You'll be my Raven and I'll be your Scarlet

A/N: This is the final chapter guys! :D I can't believe it's actually over xD I hope you enjoyed the ride ;) I know I have some explaining to do, so here I go: the reason why I uploaded it all in one go is so that you won't hate me for cliffhangers, so you can just read it all in one go, instead of curse my name for making you angry xD Also, I'm uploading it on the 25th of January as my Birthday is tomorrow, and I wanted to leave a present from me the day before :D (And because 5x5 too xD) Let us read one last chapter together, and thank you so much for everything and reading You'll be my Raven and I'll be your Scarlet. I hope the ending is satisfactory to you :)

Chapter LV: Final Chord

Erza walked to the wedding, hoping that her friends would stall for time before she came. She sighed to herself, worried that she really wasn't dressed for the occasion, but she had really had no time to contemplate her choice in clothes. She felt herself bump into someone, and she opened her eyes after the clash to see that it was none other than Sayla. She had heard about what she had done, and hurriedly grabbed her neck.

"Erza! Is it true that you aren't dead?!" Levi had asked, surprise evident in her voice.
"Does it seem like I'm dead to you, if I am talking to you on the phone right now?" she had asked the Bluenette with a hoarse voice, after not having talked much before.

"Sorry, stupid question. But I knew you couldn't be dead! There was no way that the great Titania was ever going to fall!" she screamed enthusiastically, pleased with herself for calling Erza's parents to ask them to drive her to the wedding, only to find out that Erza was actually still alive, and not dead like they had all thought for three years.
"Is there a reason why you called my parents?" she asked, unsure why Levi didn't seem to have any interest in what she had been doing earlier, when she had seemed a lot more in a hurry before.
"Ah! Erza! Wherever you are, get out of your bed! Gray is about to get married to Ultear because of some stupid contract, and I had finally found the void in the original contract, but I don't think I'll be able to reach him in time! I've also found out about some secrets that Haru has, so listen carefully..." she had explained the situation thoroughly to Erza as she had gotten a move on, not wanting to lose Gray again.

When she finally understood the situation, Erza had been walking to the wedding when she had met the person who no one had suspected until now.
The real mastermind behind it all- Esca. Or going by her real name, Sayla.

Sayla breathed with difficulty, spouting, "Let go of me you insolent child!" Erza smiled prettily before saying, "As you wish," and dropping Sayla on the floor. Sayla coughed in pain, before screeching out in pain again, feeling a weight on her hand. It was Erza's foot that was stepping on it, ensuring that she wouldn't run away.
"Sayla, you really thought I would be naive enough to let you go? After every stupid thing you have done!?" she had growled in anger, making the older female recoil back. Erza now had all the puzzle pieces, and it was up to her to retell the whole story from scratch.

"You were Haru Milkovich's second wife. You had been a normal business woman who was getting recognised in the business world for being an efficient beauty, and Haru's family had become interested in you. Haru had been in the Milkovich family, but he had acquired a new brother when Aki Fullbuster's parents, Hiroshi Fullbuster and Sandra Fullbuster had both died in a tragic accident. Aki's grandfather, who was a very powerful man, had wanted to allow Aki back into the family, as Sandra Fullbuster had been his most beloved daughter, who had not been allowed to inherit the family company because of her gender. Therefore, he had warmly greeted Aki into the family with open arms, which he had regretted not doing for his grandson's father. So Haru had become the least liked grandson, while Aki had involuntarily become the favourite grandson, making him the most likely to be in throne. This had infuriated Haru, making him actively hate his brother. Not knowing why his new step brother acted like that to him when he had lost his parents and was in a very vulnerable place, he had countered back, also reciprocating Haru's feelings of dislike. So they had gone on hating each other, while Haru had been forced into an arranged marriage with you. But unlike his feelings for you, you absolutely loved him. You adored everything about him, and you would have done anything to keep him yours. However, at that time, your business had failed, and the Fairy Tail campus had been built on the land you had had before, which was now being owned by master Makarov, making you want to have revenge on him. But you didn't know that he loved the woman who was Aki's wife, so you tried to get rid of both of them. After Haru had divorced you, as he had told you that he didn't want you anymore, you wallowed in pain as Aki and his wife had brought a new light into the world- Gray. You had seen how Haru had hated that child with all his heart, knowing that it was the spawn of his enemy. Then, you had blackmailed a pilot into crashing the plane so that no survivors would be left, and you had justified your actions of killing over three hundred people by saying that you had gotten rid of the people who your husband hated. But your husband didn't hate both of them, he had been madly in love with Aki's wife! Knowing what you had done, Haru had instantly rejected you when you had confessed what you had done to him, and he told you that you were an inhumane monster. When you found out that he had gotten remarried to another woman, who had hid yourself again, wanting to make a plan of action involving Natsu's dad. You had used Natsu's dad to kill Jellal's mother, while you personally took care of Ul. But thinking that Natsu's dad knew too much, you killed him.."

"Of course I had killed him! I knew that leaving witnesses behind would be dangerous to me," she had rebuked in a crazy manner, not like the quiet Sayla they had all known.

"You deluded yourself all this time, because there had actually been another person there during the time you killed Ul, as well as the time you killed Jellal's mother- Gray and Natsu. They had both mysteriously gotten amnesia after coming into contact with a horrific event, and that was due to the shock. Gray had been there during the time that you had tried to kill Ul, but you had thought that you were safe, since he hadn't seen your face, so you had hid away from society after that murder. Moreover, Natsu's twisted biological father had forced Natsu to go on a murder spree with him, making his son watch all the contract assassinations he had to do before forcing him to try it too, only to cringe away in fear and disgust. Natsu had erased that part of his memory for the sole purpose of not having to relive those horrible days when he would have been considered an accomplice in the eyes of the law. So while you had killed Natsu's father, you hadn't realised that Natsu had also been there, knowing fully well your crimes. Not knowing what more to do, you had thought up a plan of trying to slowly infiltrate back into his life by getting closer to the people he knew. You had even brainwashed Haru for a while, acting like a new person with the name 'Esca' as you told him that it was his fault for allowing Ul to be killed, and that you would be his financial benefactor if he did everything you commanded him. You used everyone you had encountered all for the end goal of getting back together with Haru. Even going so far as to chase two pitiful kids, only to shoot one of them in the eye!... I remembered that I had seen you somewhere, and when I had woken up, I had realised that it was you... At first, I had assumed it was a premeditated attack, but now I realise that you had actually just been trying to get rid of Gray, all for the sake of having no witnesses... So you tried to befriend Juvia, who knew people who could get you to Haru. When you finally met him a few days ago, you had told him that you had forgiven him for betraying your identity, saying that you would go back to him. But he had rejected you once again, and in a fit of anger, you had stabbed him in the chest, hoping that he would have a slow and painful death."

Sayla fainted from the pain on her hand, not being able to stand it anymore. Erza, not remotely caring what would end up happening to Sayla, had continued making her way to the wedding. She was now only a few steps from passing the threshold of the church, and she saw a black Raven pass her by before she stepped in...

The doctors had finally named her cancer after years of not knowing. Glaroxima, they had called it. It had sounded like a foreign word when she had heard it, but it had made sense to her right away. She had suffered in the hospital all that time three years ago, before Gray had entered the hospital room, trying to fight the disease with all the strength she had in her. It hadn't been an easy feat, as she had felt herself being in a losing battle the whole time. But when the doctors had explained to her how it had happened and the remedy, she had been eager to try it in the hope of succeeding and being able to live.
Erza's parents had both had the recessive allele for Glaroxima. It had seemed unlikely that both parents would have had it, but that had meant that Erza had gained a twenty five percent chance of getting it. When she had, the tumour had started duplicating inside her even when she was a foetus- not even a fully developed baby. It had multiplicated so rapidly in such a short amount of time that Erza had felt peculiar symptoms like feeling simultaneously like she was combusting and at the same time freezing to her death. Only a small 0.00001% of the population had the recessive alleles for it, and Erza had been unlucky enough to actually get the recessive genes of her parents. The doctors, after several months of research, had told her that the only way to save her was that she had to die once. This had shocked her parents, and they had vehemently disagreed with the procedure. But Erza had silenced them in her weak state, agreeing to the conditions. Glad that she was listening to them, the doctors had told her that she could choose which way to die, but she had to first be injected with a poison to flow freely in her blood stream, so that her red and white blood cells would stop functioning. They also told her that her heart could not stay still for more than five minutes, or she would actually die.

So when Gray had surprised her with a visit, she had known that it was time. She had signalled for the doctors to allow the poison to stream in her blood by remote control and stand there while doing nothing, hoping that they wouldn't interrupt her plan. She had felt immensely weaker, but she made her way to the window. She knew that if she fell from there, she could probably die easily, but it wouldn't break her bones to the point that she would die. After talking to Gray, knowing that if she didn't jump, she would just collapse dead in front of him, and then she would actually be dead, she jumped outside of the window, begging Gray to forgive her.
The next few minutes had been agony for both her parents and the doctors, as they had carted away her dead body to a basement room to perform the surgery. They had to be both quick and precise, as they knew that if they actually succeeded, it would be the first time that they would have cured Glaroxima in the world. The surgery to remove the poison in her blood stream had been risky and difficult, but they had managed to do it. When the timer had stopped, they had seen that it had taken her exactly five minutes to be 'dead'. While they stared at her, hoping she would wake up soon, they realised that something had gone wrong. Yes, she was breathing, but she wasn't being responsive to anything.
Erza had been in a coma for the three years that everyone had thought her to be 'dead' as it had taken too long to get her back to life. But the doctors had hoped everyday that she would wake up, not wanting to give up on her life. During those three torturous years for the doctors and parents, who had moved her body to the countryside a few miles from a famous church, they had waited for her to wake up. A few times, Erza had woken up, but only for very few seconds, before becoming unconscious again. Moreover, when she did wake up, trying to get her to recognise her parents was impossible, and she had even forgotten the man who she had fallen for, Gray Fullbuster.
While in the coma, Erza had also suffered through several delusions;

Erza saw a Raven in the distance. Not seeing anything else, she began to go closer to it, wondering what it was doing there all alone. As she got closer, she could see that the bird was getting farther away.
"Wait!" she had screamed, hoping it would understand her. But all it did was fly away in the distance, and Erza couldn't help but cry, feeling like someone important to her had run away from her and didn't want her anymore...
"Don't leave me Gray.." When she touched her face, she could feel the wetness, but it was certainly a lot thicker than water- it was blood.

Another delusion was that she had gotten closer to the Raven but this time, it chose to chase her, pecking her on her head several times before slowly eating her innards, and finally eating her last remnants- her heart.

The one that scared her the most was when she had actually tried running away from the Raven, but it had endlessly chased after her, being the bad omen in her life as she could remember how it had dismembered her before.

And all her delusions had gone on to be even more graphic. But the worst thing about it all was that they had all been so vivid to her...

The Secret Melody was not something as hard or complicated as all the males in that family had faced. Simply, the Secret Melody was a melody that the person that they truly loved sang, so that the Great Curse would be nullified. It was no secret that when it came to love, that family was clearly a mess. Both Haru and Aki had not been able to listen to the Secret Melody, as they had both stolen each other's lovers. Furthermore, Gray had also been cursed, being fated to marry Ultear right from the beginning, giving him no possibility to spend more time with Erza and not be cursed to die at a young age. They had all tried to overcomplicate the Melody, when all the Great Curse had pushed them to do was to fight to be with the person they loved. To ignore their dignity, pride, selfishness; anything that made them unworthy of the Secret Melody, and love someone sincerely enough that they would sing it to them.

Even though it had not seemed like a hard task, the Curse had been implemented by a witch, who had called herself Cupida. After having a grudge on one of the ancestors of their family for rejecting their love, they had cursed them and their family to live in misery. But she had also decided that she didn't want him to find true love, but for him to fall for her instead. When she had put a love spell on him, he had soon died, leaving his legacy behind...

Erza interrupted the wedding, making several people turn at her in consternation. How could someone who had been dead for three years suddenly be right in front of them?! The flabbergasted guests stared on at her in silence while she walked closer and closer to the one who was having the most trouble comprehending what he was seeing. He had seen that woman in front of him several times in his daydreams, but she had also been a teenager, not the fully grown woman with the torn clothes that he could see now.

She was finally face to face with him and held his cheeks, making sure that he was focusing on only her. But even if she had wanted him to, he would have never looked at anything else as his eyes bulged out of their sockets. She leaned in closer until their lips met, and that was when he knew that she was actually there. Alive in the flesh. The warmth of her lips made his flare up with heat as just a minute ago, they had been colder than the Alps. Erza broke off the kiss, smiling happily at him as she said,
"Gray, I'm back!"

Ultear stared at the ghost in front of her, believing that she was alive, but not comprehending why or how. She saw the Scarlet haired woman turn to her before saying, "Ultear, your mother had written in the contract that if Gray fell in love with someone who wasn't you, then he could choose to marry whoever that was instead, making the wedding null." Ultear had understood all those words, knowing that it was typical of her mother to try and make both parties as happy as possible. She closed her eyes before smiling to herself, finally seeing how happy Gray was, and she shouted clearly,
"I'm sorry to announce this, but this wedding is over!" She had taken off her veil as well as the diadem, wanting to forget that this day had ever happened. But she wasn't remorseful. Instead, she felt free; happy. She took her father's wheel chair and began going to the exit of the church.

Just as she was about to leave, Cana burst in the church while spotting Erza with Gray and saying, "Finally!" (Refer to chapter 51) When Cana had used her tarot cards to predict the future, she had seen many good cards, including the resurrection card. Instantly, she had guessed that the Scarlet haired woman wasn't actually dead, but alive somewhere, and she would interrupt the wedding and save Gray. When she had been kidnapped by Makarov and Aquarius, they had told her to only go to the wedding until it was stopped, so that she wouldn't reveal the truth. That had also been the reason why there had been barely anyone at her funeral, as Erza's parents had been watching over her, and Makarov and Aquarius had been told about Erza not being dead. No one had wanted to feel like crying because they had secretly hoped in their hearts that she was still alive, and now they had the proof to their theories.

Ultear could breathe in the fresh air, waiting for a new tomorrow to come to her, so that she could live her days happily with her father. But her dreams were savagely dashed away from her as she heard a gunshot, and Haru had said his last breath before he had gone limp. Ultear screamed, as if she was feeling physical pain, seeing that the person who had dared do this to her father was none other than Sayla, who had finally succeeded in her mission, before being restrained tightly by the police, allowing no weapons to be on or near her.

Erza had started hugging her friends that she hadn't seen in so long, seeing how grown up they all were when she had heard a gunshot in the distance. She had rushed outside only to see Sayla being taken away and Haru Milkovich in the wheelchair, blood trickling from a gunshot wound. She gasped, her tears welling up as she got closer to the screaming girl. She slowly hugged the Black haired woman saying,
"I'm so sorry.. It's all my fault... I should have immobilised her when I had the chance.." while Ultear kept on screaming, gratefully accepting the hug.

Erza had sworn to herself on that day that she would protect all those who had been affected by Sayla, including Natsu, as she knew that the police had been preparing a police court case against him for the murder of Jellal's mother. She also swore to herself that Sayla would be served justice no matter the cost.

So Erza worked hard, entering University easily after passing the entrance exam, before doing her bar exam only three months later, and passing it with immediate success.

Court- 5 months later 17:35

Erza was standing outside in the defendant lobby, where Natsu was standing around nervously. She patted his shoulder to reassure him, and he gave her a wide smile. After several hours of rehabilitation, Natsu had gotten back his memories about his biological father.

"That man... That man was evil... After my adoptive father had left me, I had nowhere to go. No one to be my guardian. So when he had discovered that I was his son, he had allowed me to join him right away. But I didn't know that he would kill people for a living, and I had always been there, cleaning the evidence while crying... He..He told me that I was getting better at it, and that one day, he would also teach me how to kill... I didn't want to kill anyone... A woman was there, and he had stabbed her repeatedly, and she was dead as soon as he had hit her once. But that day, he had also wanted me to learn.. So he had given me the knife, and told me to stab her several times.. I had refused, but his glare had told me that I would end up like her if I didn't hurry up.. *Sob*... I was a coward, so I stabbed her once to spare my life, not even thinking about how I had put my fingerprints on it...

In fact, the decisive evidence against Natsu was of a dirty, old knife they had found at the crime scene over ten years ago, and only his fingerprints were traced, and after he had accidentally gotten involved in an accident while being a vigilante, he had been forced tp put his fingerprints on the database. Now, Erza had to fix the whole mess. She had already put the puzzle pieces of the jigsaw together long ago, and now it was time to shine to prove that Sayla was guilty, while Natsu was innocent. The peculiar thing about the case was that it had two defendants, so the jury would have a harder time deciding an outcome on whether they were both involved, or if it was just one party. Erza hoped sincerely that they realised that the only one at fault was Sayla.


Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of... two defendants? What is the meaning of this?

Said the gruff voice of the never changing Judge, clearly too focused on his periodic dramas to have read the case file.

Skye: Your Honour, today there are two defendants, remember?

Said Prosecutor Skye sassily. Even after three years, she still hadn't changed one bit. But at least now she was dating Trojan, and Erza found them to be an adorable couple. The Judge coughed at her, trying to hide his incompetence before saying,

Judge: Are both parties ready?

Skye: The prosecution is ready to put this court on fire!

Skye screamed, enthusiastic as ever.

Judge: The defence is ready, your Honour,

Erza said meekly before smiling, giving everyone in the courtroom heart attacks at how much more beautiful she was than before. Gray meanwhile seethed silently in the jury seat, not even knowing why he had been allowed. Technically, he knew both the people on the defendant stand and had been personally involved with them, but they had still forced him to go. Guess that's her real power, he had thought to himself.

Judge: Then I guess the two defendants may enter the courtroom.

Natsu and Sayla had come from two different exits, and while Natsu tried to smile nervously, Sayla had a cold, blank stare, like a snake that was about to devour its prey. They both stood on two different podiums, as Erza had requested them being viewed as two separate people, not part of the same group.

Judge: So, beautiful witness, may I know your name?

He had asked in that creepy way of his, making Skye and Erza cringe at him. Even after knowing him for so long, they still couldn't get used to him.


Instead of speaking, Sayla had chosen to stay silent, reminding Erza of when Sayla had pretended to be mute.

Judge: Miss?..

Skye: She knows she's been caught red handed, so there is really no need to know. She is unemployed and her name is Sayla. She was seen shooting Haru Milkovich dead, and she had also stabbed him previously.

Judge: Haru Milkovich! That man had used to be in my school... He was so young, and yet he had to go... Those two brothers were too pitiful..

He had continued blathering, making the defence flare up before she threw her high heel at him, making Skye laugh in approval.

Judge: Miss Scarlet, what was that for!?

He had screamed, clearly angered.

Erza: We do not have time to waste on meaningless memories. Someone in this room is clearly guilty, and the defence and the prosecution would like to do their job, your Honour

She had reprimanded in her authoritative voice, making even the Judge gulp in fear. He nodded before saying,

Judge: Then we shall continue. Young man, what is your name?

Natsu: My name is Natsu, and I'm currently training in school to be a chef!

He had said enthusiastically, bringing the people in the court room smiles. The Judge nodded, showing the prosecution that she could speak.

Skye: This murder was done over ten years ago, but it is still very important, as it will determine several other events.

Erza continued from there as if on cue, being perfectly in sync with the prosecution.

Erza: On that night, an unfortunate boy had been pushed into a life of crime by his father, and he had done nothing to the poor woman who had been killed. But the person who had done something was none other than the person who had ordered it- the defendant over there, Sayla.

Skye: She had contacted him to kill the mother of a young child, while she went on to try and kill other people. Cold and merciless, she had taken the lives of several people all for the sake of becoming Haru Milkovich's lover.

Erza: But it was never going to happen, as he did not have feelings for her, but for the person who she had murdered!

Judge: AHH!

Screamed the Judge in realisation at something, making Erza pissed off at him, as she was just about to reveal the good bit.

Judge: Miss, aren't you Haru's first wife? I had always seen you on entrepreneurial adverts, and then suddenly you were gone!

Sayla gave him a cold stare before keeping her silence, not wanting to let her voice betray her.

Erza: Judge... If you dare interrupt me again, your spine won't be the only thing that I break..

She said coldly, making him shut up right away.

Erza: As I was saying, he had feelings for the woman she had murdered! Knowing after several years of stalking that he would never love her, she finally resorted to one last act..

Erza and Skye: Murdering her lover, Haru Milkovich!

The crowd went wild at the thrilling story, making the Judge pound his mallet several times.

Judge: Order! Order! I demand order!

But he knew that he wasn't going to get order as they continued chattering on excitedly, so he had quietly said to the jury,

Judge: Please deliberate, and tell us your final decision.

It had been a simple case, Sayla looking evidently guilty as she was sentenced to life in prison with no parole. Natsu however, got the 'NOT GUILTY' and confetti, making Lucy hug him tightly for winning the case.

Fairy Tail Agency - 5 Days later

Erza stood outside the Fairy Tail agency, not really thinking that she would have ever done this again, but she knew that she could never really quit. With her was the one who she had been destined to, holding her hand to reassure her. But she was also holding his hand to reassure him. After a lot of deliberation, they had finally decided to do it together.

"Gray... I think I want to become a singer again," she had said while pinching his cheeks. He rolled his eyes before saying,
"Not again! Don't you remember what happened the last time?" he had asked whit a grim smile on his face.

"You say that, but what if I said that we could debut together?" At this, he had raised himself up a bit more, the idea suddenly sounding much more enticing.
"If I say yes... Which I'm not saying yet... Can we be introduced as a couple?" he asked shyly, making her want to cuddle him even more. She kissed him before nodding vigorously.

They were greeted by Sting, who was shouting angrily at the phone (probably at Rouge). As soon as he saw Erza though, he stopped talking, and then went on to rush over to her and envelop her in a hug. Gray glared at him before gently removing the arms that were wrapped around his girlfriend. Sting got the message and whispered,
"Don't worry, I've moved on from Erza," before winking at him. Gray found it hard to believe, but he gave him the benefit of the doubt. They went into his office, and they had asked him if they could both become singers. Sting had been ecstatic and had told them to sign the contracts right away, not before Erza had spent her time thoroughly reading it. When she had finished, they had both signed it, knowing that Jellal had turned it into a much fairer company.

Their fame had been expected, but the amount of people who had instantly become their fans had surprised them. Soon, they were the world's most powerful couple, with the world's biggest fan base.

But they also had competition from the second most popular fan base- Nalu. After the court case, Natsu had been scouted by Fairy Tail agency to have his own cooking show, and he had named it, 'Dragon Slayer Natsu'. Every day, he would try to cook really hot and exotic foods and eat them, and the fans would go crazy when they saw how he reacted compared to how the others who tried his food; he would usually feel pumped, while the victims would have to suffer in pain. A regular victim of his was his girlfriend, the famous author- Lucy Heartfilia.

A few years had passed, Gray and Erza had been invited on Natsu's show to be in the audience, but he never usually asked them until something important was happening. So as they sat in their seats, watching the lovey dovey couple, they suddenly saw Natsu cooking a red/orange heart shaped cake. He had cut out a specific, tiny portion of the cake before giving it to her to eat. When she ate it (while crying because of how hot it was) she felt something hard in her mouth. She spat it out, only to see it was a ring. Her eyes increased in size, and Natsu took out the real ring before saying,

"Lucy Heartfilia; you have stolen my heart. But now, I want to steal your surname and change it to mine, so that we can both be thieves in our relationship," he had said with a toothy grin. The audience awwed as Erza whispered to Gray,
"Did he make that cheesy line himself?" Gray had smiled knowingly before saying,
"I may have had a part in it," while sticking out his tongue, making Erza punch him lightly on the arm.
"I really hope you won't be as cheesy as him when you do it," she had said jokingly.
"Oh? How did you know I was going to do it soon?" he had asked with actual surprise on his face, making Erza realise with shock that maybe he had planned on proposing to her, as her birthday was coming in a couple of days. Dazed, they had both gone to congratulate the engaged couple, not looking or touching at each other, evident heat on their faces.

So they had spent their days like that, avoiding each other and wondering when Gray would propose. But Erza didn't want to be the typical bride. She had always said to herself that if she wanted to get married to someone, she would propose first, so that it would show that he didn't have to have all the pressure. Remembering her plan from long ago, she put it into action, preparing the perfect ring. When she had been at the engagement ring shop, the receptionist had said,
"Oh... Poor you.. Your future husband won't even buy you a ring," with a pitiful look. She had wanted to correct her by telling her that she was actually going to propose to him, but realised that it would be too long of an explanation.

So then Erza had used the sure fire method of talking to Gray.

Titania: Hi, are you there Gray?

Iceboy: Scarlet! How long has it been since we've used this website xD?!

Titania: I think at least three years :D

Iceboy: Wow... Anyways, wuu2?

Titania: Look at the billboards, and then you'll find out ;)

Iceboy: Ohhh! Mysterious :p

Titania: Just hurry up! I'm tired of standing up x(

Iceboy: Wow.. Geez.. You never change smh -.-

Titania: But you wouldn't love me if I changed ;)

Iceboy: True... Okay, let me do what you asked now Scarlet. See ya soon ;)

Gray went outside, removing his glasses to see the massive billboard. People on the street recognised him, but they seemed to be staying away for once, as if they were anticipating something. The billboard showed Erza, and then she suddenly started moving, pointing at a direction saying,
"Gray, go there! I have a special surprise for you," before winking at him. Curious, he had followed the billboards which had pointed him to a deserted street after a long walk. He felt himself gasping a bit, not thinking that he had to walk this much just to talk to Erza. He saw her standing there with her winter clothes, the white snow cascading down softly.

He walked up to her, only to see her bending down on one knee and holding out a ring to him. Gray was surprised, as he had wanted to propose to her first.
"Gray... I know that sometimes, I may get angry with you and-"
"Sometimes? Are you actually fucking serious?" he had asked while chuckling.
"Shut up Gray! You are getting in the way of my beautiful speech!" He decided to quiet down, wanting to know her sincere feelings to him. "When you broke up with me, I had hated you, and then I had wanted you back so desperately. When I was diagnosed with Glaroxima, I finally thought that there was a way to survive it. I'm sorry for scaring you when I jumped, but I had done it so I could quickly come back to you... Even though your family had suffered through the Great Curse, I want you to know that you will always and forever be by my side and you will not die young, as this is my melody to you..."

"I love you, I love you,
Even when I can't feel your embrace,
You still make my heart race,
Please stay with me forever,
and ever
Through the good and the bad,
the happy and the sad,
Please promise me one thing too..
Please love me, love me like you do..."

Erza finished, and Gray knew that the family curse was lifted. But more than anything else, he was finally able to marry the person he loved. The person who always sang so beautifully to him, and made him feel happy.
"Will you marry me?" she had exhaled, her breath mystifying. Gray had coolly taken the ring before acting like he was reconsidering, making her almost yell at him, when he finally placed it on his fourth finger on his left hand. She stood up to admire the ring on his finger, glad to see that it was the perfect size.

"I can't believe you couldn't even wait a fucking second!" he had said as he had dropped on one knee as well, giving Erza the ring that she deserved. It had a clear diamond, and it was a rose coloured gold which had shocked her.
"I would say touching stuff, but you've pretty much said everything so I'll shout this out to the whole world- I LOVE ERZA SCARLET, WHO IS THE MOST VIOLENT WIFE IN THE WORLD!" She giggled at him before he placed the ring on her left hand on the fourth finger, and he kissed her sweetly on the lips...


Gray was at the altar with Erza, her wearing a beautiful wedding dress, like the one he had given her on her birthday, and yet it was all white. Her veil covered her ethereal face, and he begged the priest to hurry up. When he had finished, he removed Erza' s veil, whispering in her ear,
"To eternity together, my Titania." Gray had said the exact same thing as her birthday- and she couldn't help blushing like the colour of her hair.

This fanfiction is now complete :D Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you had an ejoyable journey. Good luck with life, and see you (hopefully soon x3) with another fanfiction ;) For my first completed fanfiction, did you like it? :D I love you all my royal adorable chibis! ~(*^-^*)~ XXXXX INFINITE HUGS!
