floor had seen its fair share of glamorous events, where citizens and ministers alike would gather with the royal family to celebrate festivals and the like.

A petite woman was sprinting down the long corridors that led toward the hall. Supported by her small, slightly sloped shoulders, she cradled a young child with her right arm. With her left, she grasped tightly onto her older daughter's hand, leading them down the halls which once granted her safety and sanctuary. Across her back, she slung a bow, a stunning deep blue with gold trimmings – a symbol of the royal family.

She glanced quickly behind her, only to see a dim illumination from behind, slowly but surely closing the distance between. The Queen expelled a short breath when an arrow came whizzing past her left. She was glad they had bad aim.

The guard in front of her hastily opened an old, moldy door ahead and the crisp night breeze stung as she caught her breath. "We will slow them down," the captain of the guard huffed. "I would rather die than let them get their hands on you and the princesses."

"No! We can still..!" she raised a hand to stop him, but he quickly signaled for the small handful of guards. They nodded and formed the line, ready to shoot down the incoming pursuers. "Forgive me for defying your last instruction." He clenched a fist over his heart, giving her a short bow.

She glanced at her children, before hardening her heart and unwillingly tore herself away from the scene. She heard the faint scuffle as her men clashed with the pursuers before she led her children into the dark forest ahead of them. As she stumbled through the woods, the long branches swiped her snow white cheeks but she couldn't care less. She had to save her children. It was an unspoken promise between her and her husband before he left with the army and personal guards to meet the invaders.

"Mom!" her elder daughter cried as the Queen collapsed onto the muddy ground, using her arm to shield the child she was carrying. The young girl of about twelve quickly set the bundle of cloth she was clutching onto down on the ground. She scampered over the long, gnarly tree root that caused her mother to trip, desperate to see if her mother was alright.

The Queen gave her daughter a quick brush on the cheek in assurance and tried to pick herself up. She grit her teeth as a sharp pain shot through her ankle before collapsing again, barely supported by her daughter. She knew she couldn't carry on.

The Queen turned and faced her daughter, brushing her matted hair back to reveal a pair of worried eyes. "Dearest, listen to me. I'm sorry I can't be with you and your sister anymore." She pulled out an enclosed letter and slipped the bow off her back. "Take your sister and head eastwards toward Vitilus. Your father prepared this letter before he left. I don't think I can go on any farther."

The girl blinked, overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. She couldn't leave her mother behind..! She shook her head vehemently.

Shouts could be heard in the distance and the Queen clutched her daughter's face urgently, "Listen to me, you need to go. Take care of your sister and remember what your father and I taught you. This is real. Do not hesitate to release your arrows."

Still, the girl refused to budge, as though in a drunken stupor.

Frantic, the Queen shook her shoulders, jerking her back to reality. "Don't be afraid to face your fears to protect the ones you love."

The twelve year old bit her quivering lip, nodding, "I love you too, mom." She quickly gathered the bow and cloth bundle before picking up her little sister. Before she disappeared into the depths of the forests, she turned around once more. Her mother nodded and stumbled off in the opposite direction, purposefully leaving obvious tracks and noise.


The crescent moon shed a faint glow at the exposed cliff's edge. The Queen had spied the small clearing and limped her way toward it. She peered down the staggering drop and she could barely make out the dark sea waters below.

A group of scouts burst through the forests and surrounded her warily, as she took a step back toward the ledge. They couldn't risk her jumping off. Their orders were clear – to obtain the Kagen royal crowns for their king as a war prize. They had already obtained the one that belonged to the King.

"Step away from the ledge, Queen of Kagen. We promise not to harm you. I have direct orders from my lord."

"I actually find that very hard to believe," she shook her head, clear in her objective to dawdle as long as possible. "From the way your people ravaged our lands, I really don't think compassion is anywhere in Nagi's books."

He lied, "That's where you're wrong, my Queen. My lord Nagi does not advocate violence…"

A loud crash interrupted his sentence and a large Sand Scorpion dashed out from the trees, easily picking up the woman in front of it with its thick claws, before flinging her to the ground. Its rider turned to the scout, sneering, "Never send weaklings to do a commander's job. Get the damn crown, vermins. Lord Nagi is waiting in the throne room and he's growing impatient."

The scouts nodded and immediately ran over to pick up the fallen crown off the ground.

The heavily armored commander hopped off his mount and squatted beside the fallen woman. He picked her up roughly by the neck as he drew his blade. "With you gone, I guess this is the end for Kagen." He plunged his sword into her abdomen forcefully, barely twitching as she coughed blood on his helmet when he tugged it out. He dropped her to the floor and glanced over the ledge. Without a second thought, he kicked her, sending her flying off the ledge.


Across from the cliff, hidden in the dense foliage, stood the pair of siblings.

They watched as the scene unfolded before them.

The younger girl let out a whimper as she saw her mother picked up by the menacing arthropod and thrown around carelessly.

Her sobs grew louder when she saw the sword being removed from its sheath.

She didn't see what happened next as her vision was obscured by a pair of hands.

She felt herself being picked up and she buried her head into sister's shoulder, trying to muffle her cries.

Her young mind couldn't really recall the events that happened after.

She awoke the next morning to find herself comfortably nestled on soft hay and the realization that she slept the night off due to sheer exhaustion.

She immediately scrambled up, tumbling out of the abandoned shelter, her eyes desperately scanning the treetops of her missing sister.

She spun around when she heard a soft rustle behind her.

Her eyes lit up when she realized it was the last remaining member of her family. She instinctively sidled up to her sister and clutched on her free hand, ready to follow her anywhere.

The tiniest member of the Kagen Royal Family was just too young when everything happened.

Had her eyes roamed further ahead, she would have noticed the fallen corpses of a small Arixian patrol squad. If she'd examined the arrows from in the quiver, she would have noticed that the sharp tips were now laced with blood. She would also been able to notice that her sister's arm now sported a crude new tourniquet.

Perhaps, ignorance is bliss.