From the moment he chose to turn his back on heaven, Castiel frequently pondered his purpose.

He often contemplated the reason his father chose to restore him; why he kept bringing him back to life, time after time, even when the punishment of death was well deserved. No other angel in existence was ever granted such mercy. It left Castiel aching to know why. Was there a meaning behind his numerous restorations? What was his purpose here?

But now, as Castiel watched the first glimmer of a new day stretch through the window to caress Dean's bare back, he felt he knew. The answer he'd always been seeking, was right in front of him all along.

His purpose was Dean Winchester.

Not just to save him; even though he needed to be saved in more ways than one. Not just to protect him, or help him, or fight by his side. But to love him. To show him how much his precious soul was worth. To prove his self-hatred wrong, and make him see how good life could be. Because if anyone deserved unconditional happiness and love, it was Dean.

The morning rays of sun grew, gradually brightening the room. Castiel had laid motionless for hours, just taking in the splendor of the man laying next to him. Dean was mostly nude and only moving with slow waves of breathing; weary eyes closed and mouth slightly open. He was the definition of beauty.

Periodically, Castiel's body would respond to his thoughts. Glancing along Dean's body and remembering the excitement of intercourse caused blood to rush to his pelvic region. It still left the angel in a state of awe; how just the mere sight of Dean caused him to react. Again, he was rendered amazed by his father's creation. The way the human body perceived love was astounding.

Eventually, Dean began to stir. A small bit of excitement nestled in Castiel's chest, as the man lazily draped an arm over him. He kept an obedient watch on Dean's eyes; eager for them to open, so he could behold his spirit dwelling inside them. At last, they blinked open, revealing the jade forests hidden in his stare. Castiel attempted to hold down a smile at the sight.

"Hello, Dean," he said quietly, welcoming him to a new day.

For a moment, Dean glanced around the room, seeming to take in his surroundings. Castiel patiently waited for him to become more comfortable. Perhaps he was remembering the events that had taken place here; recalling the heated embraces and whispered words. His eyes soon returned to look back at Castiel.

The man slowly raised to sit, his muscles flexing under his tan skin that seemed to glow in the morning light. The angel copied him, crossing his legs to stare at Dean directly in front of him. He could see something new in Dean's expression. He seemed to be fighting off a grin, trying his best to keep his lips from bursting into a smile. Only on the faces of children did Castiel see this type of hidden happiness. Staring into Dean's eyes, Cas desperately craved to know what gave him such glee.

"What is it?" the angel asked.

The smile finally bloomed across Dean's face, causing Castiel to feel it's warmth.

"I just... I just never thought we would get here," he replied.

Castiel blinked, turning his head to glance around the room. It was very similar to other motels Dean stayed in. Was there something Cas was missing?

"Where?" Castiel asked, wondering what place he was referring to.

With his smile still intact, Dean carefully reached out to the angel's lap. He found Cas's hand and gently braided their fingers together; holding it tightly with his own. Castiel looked back up at the emerald hues of Dean's eyes, seeing such honesty filling them.

"Here," he stated.

Castiel felt heat creep over his cheeks as he realized what Dean meant. He meant that they were here, finally at a place where their paths converged; where they were aware of the love between them, and able to express it openly. Castiel thought again about the physical expression of love – how Dean's talent for giving pleasure seemed to know no bounds – and his body began to react.

The angel looked down at his lap, where his organ was beginning to throb once more. The shaft bobbed up and down, attempting to regain stiffness. Was this a normal thing for the human body to experience? Perhaps Dean would know the answer.

"This has occurred many times throughout the night, Dean," Castiel said, gesturing to the moving organ, " this normal? This is how a body displays affection?"

The man's face was tinted red, as he seemed to be holding in laughter.

"Yeah, sorta," Dean nodded, smiling, "It lets you know how horny you are."

Castiel gave him a strange look. What did his erection have to do with horns? Perhaps he was mistaken.

"But, I do not possess horns, Dean," he muttered, lost.

The angel could feel the glorious sound of Dean's laughter echoing in his own being. It was rather delightful to be the reason Dean was so happy. The man leaned in, tugging Castiel forward by his hand, until their lips met. Cas's eyes fluttered shut as he tasted the familiar flavor of Dean's mouth; feeling his skilled tongue perform an act on his own.

A knock on the motel door broke their embrace. Castiel turned his head to look at the door, feeling fear ease into his stomach.

"Dean?" the younger Winchester called from outside, "You up?"

Castiel glanced back at Dean, as the man coughed, hoping he could supply an answer.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Uh, okay. I'm just gonna wait in the car. You and Cas need to come on. Bobby's expecting us at two," Sam called.

Terror radiated in Castiel's being. Sam had said both of their names, not just Dean's. That meant he was aware the angel was in the room. Cas looked back at Dean, shocked that he appeared so calm.

"Okay," Dean said, rolling his eyes, "we'll be out soon."

Castiel continued to stare at Dean, wondering why he wasn't in the same panicked state. But surprise gradually came over Dean's face; his eyes widening and mouth falling open. In a blur, Dean was suddenly crawling passed Castiel. Cas watched the man stumble into the floor, snagged by his own pants, before scrambling to his feet. Dean pulled up his jeans just as he dashed out the door.

The angel took a deep breath. Now left alone in the silence, Castiel felt helpless. What could he do? He was sure Dean would not want him to interrupt their conversation, so he couldn't go outside. It was only polite not to eavesdrop, but perhaps the angel could watch instead. Castiel flew to the window. He peeked between the curtains to watch the event unfold.

Dean appeared nervous, leaning to look into the open window of the impala. Sam was seated in the passenger seat, staring forward with a hidden smile. Castiel tilted his head. Why did the younger Winchester seem like he was about to burst into laughter? Did the situation amuse him?

Castiel continued to watch, as Sam held out his phone to Dean. Dean took the time to observe it, his green eyes scanning the screen, before speaking. Apparently, Sam revealed some devastating news, because after saying something to his brother, Dean fell to kneel by the car. Castiel ached, seeing Dean suddenly so upset. The angel's curiosity got the best of him. He began to listen in.

"Shit," Dean grumbled, still looking toward the ground, "what did you hear?"

"Just Cas talking," Sam replied.

Castiel watched Dean slowly look up to meet his brother's stare.

"That's it?" he asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied, nodding, "...and something about heat burning in your soul whenever Cas is around, but other than that -"

"Son-of-a-bitch," Dean groaned, holding his stomach.

An echo of shock burst in Castiel, as he realized Sam had heard their private words. The angel watched Sam begin to laugh, even though Dean appeared to be in pain. Cas felt the urge to intervene, but restrained himself as Sam began to speak.

"I didn't hear anything else, I swear," Sam said, "I hung up as soon as I heard Cas ask if he could touch you inappropriately."

"You're laughing," Dean stated, in shock.

"Well, yeah," Sam replied, "I was getting so sick of watching you two bang each other with your eyes whenever Cas came in the room. It's about time you two got it out of your system. The sexual tension was killing me."

Castiel didn't like seeing the pain in Dean's face. No longer able to hold back, he made his way to the motel door. He wanted to give Dean the option of returning to the safety of the room. The angel carefully opened the door, peeking out to see the bright light of day. Dean looked up, his eyes instantly rid of fear.

"Is... is everything okay?" Castiel asked, staring down at his favorite human.

Dean slowly rose to his feet, seeming unable to look away from Castiel.

"Y – yeah," he replied, "just gimme a minute."

Cas nodded. Perhaps Dean wished to remedy the situation on his own. Giving him space, Castiel gently pulled the door closed. He made his way to stand by the bed to wait on Dean's return.

Although, at first, Castiel was worried about Sam – or anyone – finding out about him sharing intercourse with Dean, Sam's reaction seemed to put him slightly at ease. The younger Winchester had appeared strangely relieved at their union. It gave Cas an odd sense of comfort, to know that Sam was accepting; especially for Dean's sake.

Castiel looked up, hearing the rattle of the door knob. He watched Dean reenter the room; a smile back on his face. The angel swallowed harshly, making his way over to meet the grinning man.

"Sam knows?" Castiel asked, wondering Dean's opinion.

Dean's smile remained as he pulled Castiel close. A shiver raced up the angel's back at the feeling of Dean's arms sliding around him. Their chests met, and hearts beat against each other. Castiel adored the sensations Dean caused in his vessel.

"Yes," he answered, "but it's okay."

Cas nodded back, meeting Dean's eyes. He stared into the lush, green hues, becoming comfortably tangled in his stare. Castiel savored the moment, feeling the warm sensation of love reverberate in his chest. He could see emotion mounting in Dean's face.

"Cas," he whispered, his deep voice soft against the silence.

"Yes?" Castiel replied, touching the man's arms.

"I love you," he repeated, appearing as though the words gave him peace.

The angel smiled, leaning forward to press his open mouth to Dean's. Kissing Dean, Castiel could feel an abundance of emotion coursing through him. No longer was he lost; wandering aimlessly in his own existence. Dean had given him something that he would have never found on his own.

With Dean, Castiel felt complete.

"I love you, too, Dean," the angel whispered with honesty.

(Author's Note: Yes, 67impala, you were completely right. This chapter was rather difficult. I desperately hope I did it justice. *crosses fingers* Thank you all for bearing with me and reading until the end! Your reviews are always amazing. You guys are too good to me. :)

Not sure what's in store for the future, but I plan to be writing more. Just as soon as I get a good idea, that is. :) Thanks again! You'll be hearing from me soon.)