A/N- Heyy, just a mini prologue for an upcoming story/SYOT *cough*. The Prologue is only small as I'm not having any spectacular twist. It just sets the scene and lets you know what has been going on in the past hunger games up to this point. Thank you to all of the submitter's! I have some great tributes. If you have just clicked on this, this is long closed. However, I have another SYOT 'Away from the Sun' which still has some spots open!

President Snow


Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it's contained.

Sometimes your strength can't save you and sometimes power can fade away and become nothing. The underdogs have the ability to rise and fight back.

That is what has happened in the last five years of The Hunger Games. A tribute from one of the outlying Districts has put up a good fight, better than anyone could have expected and was later announced as Victor.

I am all for underdogs taking the crown, but questions have to be raised when it occurs five years in a row. My ever trust-worthy Head Game-Maker has promised me a fool-proof arena.

"There will be nowhere to hide for anyone, Sir," his voice echoes the arena as I follow him, my feet hitting metal as I walk. I am impressed, there is no denying that but I will not congratulate him until a worthy winner is crowned as victor. "We will be controlling whether tributes can run or hide from a fight," he says and turns to me, a glowing smirk on his face, "Fool proof."

I nod, "and how exactly are you going to control them?" I ask.

His confident smirk doesn't leave his face as he answers, "you'll have to wait and see sir. It's a surprise."

I sigh, "It best be worth it, Miguel." I don't take kindly to surprises but I know Miguel is talented when it comes to arena design. So for now, I will have to trust him. If he doesn't impress, I'm afraid he may not be the Head Game-maker anymore.

"Don't worry, it will be."