Hey guys, The Girl with Blue Feathers here. Now; I AM AN ASSHOLE. Just a shoutout that I'm finally doing as i once promised, and will soon be back on my feet, metaphorically, and writing again. I'm currently away from home, but the moment I return, I plan to dig through my pile of books and retrieve and read the lunar chronicles, get some oneshots of Scar and Wolf up, and start that aftermath story i kinda promised, starring Scar's kid Carrot and a few plot twists along the way that you'll never expect. I will not be known as this blue-feathered female, though. Now, I'm off to start getting this account up and running again. And I'm sorry for being such an ASSHOLE.

Oh, and one last thing...how's a Raven like a writing desk?

Yours truly, and planning to not be such a jerk, IAmRaven