A/N- first let me say I am no FF "writer". They're so many REAL talents out there who can create these amazing SL & I am definitely NOT one of them...this is just my attempt to keep Oliterz's hopes alive because the struggle is real. Oh...and a little smut to help get us through the summer doesn't hurt either ? I will try to keep the story going throughout the summer as best I can.
No Escaping Him - Uncensored
Chapter 1: A Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III Punishment Fuck
"Where's Olivia?"
Fitz felt weak. He knew he couldn't stand upright, let alone walk. A piercing throb pulsated his chest. His pulse was racing and for the life of him he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. Sweat began to accumulate on the back of his neck and palms. He could sense the fear in Mellie's voice. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted her reaching for his phone but no words were being spoken.
He knew Olivia wasn't answering.
From a distance he recognized Tom enter the Oval Office. He knelt down beside him next to Mellie. Fitz could feel him inches from his ear. His body tensed when Tom whispered Olivia's detail just checked in. She was last seen boarding a plane.
The blackness engulfed him when he heard Jake Ballard was accompanying her.
6 months later
Fitz awoke with a jolt. He was having the same nightmare again. Reaching for the lamp he caught glimpse of the pill bottle on the night stand. Every night like clock work he awoke from the same dream. And every morning he began his day by swallowing two pills. He needed them to take the edge off.
If was 4:15am. His morning briefing would be coming shortly. He sat up while popping the pills in his mouth. His throat welcomed the cool water that followed.
Fitz sat up on the edge of the bed and put his head into his hands. Visions of Olivia flooded his mind. Her smell...her taste...her eyes...she simply overwhelmed him. What he would give to hold her again. That familiar anger he was so used to feeling stirred deep inside.
It was now on autopilot.
Six months with no contact from her was slowly little by little eating away at him. He wasn't sleeping. He wasn't eating. He was lucky to even make it through the day. The entire White House staff was afraid of him. Fitz knew he was spiraling out of control and the one person who could remedy that was nowhere to be found.
Fitz rose and quickly dressed. He wanted to get to the Oval before Cyrus. He was tired of hearing him speak the same broken record about Olivia again and again. He wanted to begin his day with quiet.
The quiet let him think of Olivia without interruptions.
Fitz could respect the fact Olivia needed space. Hell, he would've arranged her a getaway himself. But for her to leave with Jake was not something Fitz was going to take lightly. Or at least without a damn good fight. He was dressed and out the door in 10 minutes, Secret Service greeting him outside the hall.
The Oval Office smelled a mixture of fresh flowers and wood polisher. Fitz grabbed his briefing folder and stood at the window. The Washington sun was creeping through the branches of the century oak tree standing tall before him.
Flipping through the pages Fitz buzzed Lauren for some morning coffee. She entered into the room almost seconds later.
"Mr. President, I'm placing the over night messages for you on the desk. Your 6:00am briefing with General Sharpe has been pushed 30 minutes. The luncheon with Prime Minister Cameron has been confirmed for tomorrow at noon. Mrs. Grant will be returning tomorrow morning to join you. And Mr. Beene has asked me to remind you..."
"That will be all Lauren."
Fitz cut Lauren off in mid sentence. He could give a damn what Cyrus wanted him to be reminded of. He slowly picked up his coffee cup and took a much needed sip. It was made exactly how he preferred- black, strong, and with a generous splash of cognac.
The leather of his seat creaked as Fitz made himself comfortable in his chair. He checked his watch and realized he had almost a full hour before his 6:00am meeting.
Fitz threw the folder he had been looking through on his desk. He began rubbing his forehead, silently pleading his head to stop throbbing. He sat there for a few mins taking a few more generous sips of his morning concoction.
The bottom right drawer of his desk began calling his name like it did day after day. No matter what he did he couldn't resist opening it. Inside were the briefing notes detailing the last time Olivia was seen before boarding the plane with Jake.
Fitz read these documents cover to cover hundreds of times. Despite having the pages memorized, he opened the drawer once again and took the large envelope out. This envelope had become his obsession. It was his last link to Olivia's whereabouts.
The details inside were precious to him.
His eyes began to sting as he fought off the tears. He simply couldn't accept the fact Olivia would leave this way...especially with Jake. His heart began to ache.
After carefully combing over every detail again Fitz threw the envelope back in the drawer and slammed it shut. He stood from the desk and faced the window again placing his hands inside his pockets. He stared at nothing in particular and allowed his thoughts to fill with Olivia.
"Mr. President, did you hear me, sir?"
Fitz snapped out of his trance and turned his head slightly to the right. He knew Cyrus was behind him.
"My briefing was pushed 30 mins Cyrus. You know, I have a secretary to answer these types of questions. I'm sure you're quite satisfied in the funds we are using to pay Lauren."
"Yes, sir." Cyrus replied.
Fitz felt a pang of sadness at the look on Cyrus's face but it faded quickly. He was sick of getting lectures from him regarding the resources used to search for Olivia. Every available agent had direct orders to find her and the longer it took, the deeper Fitz's anger grew inside.
He no longer had Mellie to feed this emotion. She was now busying herself with Andrew, which on some level made Fitz more grateful than anything. For now, Cyrus was his punching bag and it shamed him to no end. Not only was Cyrus still grieving James but he was also making many decisions for Fitz where the nation was concerned.
Fitz hadn't felt this alone since his mothers passing.
The rest of the day was like all the others...a blur. He bounced from meeting to meeting; his body the only thing present. It was now evening and dawn began to settle in.
Fitz had just returned to his private quarters when his phone buzzed. It was the secure line. He immediately answered it.
"Sir, we have her." Tom's voice was pleased.
His grip around the phone tightened. This was the call he had been waiting for.
Olivia sat in the car wiping her tear stained face with a tissue. She spent the last 6 months trying to avoid this moment. She knew Fitz would come looking for her but the fact of him actually finding her was not something she even considered. Rowan had meticulously planned every last detail of her disappearance.
It amazed her to no end how resourceful Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III could be when he needed to.
Visions of her last encounter with Fitz replayed like a bad dream. She sat in the hospital waiting room listening to Fitz explain how Jerry really died. Olivia closed her eyes and rested the back of her head against the leather seat. The pain in her heart was suffocating.
How could she ever look Fitz in the eyes again?
Tears began to fall down her face once more. She didn't want to see Fitz. Despite loving him with everything she had, she just couldn't be with him. And why would he want her anyway? She was the reason he lost so much.
Daniel turned the car down Pennsylvania Avenue. Olivia kept her eyes tightly shut. Her conscience began to play tricks on her. The White House used to represent a place of hope...of possibility. Now it symbolized tragedy and she wanted nothing to do with it.
As if to read her mind, Daniel announced their ETA.
"I have been instructed to drive you to the Air Force One Tarmac Ms. Pope. The President will be meeting us there."
Olivia's eyes flew open and glared at the back of the agents head. She just got off a plane and was now going to board another one? Frustration festered inside.
Fitz had a lot of nerve.
Olivia didn't bother to argue. Enough of a scene had been made when the agents located her condo in Grenada. She had been escorted out like an escaped felon, as if they were afraid she might disappear before their eyes. The locals bombarded the streets trying to catch a glimpse of the ruckus. Olivia was mortified beyond imagine and despite her efforts with the agents she knew she was pleading to deaf ears.
Olivia caught glimpse of her reflection in the rear view mirror; her face sunken and thin. Red eyes stared back at her. She didn't want to be seen this way. Reaching for her purse she noticed her hands trembling; slowly she attempted to straighten herself up.
Why did this man have such an affect on her?
Air Force One was a vision. Olivia would never tire of her beauty. She remembered her first campaign trail with Fitz. She was constantly catching him looking at her. It seemed innocent enough at first until she found herself disappointed when he wasn't looking. That's when things started to get complicated.
Two impeccably dressed United States Marine Officers were at the bottom of the steps standing at attention. Olivia's fingers began to grow numb from the tight grip she had around her purse. She had zero luggage with her. Secret Service didn't even have the decency to allow her to pack a bag.
The black limousine came to a halt in front of the long staircase in between the two Marines. She took one last deep breath before making her way past the saluted officers and up the stairs. Once inside she took two steps before becoming completely paralyzed. Behind the large cherry oak desk sat Fitz; his right forefinger tracing the edge of his glass in a repeated pattern. His face was hard; his eyes focusing on anywhere but her. He was in a dark suit; his top bottom undone.
Olivia wasn't sure what to do. She certainly didn't want to be the first person to talk. Scanning the plane she didn't see the usual staff that accompanied the President although she was certain Secret Service was on board somewhere. The air between them shifted as the pilot entered.
"Mr. President, are you expecting anyone else?"
Fitz stood and lifted his glass. He threw back the rest of his drink before answering. Olivia stood mesmerized by his every move.
"No, Monroe I'm pretty confident Ms. Pope won't be bringing anyone along during this flight." His tone was short and sarcastic.
Piercing blue eyes met Olivia head on. She could tell it was difficult for him to not reach for her. She watched the lining of his jaw twitch. Angry wasn't the word for the expression on his face. Olivia knew this look all too well. The last time Fitz glared at her like this he fucked her senseless in the server closet and sent her on her way.
Olivia was about to respond when Fitz turned and went into his private sleeping quarters slamming the door shut behind him. Olivia stood there stunned. He hadn't spoken a word to her. Tears filled her eyes and she felt shunned, like an outcast. She wanted to be back in Grenada where no one knew her and she could be invisible.
Clearly he was making a point. He was mad as fuck at her and he was going to make sure she knew it.
There was no escaping him this time.
Hastily, she turned towards the pilot who was making his way back to the cockpit.
"Where are we going?" Olivia asked. Her voice above a whisper.
The pilot turned and courteously tipped his hat to her. His eyes were a warm brown and twinkled with slight amusement. No doubt he was aware of Fitz's "orders" where Olivia was concerned.
"Vermont, ma'am."
Fitz slammed the door behind him and sank against the wall. Every fiber in his body wanted to touch Olivia. She looked tired, almost frail. And he could tell she had been crying.
The anger he felt for her overwhelmed him. He hadn't been this upset with her sense defiance and he wasn't sure how to handle it. He had so many things to ask her. So many things he simply couldn't understand. He hadn't seen her in 6 months and now she was here; yet he couldn't allow his mind to feel the happiness in his heart.
Fitz took his jacket off and threw it on the bed. He walked towards the phone on the wall and dialed 0. Tom immediately answered.
"You have him?" Fitz barked.
"Yes, Mr. President. He's secure."
"Keep him alive."
Fitz spoke these words through clenched teeth before hanging up. He had learned after Olivia was found she and Jake were living in a two bedroom condo together. The thought of him having free access to her fed a rage in him he couldn't control. Not only was he still grieving the loss of his son but he was also grieving losing Olivia...and to a man he learned had brought her physical harm. It was enough to send him over the edge at any moment. He was going to make this man pay.
This was the one thing that WAS actually now in his control.
Fitz began to undress and poured himself another glass of bourbon. He walked into the adjacent bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet taking two pills out of the bottle. Still nursing a headache he welcomed the medicine and liquor combination.
Closing the medicine cabinet he saw Olivia in the mirror. She was standing in the doorway, her fingers knotted together. The sadness in her eyes matched his insides.
Life would be so much simpler if she didn't own his heart.
They stood there for a few moments taking the other in. He finally allowed himself to study her the way he was accustomed to. Fitz found himself gripping the edge of the sink with both hands; his boxers fighting to free his growing erection.
She truly was a vision.
"Why are we going to Vermont?" Olivia's voice broke the silence.
Fitz let go of the sink but didn't turn around. He was afraid of being too close to her. He wanted so badly to touch her but he simply couldn't and he wasn't sure how long his willpower would last.
"Does he make you happy?" Fitz chose his words carefully and he could tell Olivia was caught off guard by the question.
Tension between them filled the air.
The intercom interrupted her with Monroe's voice filling the room. They were about to take off and were being asked to buckle themselves in.
Neither one of them moved.
Fitz needed to know the answer to this question.
"Does he...Olivia. Are you happy?" Fitz spoke the words so slow as if he didn't even comprehend the question.
"Why are you asking me that Fitz?" Her tone slightly annoyed.
Fitz was practically screaming now; his back muscles flexing in anger.
Olivia took a step towards Fitz who was still facing the bathroom mirror. He watched as she placed her left hand on his shoulder. Fitz's body flinched at the contact surprising him more than anything. He saw the horror on Olivia's face. Tears sprung the corner of her eyes.
For as long as he has been with Olivia his body has never reacted this way towards her.
Olivia turned and walked out of the bathroom. Fitz gripped the edges of the sink; this time with such force he thought he may bring actual damage to the marble. The plane began to ascend and he assumed Olivia returned to her seat. He had to calm himself down because he still needed answers and he sensed Olivia was very close to shutting down. He closed his eyes and hung his head down ashamed he screamed at her that way.
He wasn't sure if they would ever get past this.
Air Force One reached its altitude of 15,000 feet. Monroe made a few more other announcements Olivia didn't particularly listen to. She sat on the corner of the bed waiting for Fitz to come out of the bathroom while fighting the urge to fall apart. Seeing Fitz this angry was heart wrenching. This is the last thing he needed right now. He should be grieving the loss of his son instead of worrying about her happiness.
SHE was the real problem in his life. Olivia couldn't comprehend why Fitz couldn't accept this.
Fitz retreated from the bathroom and seemed startled by her presence on the bed. She couldn't judge the temperament by the look on his face.
"I don't want to fight." Olivia blurted out before she lost the nerve. Her pride now wounded beyond imagine. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Fitz reacted to her.
For the first time in their rocky relationship Olivia felt completely and utterly at fault. While she was actually trying to protect Fitz it was evident she hurt him beyond measure.
As much as she didn't want to discuss the past 6 months Olivia knew she at least owed him the answer to his question.
"No, he doesn't." Olivia blurted. "He doesn't and I'm anything but happy."
Fitz visibly exhaled and crossed his arms. Olivia tried not to stare at the muscularity oozing from his bare chest.
"Why did you leave me?"
THAT was a topic Olivia definitely didn't want to discuss. She wanted to make things better and the only thing she thought to do was try to get his mind on something else.
Olivia stood and slowly began to unbutton her ivory silk blouse. She let it fall to the floor watching his eyes fixate on her breasts. His face was still hard and showed no emotion.
Olivia stood there a long minute waiting for a reaction.
Fitz walked towards to her, turning her around sharply. He pulled her close to him wrapping one arm around her waist tucking it underneath. She could feel his hard erection press into her backside. Olivia took her free arm and tried to link it behind his head into his hair; it was "her thing" and something she took great pleasure in doing.
Fitz grabbed the other arm quickly denying her access. Olivia felt his chin stubble graze her right ear.
"Don't start something you can't finish Olivia." Fitz voice was dangerously low and full of threat.
Olivia submitted her body to him allowing her curves to fall into their familiar place. She closed her eyes and prayed the aching in between her legs subsided.
Fitz began pushing his bulge into the small of her back while securing Olivia's wrists into his left hand. He pushed her navy blue capris down to her ankles.
"Please..."Olivia breathed...her pulse now quickening.
Fitz slid her black thong down her legs and brought them to his other hand. He quickly tied them around her wrists binding them together. They were now resting in front of her stomach much to her dismay. She wanted nothing more than to touch this man. Despite these feelings, she was beyond aroused by his actions.
Leave it to the President of the United States to use her panties against her.
Fitz spread her legs wider apart and sunk two fingers deep inside her without warning. She cried out in pleasure.
He was being anything but gentle.
Olivia could feel her fluid sliding down her thighs. Her insides began to tingle and she desperately wanted to orgasm. It had been months and her body was demanding release.
Fitz withdrew his two fingers much to Olivia's dismay. She felt his fingers push her bra down forcefully and grab her nipples. They immediately hardened at the contact. Olivia could feel her body begin to perspire. He now began to massage her breasts, one with each hand; his fingers pulling each nipple in a repeated pattern.
They were still standing upright; Fitz's back now against the wall.
His head was in her hair while his fingers returned to her core, entering her with such force she let out a scream. He lowered his lips to her ear again.
"Let me be clear, this is for me...not you...understand."
Olivia knew exactly what this meant.
She prayed her body could survive a Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III punishment fuck.
Olivia kept her body tightly pressed against him while his hands had his way with her. Her wrists continued to be held together with her panties, a site she would forever hold to memory.
Fitz smelled the perfect mixture of cologne and sweat. His hands were everywhere, constantly, followed by his lips...never staying in the same place for long. There wasn't an area of her body Fitz didn't brush against and it aroused her to no end. Olivia desperately wanted to come. It was beyond frustrating but Fitz wouldn't stay in a place long enough to give her a chance.
It was sheer torture.
Finally, Fitz laid Olivia down on the bed resting her on her forearms. She silently prayed her legs could withstand what was about to come. He spread her knees far apart pulling her backside up in mid air completely exposing her.
Wasting no time, he slammed his thick cock inside. Olivia buried her head into the sheets trying to stifle her moans. He felt exquisite entering her, his hands securely fastened at her hips.
"Why did you leave me?" His voice so harsh the words stung like an invisible bruise.
Olivia couldn't think straight. Fitz was so far inside her she began feeling lightheaded. His rhythm was urgent...precise. He didn't fill her for long before pulling out again and again; his balls slapping her pearl with every thrust. She longed for it to be caressed. One touch and she knew it would be the orgasm of a lifetime.
"Please. I...I..Don't. Know." was all she could muster out.
Fitz pulled out completely this time. He readjusted her stance spreading her knees even wider until her pussy was completely exposed.
Fitz entered her again quickly; his hands returning to her waist. Olivia knew he was denying her an orgasm.
"ANSWER ME Olivia!"His voice full of determination.
She could feel his warm breathe against her ear lobe; his tongue slightly licking it again and again. It sent shivers down her spine.
His thrusts inside her became too much. Too deliberate. Olivia felt as if she was being punished. Her breasts ached and wanted to be touched. And so did the rest of her body. She was growing weak; her thighs beginning to burn.
Olivia's pearl was now on fire and needed stroking. She moaned incoherently at the frustration.
"Please touch me Fitz. PLEASE make me come...p-l-ease. Olivia was in a full blow pant unable to catch her breath.
Olivia could now feel him brushing his lips fully against her cheek. Excitement grew inside her. Fitz hadn't truly kissed her at all and she turned her face towards him in anticipation.
"Does he fuck you this way too?" Fitz's voice was pained and full of agony.
This was a slap in Olivia's face.
Olivia jerked her head away from him. Hot tears began to fall continuously down her cheeks. Fitz never brought up Jake this way. She knew leaving pushed him too far.
"Fitz, let me touch you. I NEED to touch you. Please." Olivia knew she sounded pathetic but didn't care. She desperately wanted Fitz to know how much she wanted HIM. How much she loved HIM.
Sobs continued to escape her while deep fluid thrusts entered her center mercilessly over and over and over again.
"WHY did you leave me? Tell me WHHHY?"
Olivia couldn't take it anymore. Her body was begging for release and she began to feel despair.
Fitz stilled and immediately released her hips gently pulling himself out from her center. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close kissing the side of her neck softly.
Olivia could feel his tears against her skin. He untied the panties freeing her wrists, linking her fingers with his. She sat cradled in his lap overcome with emotion. No more words were exchanged. Only the sound of heart break filled the air.
It felt so good to cry. And scream. And just be held.