OOC. Flame. Praise. Say "Nyan Cat rules". I don't care. Whoo!

Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors but I do own my OCs!

One night, there was suddenly a tremendously bright pillar of light that shot straight up into StarClan and lit up the whole sky. The StarClan cats were baffled at this unusual phenomenon.

"Oh my, what is that?" Spottedleaf asked, her eyes wide in shock and wonder.

"Look!" Bluestar, beside her, gestured with her blue-grey tail down below. "There's an egg!"

There was indeed an egg. A very large egg about the size of a mountain. It was pure white, as white as the freshest snow, and had golden sparkles circling around it.

"Is this the egg from the prophecy?" Spottedleaf whispered in awe.

"What prophecy?" Bluestar asked hurriedly, impatient. "And where in Silverpelt could StarClan cats get prophecies?"

"I got a message from… ClanStar," Spottedleaf murmured mysteriously, dropping her voice so only Bluestar could hear.

"ClanStar?" Bluestar's deep blue eyes widened in wonder and curiosity.

"Yes," Spottedleaf answered in a very serious tone. "Few cats know about it, but there is indeed a group of cats known as ClanStar." She brightened up and her tone was cheery now. "In fact, they live right above us!"

Bluestar and Spottedleaf both looked up, and they saw an elevator lowering itself from a blanket of rainbow-colored clouds above. A purple tomcat with a mustache, his fur glistening in the moonlight, stepped out from the elevator.

"Purplefur," Spottedleaf gasped, immediately bowing down in respect. Bluestar did too.

"Hello," Purplefur greeted in a deep Italian accent.

"We saw a huge egg, Purplefur!" Spottedleaf exclaimed. "It was white and held golden sparkles. It was the one you told us about in the prophecy!"

"Indeed." Purplefur nodded. "An egg alone can save our clan."

"Wait!" Bluestar protested. "I thought the prophecy was: fire alone can save our clan. Wasn't it about a cat who'll become leader later on and be named Firestar?"

"No. Screw Firestar," Purplefur spat. "Watch the egg. There will be a surprising and shocking result."

"What is it?" Spottedleaf and Bluestar asked simultaneously with burning curiosity.

Purplefur fell silent for a few seconds, as if thinking hard. Then he shrugged.

"I dunno."

Suddenly, cracks started to appear on the large sparkling egg. Every crack glowed intensely and sent a blinding beam of light straight into Bluestar, Spottedleaf, and Purplefur's eyes. Bluestar and Spottedleaf went blind from the pure amazingness of the egg cracking.

Spottedleaf started running around in circles but she couldn't see, so she fell out of the clouds of StarClan and crashed into the ground, then died. Again.

Bluestar started furiously waving her paws around, trying to find Purplefur.

"PURPLEFUR!" she shrieked. "SPOTTEDLEAF!"

Then one of her paws accidentally thwacked Purplefur across the face.

"OW!" Purplefur yowled. "My beautiful face!"

"Help! I can't see!" Bluestar continued screaming. "Wait, can you see?"


"How come I got blinded and you didn't?!"

"I had ma special sunglasses especially made to protect one's eyes from blinding beams of an egg cracking," Purplefur explained calmly.


Purplefur sighed and padded over to the end of a rainbow and reached into a pot that a unicorn gave him. He collected something in his paws and walked back to Bluestar. Then he dumped it over Bluestar's head. They were magical sprinkles.

"These are magical sprinkles that will help you regain your eyesight so you can watch the egg hatch," Purplefur told her. And amazingly, Bluestar blinked, and she could see again!

"Now watch!" Purplefur pointed to the egg.

The cracks got bigger and bigger and wider and wider… but suddenly, just before it fully cracked, the cracks stopped cracking.

"Why did it stop cracking?" asked Bluestar angrily.

"It's sad," Purplefur observed. "We need to sing to it. Then it'll crack and reveal what's inside."

So they sang to the egg.

After a few songs, the cracks began widening again, and the egg started vibrating. Bluestar and Purplefur watched in anticipation. But then it stopped again.

"WTF." Bluestar face-pawed. "This'll never work."

"It's hungry now," Purplefur said. "Do you still have that golden fudge cake Lionheart gave to you a few sunrises ago?"

Bluestar pulled a giant golden fudge cake out from her pelt pocket. "Yes, but…" Bluestar hesitated.

"Feed it to the egg."


"Feed it to the egg!"

"No! That fudge cake is the one thing I loved that my mother didn't eat!"


Purplefur got mad and pushed the golden fudge cake down. It fell from the clouds just like Spottedleaf did earlier and landed beside the egg without a dent. The egg looked at the fudge cake and swallowed it after a few seconds.

"Now it should continue!" Purplefur exclaimed happily.

"You're paying me $50.95 for that!" Bluestar threw a tantrum. She calmed down after Purplefur told her he'd buy her another one. Then she stared at the egg intently with a mix of impatience, desperation, and anger.

The sparkling egg started wobbling around. One final crack sliced it open, and another blinding beam of light shot out. Luckily, Bluestar had used her super speed and hurried to the sunglass store when everyone wasn't looking, and bought a pair of special sunglasses used to protect one's eyes from the blinding beams of an egg cracking.

The egg's shells fell to the ground and revealed what's inside. It was glowing golden. Bluestar and Purplefur gasped and stretched their necks, standing on their tip-toes on the edge of the clouds, straining to see what was inside, and suddenly, they caught a glimpse of it.

It was another egg.

Bluestar's eye twitched.