Title: Blind for a Day
Author: Marie J.W.
Chapter: 1/4
Rated: PG
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.geocities.com/mariejwfanfics
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.

I was going to make this a one-parter but then it seemed like it would
be better as a longer story. So I'm making it a multi-parter.
This story takes place in the "First Season" and it's about Serena
getting blind and having to deal with it. This is a romance and so it
will be fun!
WARNING: If you do not EMAIL I might be inclined to NOT write the next
chapter (Gosh, the things a writer has to do for email ::Sigh::).


"This is going to be awesume! Just wait until Sammy hears about this, he
is going to be sooo jealous!" Serena squealed as she danced around with a
ticket to the Tokyo Music Awards.
"Calm down, Serena, you're making a scene." Ray mumbled under her breath.
Serena stopped dancing and settled for staring at the ticket with wide eyes,
"I can't believe it. Shoo mi is going to be there! He is sooo dreamy!"
"Hey Shoo mi is my guy!" Ray glared, "You can have Tuishan."
"He's cute but his music stinks. I don't know why he's going." Lita used
the ticket as a fan to wave off the afternoon heat.
"Yeah! Shoo mi is definitely going to win and I'm going to be there when
it happens!" Serena started to dance around again.
A sweat drop appeared on Amy's forehead, "Um... aren't you getting a
little excited, Serena? It's only a concert."
"Excuse me?" Serena, Ray and Lita all glared evilly at Amy.
"Eh... never mind." She looked down with exasperation.
"You know, they said when I got the tickets that we had to bring a partner."
"Huh?" Serena looked at Lita with confusion.
"It says it on the ticket as well. Wow, who am I going to bring?" Ray
scratched the back of her head, "I don't know that many people."
"You can bring Chad." Lita suggested.
Ray opened her mouth to protest but Serena beat her to it.
"WHAT! I have to bring someone?!" Serena started to wail, "This isn't fair!
I don't have any one!"
"Serena! Pipe down." Ray bonked the girl on the head then glared at Lita,
"I'm not bringing Chad. He'd want to hold my hand and everything."
Lita rolled her eyes.
"Do I have to go?" Amy's small voice pleaded.
"Of course, Amy. Besides, the tickets aren't refundable." Lita put a hand
on Amy's shoulder, "It will be fun."
"I don't have any one to take either."
"There's Greg."
Amy blushed, "I don't think he would go..."
"Awww... come on! If you want, I'll ask him for you."
"What?" Amy jumped back shaking her head, "No... no..."
Lita smiled, "What ever you say but you have to bring someone. I plan to
ask Andrew if he'll go with me."
"Andrew has a girlfriend." Ray pointed out.
"Lita!" All three girls shouted.
Lita sweat dropped, "Oh fine. Then I'll ask the guy I met over at the mall."
"The guy who looked like Chad?" Serena asked.
"Yep! He looks like my old boyfriend." Lita went off dreamily.
Serena rolled her eyes, "What about me?"
"What about you, Meatball head?"
Serena stiffened at the added voice, "Go away, Chiba-baka."
Darien walked around to her side, "And leave all the fun? You've got to
be kidding."
"Hi, Darien!" Ray smiled.
"Ah... hi, Ray." He cleared his throat, "So what's all this about,
Meatball head?"
"Stop calling me that!" She glared up at him.
"Man, you're testy today."
"No, just not until you showed up."
"What's this?" He grabbed the ticket out of Serena's hand and read the
title, "You got a ticket to the Music Awards?" He lifted an eyebrow in
"Yeah? So what? Give it back!" Serena made a swipe for it but Darien held
it out of her reach.
"Um, and you have to bring someone?"
"Give it back!" She held out her hand.
"Darien, leave her alone." Lita put her hands on her hips.


"What's that?" Darien narrowed his eyes.
Serena's eyes went wide, "Nothing." She jumped up and grabbed the ticket,
"We have to go! Nice arguing with you, jerk!" Serena sprinted off.
It took Amy, Lita and Ray a few seconds to process what just happened
before quickly saying "goodbye" and high tailed it out of there as well.
"Talk about weird girls." Darien shook his head then smiled, "Well, I've
done my good deed." And with that, he turned and started for his apartment.

Serena ducked into an alley with the girls soon joining her.
"Moon here." Serena opened her compact communicator.
"There's an attack at the Tokyo fair! Hurry and I'll call the rest
of the girls."
"They're already hear, Luna and we're on our way!" Serena clipped it shut.
"Let's go, ladies." Lita lifted her hand in the air, "Jupiter Power!"
"Mars Power!"
"Mercury Power!"
"Moon Crystal Power!"
A rainbow of colors filled the dark alley though quickly faded as their
powers rested on them. The sailor-suited soldiers ran out of the ally and
all the way to the Fair in less then fifteen minutes.

At the scene, a large fat green youmma with a long tongue lashed out at
the once carefree people. Men, women and children ran for cover but some
never made it and were thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious before
the youmma stole their energy.
"Stop you monster!" Sailor Moon pointed defiantly at him.
The youmma turned to see the small girl with blonde hair and a short
skirt glaring evilly at him. He chuckled deep in his throat making a
gurgling noise.
"Girl. Energy." He let his long tongue loose but Sailor Moon jumped out
of the way.
"Ha! Is that all you've got!" Sailor Moon stepped up, "I am Sailor
Moon, defender of Love and Justice and in the name of the Moon I will
punish you! If you haven't noticed I'm giving you a warning to beat it
slime monster."
The youmma laughed, "Puny thing."
"Hey, watch it!" Sailor Mars gathered her energy, "Mars Fire Ignite!" A
ball of flame headed for the large youmma but he disappeared before the
fire could hit it.
"What? Hey, what's going on here?" Sailor Mars looked left then right.
"He can move at the speed of light." Sailor Mercury typed on her computer,
"He's still here guys, watch out."
All the girls remained stiff in their positions waiting for the youmma
to reappear.
"Ahhhhh..." the youmma managed to surprise Jupiter, hitting her in the
back with his slime-covered tongue. Jupiter let out a scream before dropping
and rolling to the ground.
"Jupiter!" Sailor Moon ran over to her friend, "Are you alright?"
Jupiter groaned, "I'm... okay..." She winced, "but my back stings."
"Mercury Bubbles Blast!"
The youmma barely made it out of the way but it skimmed him enough for him
to be in some kind of pain.
"Bad." The youmma growled, "Bad. Girl."
"Get a new vocabulary, buddy!" Mars yelled, "Mars Fire Ignite!"
This time the youmma went down, flames burning his sticky skin.
"Sailor Moon!" Mars called.
"Go, I'll be fine." Jupiter sat herself up managing to barely wince in
the process.
Sailor Moon nodded and ran over to the youmma, "Moon Prism-ahhh-"
Sailor Moon fell back on her rear end screaming in fright. The youmma
was not totally out and had enough energy to flick his tongue at her in
defense. The tongue hit her across the face, sliding slime over her eyes
and mouth.
"Sailor Moon!" Ray and Mercury both ran over to their friend and leader.
"Get it off, get it off!" Sailor Moon wiped the slime off her face but no
matter how many times it never seemed to be enough. Sailor Moon started
kicking her feet and making loud wailing noises.
"Calm down, its just slime." Ray pulled her glove off and wiped the slime
away from her eyes and mouth, "See, you're fine."
Sailor Moon calmed down and took in deep breaths of air, trying to keep
herself calm, "That is SOOO gross!"
"Guys watch out!" Jupiter yelled from behind.
The group looked behind them to see a flaming slime youmma behind them,
the tongue ready to strike again.
In a zap of red light a rose appeared, stunning the youmma.
"Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask stood not too far off with another rose in his
hand, ready for anything.
"Thanks, Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon stood up, "Moon Prism Power!"
The youmma screamed out before falling back with a large thump and
withering into dust.
"Yes!" Sailor Moon jumped up and down, "We did it again, we are sooo good!"
Sailor Jupiter made it to her feet and walked over to her friends, "I think
I need some ice on my back." She looked at Sailor Moon, "And you need a bath."
Sailor Moon stuck her tongue out at Jupiter before smiling, "I think we
deserve an ice cream cone with chocolate chips, cherries, whip cream-and
oh, marshmallow's, gummy bears..."

At the arcade, Serena stood in the bathroom sink washing her face off. It
was a good thing Andrew wasn't at the counter like he usually was, instead
he was helping a boy at the game machines. She didn't know how she would explain this.
"I hate slime." The blonde girl shuddered and wiped the last remaining icky
goo off her face.
Then with a whirl, Serena turned to the bathroom door only to find that
she became dizzy. Or at least she thought she was dizzy. Why is everything
so blurry? She thought as she rubbed her eyes and blinked to try to clear
her vision. The door looked blurred but at least she could see it. She
opened the door and stepped out into the arcade.
"Hello, Serena!" Andrew waved.
His figure was blurred as well. Serena squinted her eyes, trying to see
him better. What is going on?!
"Hi." She blinked again then shook her head and walked over to the
counter where she was sure her friends were sitting.
"Hey, are you alright, Serena?" Lita asked, "You look kind of off balance."
"I'm fine." Serena defended herself, "I'm just... a little tired,
that's all." She rubbed her eyes again and sat down.
"Meatball head is actually sitting next to me on purpose?"
Startled, Serena jumped off the stool and looked left then right.
Nothing was blurred anymore instead it was just big shades of black,
pink and purple.
"Ahhh... I'm hurt, Meatball head. Do you really think I'm that bad of
"Worse." She replied still not knowing exactly where she was. She was
starting to panick. What was happening to her? Why can't I see? Serena
bit her lip with worry. This is just temporary. Maybe I just had too much
sugar for breakfast.
"Sit down, Serena. Darien's not going to bite you." Ray grabbed Serena's
arm and placed her on the stool next to her.
"Ah... Ray-"
"Do you want the usual, Serena?" Andrew's voice sounded in front of her.
Suddenly she wasn't feeling so good, "Actually, uh, I'll just have a coke."
"Are you sure?" Ray asked her.
"Yeah." Serena tried to smile.
"Okaaay..." Andrew then went along and asked the other girls what they
"Wow, you're diet has gone down? You sure you don't want a diet coke?"
Darien laughed.
Serena glared in his direction but went white. Her vision had no color
anymore. Now it was just blank, black as can be. Serena's swallowed hard
and looked away and down.
"Are you okay? You look sick." Darien asked.
Serena did feel sick. She couldn't see. Not at all. Should she tell her
friends? What would they say? What are they going to do? How long was this
going to last? Then a thought dawned on her. Oh, no! I won't be able to
see Shoo mi at the Music Awards!
Her face scrunched up.
"Serena?" Darien put a hand on her shoulder, making her jump.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing." She snapped all too hastily.
Darien was a little taken a back, "Fine by me if you don't want to tell me."
With that, he got up, "I'll see you around, Andrew."
Andrew slid Serena her coke and lucky he touched her fingertips so she knew
it was there. She gripped the cup and sipped the drink.
She heard her friends talking about the Concert and the guys they would
be taking but she was hardly taking any of it in. What was she going to do?
She didn't want to put any problems on her friends. If she told them, they
might not go to the concert. She didn't want them to destroy their fun
because of her and besides if they knew, she was sure they wouldn't let
HER go either.
They might find out on their own though, she thought, what if they find
out that I can't see? Suddenly she climbed off the stool, "Uh... I have to
go guys. Chores and all, see you later!" She ran towards what she hoped was
the front door of the arcade.
"Okay, Serena, see you tonight!" Lita yelled.
Serena made it to the door without any mishaps and opened it, stepping out
into the Sunlight that she couldn't see but could feel.
She heard cars zooming by and people bustling on both sides of her. Oh, no.
How was she going to make it home without being run down?
Feeling frightened and alone, Serena tried to remember which way was her
Deciding she couldn't just stand there, she turned left and bumped into
a garbage can. Shoot. Not good.
She turned right and made it as far as five feet before bumping into a
bench and bumping her knee. Serena let out a small cry and bit her lip.
"What's going on, Serena?"
Serena jumped and ended up landing hard on the bench, "Darien?" She looked
left then right.
Serena pulled back slightly when she felt Darien's hands on either side of
her face, making her look up, "What are you doing?" She tried to move away,
"Let go!"
He didn't reply he only moved a hand to her chin and with the other waved
it in front of her. She never blinked.
"You're blind."
"What? I am not!" She pushed him away, finally yanking her face out of his grip.
"Don't lie to me." He seemed upset and that's what threw Serena off guard.
Serena looked down stubbornly. He had no right bothering her like this.
Why didn't he go away?
"What happened? Did you walk into something?"
"I resent that!" Serena looked up at him; well she hoped she was looking up
at him, "I didn't run into anything, Jerk. So leave me alone!"
"To what? Walk around Tokyo and then end up in the hospital? What an air
Tears were starting to form in her eyes, "I can do better without you. I
don't need any help."
"That's why you ran into the garbage can."
Serena bit her lip and looked away, "You're such a jerk!" She looked back
up at him, "LEAVE ME ALONE." She stood up and walked around him.
Darien watched her walking slowly in the wrong direction of her house.
He sighed, shook his head and walked up to her, taking her arm, he stopped
her, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you like that. Let me help."
Serena tried to shrug his hand away but he wouldn't let go.
"Let me help." He repeated.
Sighing, Serena gave in, "I need to get home."
"Fine." He moved his hand from her arm to her hand and pulled her closer
to him, "You're going the wrong way."
"Oh-Hey, how do you know?"
Darien actually blushed but when he found she couldn't see him he calmed
down, "I bump into you everyday, Meatball head; I think I would know
what direction you come from."
"Whatever. And stop calling me that."
Darien led her through the crowd of people without any problems. Serena
felt uncertain and hesitate with every step, making the progress to her
house slower.
"Does your parents know that you're blind?" Darien asked out of
"No. And they won't know either." Serena made a point to sound determined.
"They should know."
"I said NO."
Darien was silent.
"My friends don't know either... I don't know how I'm going to deal with
that. Tonight we're supposed to go to the concert. What am I going to say?"
"Tell them the truth."
"I can't!" Serena stopped them.
"This isn't a good place to stop, Meatball head. We're in the middle of
a cross walk."
Serena let Darien lead her across then stopped him once again, "If they
find out they won't go to the concert and I'll just be a burden to them.
I don't want to destroy their fun. I always end up doing that and I don't
want to do it again."
Darien looked down at her, "I doubt you're a burden."
Serena glared forward, "They won't know. I have to find a why to go to
the concert with them and not give away that I can't see."
"Come on." Darien pulled her again.
Serena walked silently beside him, thinking hard. What am I going to do?
If I go to the concert, they'll know that I can't see. There's going to be
so many people there and I could easily bump into them all. I know I'm a
klutz and I could probably get away with bumping into a few people but
several, no, they would know something was up and make us leave. Wait a
minute. I have to bring someone or they won't let me in...
Serena glanced up at Darien but found she couldn't see him anyway.
"Hey, Darien..." Did she dare?
Serena swallowed, "I need your help."
"I thought you didn't want it."
"Sorry..." She tried again, "Will you go with me to the concert?"
This time Darien stopped them.
"Darien?" Serena's voice sounded small and pathetic. Did she make him mad?
Did he despise the thought of going with her to the concert?
"You want me to go with you?"
"Yes. I need someone to help me get around. I don't want them to know I'm
blind and if you're there then you can lead me and make sure they don't
find out. If you really don't want to go... maybe I could get Andrew or..."
Or what? She didn't have any more ideas and she really didn't want to
tell Andrew.
"No, I'll go." He was silent for a little while but then said with a
lighter note, "Besides, I wouldn't want my favorite Meatball head to
drown in a sea of people. Then who else would I have to tease?"
Serena glared at him but it wasn't sincere.
Darien once again, started them on their journey to her home.
"The concert is at 8:00, right?"
Serena nodded.
"Then I'll pick you up at 7:00."
"Seven? Why seven? The concert doesn't start 'till eight."
"Hey, if I'm going to be your guard for the night, I want to at least
do something I want to do."
"What are we going to do?" The thought of studying didn't sound good to her.
"We'll have dinner."
Serena was silent. Dinner? He wants to go out to eat before the concert?
Her stomach did a little flip.
"You have to wear formal clothes." Serena commented just so he knew.
"I know."
Once again, Serena lapsed into confusion. What was he thinking?

Darien and Serena made it to her house and managed to pass Serena as
"just fine". Darien went back to his apartment with a smile on his face.
He had a date with Meatball head.
Serena sat in her room, not knowing what to do or what to think. She
couldn't go down stairs, her parents would find out and so would Sammy.
She didn't want to stay here because then she would have too much time to
dwell on Darien's strange change of direction. Wasn't going out to dinner,
a date?
However, in the end, she had to stay in her room and thankfully, no cat
came to keep her company.

To Be Continued...


Thanks for reading and email me! I love email!