Ch 1: Boredom, or Insanity?


Across the sideways city, the sounds of clashing swords echoed. As a cloaked figure raced closer, the sounds became louder and more defined. With one more flash step the cloaked figure arrived at the scene of the fight. A tall boy in black robes with bright orange hair was fighting what could have been his shadow, except he was all white. Noticing the new arrival, both turned to see Zangetsu watching them.

"Hey Ossan!" Greeted the orange haired teen.

Zangetsu started to reply, "Don't get distracted in a fight Ichigo. You won't know-" he was cut off as Shiro shot forward and knocked Ichigo over the head with the flat side of his sword. "what your opponent will do." He finished with a sigh as Ichigo dropped to the ground holding his head.

"Darn it! Was that really necessary Shiro?!"

"Hey, you practically begged for it, turning away from me like that." Shiro retorted, resting his blade on his shoulder. Ichigo just sat on the ground muttering and rubbing his head.
"Did you need something, Ossan?" Ichigo asked.

"If you two are done arguing, would you care to join me?" Zangetsu asked. This earned a surprised look from both twins, which quickly turned into nervous suspicion. Zangetsu rarely invited them to do anything without there being some sort of catch.

"What for?"

"There is someone here waiting for you. You should go see what they want."

"How is there a visitor here? I thought only the three of us could be here." Ichigo stated.

"It's possible, but not common. A person can visit another's inner world with help and permission from both person's Zanpakuto spirits." Shiro explained.

"Alright, fine. It must be important if you let them in, so let's go. Who's here anyway?"

"You should go see for yourself." Zangetsu replied, not wanting to be caught in the middle of Ichigo and his visitor. "I'll show you where they are, but it will be your conversation."

"Just show me where they are already." Ichigo was getting impatient now.

"No need ta be so demanding, King." Shiro scolded mockingly.

"Shut it, Shiro." And with that, the two began to follow Zangetsu as he shunpo'd away.


Upon arriving at the outskirts of the sideways city, Zangetsu slowed down and jumped up into an open manhole in the road. Ichigo followed, then Shiro. Once inside, the gravity seemed to abruptly go back to normal, resulting in Ichigo landing face down in the dirt with Shiro on top, crushing the breath out of Ichigo.

"Get offa me, stupid hollow!" Ichigo managed to gasp out.

"Git yourself out King!" The hollow growled before untangling himself and watching Ichigo sit up and catch his breath.

"All ya did was fall on yer face and yer winded? Come on, you've gotta be better'n that!" Shiro taunted.

"Like you're any better. You fell on top of me!"

"Then ya should've moved outta my way! Then ya wouldn't have been squashed like a bug ya jerk!"

Ichigo stood up, ready to argue, but someone in a green haori stepped between them before they could continue.

"Come on, quit bickering you two. Zangetsu didn't bring you here to fight. He brought you here so we could have a little chat." Kisuke said.

"Chat about what? And why did it have to be in here, instead of out in the real world?" Ichigo questioned. Kisuke was one person that he definitely did not want in his mindscape.

"I came to meet him." Kisuke replied, pointing his closed fan at the Hollow. "Zangetsu, through Benihime, had visited a while ago, and made a request. That request being that you give your Hollow a chance to escape from your inner world for a bit."

There was a stunned silence for several moments until Ichigo found his voice, sputtering a reply. "Are you crazy?! He's insane! There's no way I'm letting him out!"

He was cut off by Kisuke speaking. "He may truly be insane, but it could also simply be boredom from being trapped in this endless mindscape. I also offer this opportunity to Zangetsu. He snapped his fan open and started fanning himself.

Ichigo was going to keep arguing, but then Zangetsu joined in. "Now Ichigo, think about this for a moment. If it's as simple as matter as I think, this may help. And I would also be there to keep an eye on him." Zangetsu was really pressing Ichigo now.

"Hey, I'm still here ya know. Stop talkin like I ain't!" Shiro snapped.

"Well, it's not like you've really got any say in the matter idiot." Ichigo shot back.

"Shut up and listen, you blasted Strawberry idiots!" Zangetsu had lost his last shred of patience and burst out, turning into Tensa Zangetsu in his frustration. His transformation successfully silenced the duo, as they knew it was never a good idea to make Tensa mad. Tensa then turned to Kisuke.

"We accept your offer, Kisuke. I'm sure Ichigo agrees with me." He said, glaring at Ichigo.

"Uh, yeah, of course." Ichigo hesitantly replied.

"Good, I'll get things ready. It should be finished by tomorrow. See you then!" With that, Kisuke faded from Ichigo's inner world, likely returning to his own. Ichigo left soon after, returning to the real world.

The last thought he had before he left was, 'I just hope this doesn't end in disaster.'