Sitting in a compartment on the Hogwart's express on his way home from school Harry thought back to about two weeks ago when he and Hermione were interupted in the come and go room by Susan Bones.


"I don't know but i do have an idea," Harry said getting Hermione's attention.

"What is it?" she asked.

"We play along and then when Voldemort's dead we run for it go some where tropical." He replied explaining his plan.

"That's a nice plan Harry but i don't want to run i want to fight," Hermione replied with anger at the thought of running away like a coward.

"I know but we don't have the man power that Dumbledore has, he has the entire light side working for him." Harry said only to be interupted by someone.

"I don't think he has the entire light side under him after all me and my aunt don't follow him," Susan Bones said as she came out of the shadows surprising both Harry and Hermione before dropping an even bigger shock to them. "And as for man power i think i can help you with that."

"Susan what are you doing here and how much did you hear?" Harry asked nervous about what she may have heard and that he might be forced to hurt someone he called a friend if she knew to much.

"I've been here for awhile so i heard everything that you two talked about," she replied only to go wide eyed as she was lifted up in the air by a red eyed Harry.

"Then i'm sorry but you can't be allowed to remember what you heard here," Harry said as he prepared to wipe her memories for the past hour only to be stopped by Hermione.

"Wait Harry i want to hear what she was going to say," Hermione said stopping him from erasing Susan's memories.

"Fine but if i don't like what i hear then she's leaving this room with no memories of what we talked about," he replied as he slowly lowered Susan back down to the ground.

Once back on the ground Susan cleared her throat and said, "Well that was unexpected."

"Yes well i'm trying to keep myself and Hermione alive so say what you were going to say or i'll have no choice but to erase your memories for the past hour." Harry told Susan.

"Fair enough," Susan replied before saying. "Dumbledore isn't as respected by the light side as you may think."

"Why do you say that everyone in school that i've talked to has always either sided with the dark lord or Dumnledore," Harry asked interuptting Susan.

"That may seem like the truth but most of them were just saying things like that in order to hide who they truly sided with," Susan explained. "Most will say that they either side with Dumbledore, the dark lord, or the ministry in public but in reality thier completely against all three."

"Okay i can see that but how does this help me and Hermione?" Harry asked wondering where Susan was going with this.

"Well my aunt and i are part of a group who want the dark lord defeated, Dumbledore in jail, and the ministry changed into something that will help the people." Susan explained to both Harry and Hermione.

"If this group exists then why haven't they done anything to help us or to stop Dumbledore and the dark lord?" Hermione asked curious as to why she's never heard of this group.

"That's because were missing something that would allow us to truly become a power and fight back," Susan replied.

"And what's that?" Harry asked.

"You," Susan said surprising both Harry and Hermione.

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked curious about why she and her group needed him.

"Well what we were missing wasn't you personally but someone with your power working with us." Susan explained only to be interupted by Hermione.

"I get it the dark side has Voldemort while Dumbledore is on the other side what your side was missing was someone that could either match or over power them both." Hermione said getting a smile and nod of comfirmation from Susan.

"That's correct," Susan replied as she continued her explaination. "My aunt is currently our leader but her power is no match for either Dumbledore or the dark lord, if she tried to fight them they would easily crush her like a bug."

"Okay i can understand that but why hasn't she used secrecy and poisoned or attacked without them knowing, if she did that then there's a chance she could have defeated Voldemort or Dumbledore?" Harry asked knowing that in war such tactics were something that could shift any fight in their favor.

"Because such a tactic would only be capable of being used once if she attacked Voldemort like that then Dumbledore would be prepared for it, and if she used it against Dumbledore well that would make things worse don't you think?" Susan replied sarcastically.

"Yes i see what you mean," Harry said before getting to the point and saying. "Very well talk to your aunt and i'll meet up with her to see if we can come to an agreement."

"Of course i'll get back to you in a couple of days." Susan replied as she got up and left the room.

After Susan left Harry turned to Hermione and asked, "So what do you think about all this?"

"I think that we'll have to be cafeful this could turn out to be a great thing or it could be a trap of somekind, either way i think we should meet up with Susan's aunt and go from there." Hermione said answering Harry's question.

"I agree if it's not a trap then we will have some allies in our fight against Voldemort and Dumbledore." he replied agreeing with Hermione.

"And if it is a trap?" she asked in curiousity.

"Then we'll spring it and learn what we can anout our enemies," Harry told her causing Hermione to nod in agreement. getting up he extended a hand to Hermione and said, "Let's get going we have plans to make."

"Alright," she replied as Harry helped her up and walked ahead off him leaving the come and go room.

(Flashbach End)

A week later Susan came to them with a portkey that was set to take them to a meeting place where her aunt would be. making sure that they had a couple of back up plans in order to escape incase this was a trap they sat back and waited for when the portkey would activate taking them to a meeting that would change their lives forever.