Chapter. 15 Reunion

A/N: Hey my little yaoi kittens, I'm back with the next chapter of my story, in this chapter Cirl shall finally be meeting up with his parents, I think this May be the last chapter too, but I'm not sure, well that's all I had to say and I guess I'll see you all in the next authors note.



Ciel felt someone nudge him and he let out a small whimper as he shifted slightly and opened his eyes. He yawned and looked around, he smiled when he saw his master looking at him," we're allowed to walk around now kitten," Sebastian said helping him out of his seat.

" We're still on the plane?" He asked," yeah, it may take a day until we get there," Sebastian explained," really, but that'll take forever," Ciel whined and fell on the bed that him and his master were sharing," don't be like that kitten, if I remember correctly, you can watch movies or television on these screens."

Ciel perked up at this," how do I? I wanna watch TV," Ciel said looking up at the screen as if he stared at it long enough it would turn on.

" You do this."

Both turned when they saw William holding the remote," where did you get that?" Sebastian asked," I asked the flight attendant," Ciel quickly took the remote from him and turned on the tv and began flipping through multiple channels until he came to something he liked.

Hours passed and the sun began to set turning day to night; Ciel yawned as he started to get sleepy, he turned off the tv and laid next to his master who was already fast asleep.

Sebastian felt his kitten nuzzle up next to him and he smiled, he wished he didn't have to give him away so soon. The red eyed male began to fall asleep along with the young neko.

Once morning came Sebastian had awoken to see his kitten sleeping next to him, he gently nudged the boys shoulder causing him to whine as his tail flicked the hand away," they're serving breakfast," Ciel automatically sat up at this," I want a bowl of milk," Ciel said happily; Sebastian laughed at this and pet the boys head.

" Excuse me miss," one of the flight attendants stopped when Sebastian had called her," what can I get for you sir?" She asked," can I get a bowl of milk and a blueberry muffin?" He asked," sure, here you are," she handed him the muffin then she poured milk into a papercup bowl and gave it to the young neko.

" Thank you."

" your welcome, your neko is so cute," she pet his head as Ciel happily lapped up the milk," he's not mine, we're taking him to England so he can see his parents," Sebastian said, a sad look in his eyes," well I hope you find them."

After a couple hours had passed and the pilots had said they were getting ready to land so everyone took their seats and waited for the plane to touch down on the run way.

When the plane touched down, it seemed everyone was getting on their phones as the plane taxied over to the gate and waited for them to connect it to the door.

Ciel, Sebastian, Undertaker, and William all got off the plane and walked into the terminal. Ciel was holding Sebastian's hand as they walked through the airport," do you know where his parents are living now?" Sebastian asked," yes, it appears his father started a famous toy company and they had enough money to our have a manor somewhere outside London which isn't that far from here," Undertaker explained as the got ready to exit the airport.

As they left they left the airport, they made there way to London. Ciel looked around in amazement all the roads were rock paths so it felt weird to walk over it.

Eventually they saw the manor in the distance," is that if over there?" Sebastian asked," I think so," Sebastian looked down at Ciel and felt him squeeze his hand tightly," it's going to be okay Ciel," the neko looked up at him and nodded, still worried about what his parents would think of him now.

Soon they reached the double doors of the large manor; Undertaker knocked on the door and watched as an old butler opened the door," hello, who might you all be?" The butler asked," my name is undertaker, this is William and Sebastian, we wish to see Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive," Undertaker requested," please come this way," the butler held the door open for them and closed it once they all entered.

Ciel looked in amazement at the chandler that hung from the ceiling in the foyer," my master and mistress are in the garden," the gray haired man said as he led them outside.

Ciel's breath caught in his throat as he saw a male a female figure next to some rose bushes," my lord, someone has requested to see you and your wife," the butler stated," who is it Tanaka?" Both figures turned and Ciel heard a small gasp," C-Ciel?"

Sebastian let to of the boys hand and nudged him forward, the young neko looked back at Sebastian with a sad look before running over to them and jumping in his mothers arms grinning happily as he took in her calming scent," I've always wanted to meet you," Ciel whispered as he nuzzled into the fabric of her dress.

Undertaker, William, and Sebastian walked over to him," thank you undertaker," Vincent said, petting his sons head," Sebastian was the one who took care of him," the silver haired male motioned to the black haired male next to him," thank you so much for taking care of my son, is there anything I can do for you?" Sebastian simply shook his head as he walked over to Ciel.

he got down on one knee and took the collar from around Ciel's neck and smiled sadly," I'm glad you finally found your family kitten, I guess this the last time we'll be together," Ciel didn't understand, wasn't Sebastian staying?

The red eyed male pulled the boy close and hugged him tightly; he released the boy and began to leave with Undertaker and William," no! I want you to stay! You can't leave!" Ciel cried as tears welled up in his eyes," I can't Ciel, I have to finish school," Sebastian explained," mother, father, isn't there something he can do, I love him!" Ciel cried as tears streamed down his cheeks.

" Well there may be something he could do," Vincent stated," what is it?" Sebastian asked," we do need a new butler, Tanaka is starting to get pretty old," Ciel's ears perked up at this," would you like the job?" He asked, Sebastian took his time to think about it before he answered," I'll take the job."

Ciel grinned and hugged him," Sebastian's staying! He's actually staying!" Ciel shouted happily; Sebastian picked the boy up and felt him nuzzle against him.

" I love you."

" Love you too kitten."



A/N: Well everyone, That was the final chapter of my story, I hoped you liked it, well that's all I had to say and I'll see you all in the next chapter of one of my other stories, Ciao.