Thank you HoneyBadgerGirl for your kind review!

It wasn't a secret that Grell Sutcliff was fickle hearted. He was a wanton creature, flirting and teasing by nature. Although the man craved attention, he was by no means a harlot. The night I claimed the red reaper, he was still fresh. The man hadn't taken up a lover in around a decade; I could smell it on him. I wasn't surprised. I couldn't think of anyone as sadistic as I to keep such a creature company. He had very few admirable qualities and quite frankly not very pleasing too look at. However he had one redeeming quality; which was his ability to feed me souls. Honestly, I don't know what about him interested me, it was a wild gamble, but it paid off.

There were days I contemplated whether the red reaper held any trace of sanity. Some days he was overly happy. He would laugh and twirl about and his eyes would shine bright. Then there were days were he would be morbidly depressed. He would sulk and whine, and often cried until he soaked my shoulder. His eyes would dull over, and his shoulders would slump. It was truly a ghastly sight.

On rare occasions, I saw the devil in the red reaper. While it was true that we didn't talk much, I knew the man had many skeletons in his closet. I knew he was truly disturbed. When we hunted souls, Grell Sutcliff would become Jack the Ripper. His eyes would glaze over and his expression feral. He killed anything in sight, and dressed himself in blood. On one occasion, he attempted to slash at me, which resulted in a severe beating on his part. But this is what I accepted in exchange for free meals and a few cheap thrills.

Needless to say, I immediately sensed when there was a change in Grell Sutcliff. When I first bedded the creature I noticed angry red marks and bruises along his ivory skin. The marks weren't my doing; I hadn't beaten the creature in the days leading up to our first encounter. He healed quickly, but these wounds healed slower than the others. The wounds were undoubtedly caused by another reaper. When questioned, he admitted to be physically disciplined by his superior, William T. Spears for keeping my company. He had been to work late several times, and his work was suffering.

I was instantly angered. I could feel my possessive nature take over as I looked down at battered body of the red reaper. He was mine, and mine alone. He was mine to have, to rut with, and to beat. The very thought of him being at the mercy of someone else was unacceptable. I immediately sprang into action, and turned the slacker Grell Sutcliff into a model employee. I helped ease his workload by completing his work forms and making sure he was always punctual. Much to Mr. Spears' annoyance, Grell was quickly promoted and had no reason to be disciplined any longer. Perhaps it was my jealousy, or perhaps it was my desire to spite William T. Spears, or perhaps it was to cover our tracks in light of our recent massacres, but I had assisted Grell Sutcliff of my own accord.

I kept my pet on a short leash. He was naturally a shameless flirt, and I punished him accordingly. I would have my pet admire no other being but me. No man, no woman, no demon, no reaper. I was to be the object of his infatuation and I the source of his joy and pain. Sadly, the red reaper was rather simple minded and would often forget who was the master and who was the pet. He was a jealous creature, and was easily angered when women would attempt to charm me.

He almost broke character once and shouted at my Young Master's seamstress for acting coquette with me. Had I not defused the situation, our little arrangement would have been exposed. He often grew angry and envious of my Young Master as well. He would stomp his feet and pout while he childishly accused me of loving my master more than him. Ah, I got a good chuckle at of that. I was still laughing now as I had my daily tea with the red fool.

"Bassy, you know it's been six months now," Grell began, "it's our half a year anniversary! We should celebrate. Perhaps we should go out to dinner or on a romantic stroll?"

"No," I replied curtly.

"Then a romantic night in?" he said wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manor.

"No," I answered rolling my eyes. Normally I wouldn't engage in such uncouth behavior, but with my pet, I didn't have to be a demon butler. I was simply a demon.

"Please?" he pleaded, tossing pouted lips and wide, puppy dog eyes at me.

I sighed deeply, "I hate dogs, imitating those fowl creatures will get you nothing. Moreover I do not see why you trouble yourself with such trivial things. I am simply not the celebratory type."

Grell traced invisible patterns in the table and also sighed, "As ridiculous as it may sound, Sebby dear, this is my longest relationship. In fact, I can't recall the last time I had a boyfriend… I've never spent so much time with someone. I've never had anyone know me the way you know me Bassy. I- I love you." Grell whispered, with a dark blush.

I smiled and ruffled his red hair, "Oh, Grell. Oh Grell you're such a fool. You know that I am not your boyfriend; I am your master. You know I do not love you, I will never grow to love you, and I am incapable of love. Although I am capable of claiming a mate, you know I would never choose you. You're a pet to me Grell, no more, no less. Do not delude yourself with such thoughts, you'll only hurt yourself."

"I know," Grell whispered back in a trembling voice.

"Come now, don't look so disheartened," I chastised him as a few stray tears fell, "You'll ruin your make up and look even more like a clown."

He angrily rubbed at his eyes and tried to dry his tears. The creature was proud, and hated crying, but when he heard my words the silent tears flowed faster. He made no protest as I grasped his face and wiped away his tears with a handkerchief. I kissed his cheek with smirking lips.

"Hurry along now pet, you don't want to be late for to work," I suggested in a patronizing tone as I twirled a lock of his hair between my fingers.

That night I expected Grell to make his usual appearance, begging for affection, but he did not come. I spent an hour in my quarters waiting for him to fall in through my window before I gave up to get a head start on cleaning the manor. It was very strange, but I decided not to dwell on it. Perhaps he had work. The next morning I continued my daily duties. I woke up the Young Master, prepared breakfast and cleaned. The Young Master requested apple pie with his afternoon tea so I found myself going to the market on a grocery run. I was in the middle of selecting apples when a familiar pop of red caught my eye.

Across the market Grell was sitting at a small café. Except, Grell was dressed like a woman. He wore a voluminous pink dress with red bows. It was rather gaudy, nothing less of what I'd expect. However, he was not alone. He was seated with three other men.

There was a blonde man with braided hair and a strong jaw, a small looking brunette, and a young man with dyed hair and white shoes. They all looked like grim reapers. The group was chatting animatedly and laughing. Grell threw his arm over the man with the white shoes as he laughed. He wore a wide smile, unlike any I had seen before. He looked so…happy. I glared at the red reaper angrily. What was he playing at? I planned his schedules, and nowhere in his schedule did it mention an out of this sort. I unconsciously began squeezing the apple in my hand.

"Excuse me, Mr. Michaelis? Are you alright?" the grocer asked as the apple I was holding burst from my tight grip.

"I'm quite alright Mr. Thomas thank you," I stated as I paid him.

I hid behind a market stall and watched them. I was furious, but I didn't know why. What was this feeling? It was hot and passionate, like anger, but it was selfish and possessive, like greed. It whispered in my ear and twisted my thoughts.

I was well aware of his infatuation with his superior William. Was he captivated by any of those men he was with? If he was, I could very well lose control of Grell and lose my free meal ticket. I wanted to rip Grell away from those men and beat them bloody. After thirty minutes, the group stood up and parted ways. Displeasure rose when Grell hugged the men and bid them all goodbye.

"See ya later Knoxie!" he called as he blew the man with the white shoes a kiss.

The man laughed and waved happily before turning away. I wanted to gag at the sight. Grell Sutcliff was mine. He wore my mark and my scent. Those reapers were touching my property. As Grell turned to walk away I caught him by the arm and pulled him to the side.

"Ow!" he protested, "You shouldn't pull on a lady like that?"

"Just what do you think you're doing, Grell Sutcliff?" I hissed glaring at him.

"Bassy?" he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same. Don't you have work?" I asked clutching his arm tightly.

"No, Will said I've been doing well, so he gave me a day off to hang out with my friends," Grell said tugging his arm away from me.

"Friends?" I echoed, unimpressed, "So you dress up like a woman to have coffee with three other men? You receive a day off of work and instead of coming to see your master; you come to dine with other men? You look like a harlot."

"I beg your pardon?" he asked angrily.

"You didn't come by my window last night. Were you too busy entertaining one of them, or all three of them?" I spat.

"Bassy why are you saying these things?" he asked turning red.

"You are mine Grell Sutcliff, don't you forget that. You obligations are to me. You belong to me," retorted as I struck his face.

"My, my, that's no way to treat a lady," came a voice from behind us.

As I turned, I found myself staring into the wine red eyes of Bodolf Maxwell, another demon. He looked every bit the same as he was when I last saw him, four decades ago. Bodolf was rather short, only beating Grell by a few inches. He had mahogany brown hair, and was dressed in a blue noblemen's suit. Behind him stood Angelique Dusk and Silas Dusk, they were the contractors of Bodolf's Faustian contract. The twins were lycanthropes, just the type of soul Bodolf enjoyed.

"Crow," he greeted me with a light bow.

"Wolf," I greeted him angrily, "what do you want?"

"Who's your beautiful lady friend?" he asked kissed Grell's hand. Grell blushed lightly.

I pulled Grell's hand out of Bodolf's grip and glared, "He's not a lady and he is mine. You will do well to keep your filthy paws off him."

"Jealous are we?" Bodolf questioned as he stroked Grell's bruised cheek, "you know darling, you are fair too vibrant for Sebastian. You would look much better on my arm."

I slapped his hands away and stood in front of Grell, "I ask you refrain from touching what is mine."

"Ah so this is your mate then?" Bodolf asked.

"No," I replied curtly.

"Another one of your pets then? I must say, I'm quite impressed. A demon and a grim reaper, what an interesting pair. But if he isn't your mate, then you have no legitimate claim to him then?" Bodolf questioned with a smile that showed his pointed canines, "What would be the harm in letting me borrow your pet old friend?"

I smirked, "Because I don't like sharing my toys." With that I grabbed Grell's hair and kissed him roughly.

"Alright," Bodolf scoffed, "but remember Crow, I am always on the hunt. Good day to you Lady and Sebastian."

When Bodolf departed I grabbed Grell angrily and shook him. Grell still wore the blush and touched the spot on his cheek Bodolf stroked.

"Stop it," I commanded.

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Stop thinking about Bodolf. You are my pet. Only I will occupy your thoughts. You will not concern yourself with him anymore, nor will you speak to him if he approaches you. You are mine Grell Sutcliff,mine," I said glaring at him for emphasis.

"Are you jealous Bassy?" Grell said looking into my eyes.

"Don't be silly," I spat, "Bodolf is not interested in you. He only said those things to spite me. Don't think that for one second that he cares about you or that anyone cares about you. Had I taken you as my pet, no one would have you."

"I know Bassy. I love you," he whispered.

He collapsed into my arms with a defeated sigh. I stroked his hair with a firm hand.

"Good pet."