A/N: I updated this story about 22 hours ago and you have already given me my demands and even beyond. I don't know what to say! So you'll be happy to know that I'm working on the sequel! Also I think you should all be informed of a few things:
To all Hicstrid fans out there: There won't be any romance in here, and I wish I could say I'm sorry but that would be lying. I'm not a romantic (not old enough I guess) and Astrid definitely didn't impress me at all.
For those who have requests or ideas:Knock yourselves out, guys! I do that all the time and so far, no-one has problems with me being a demanding person (drop a bunch of ideas on a few authors and they answer me patiently, which I'm very grateful for). Therefore, I welcome ideas with open arms.
Help! It would be brilliant if you could spend a little time tutoring me about Norse gods. As short and simple as possible, it will probably be unnecessary, but just in case. Or if you guys don't mind, I can just make something up and we're all okay with it. I mean, this is called "Fanfiction", right?
Finally, thank you for reading and for the inspiring reviews you sent me!
SPOILER: In my sequel, Hiccup will… hiccup! Ha ha, just kidding. He will speak Dragonese. And trust me, the learning process is something beautiful…