Natasha and I walk back onto the BUS with pride in our walk. Agents stare as we walk onto the bridge. "Coulson the enemy has been apprehended," Nat says to him as we reach the team. This is the first time I've seen coulson since new york. His new team is strange and like no other shield team. Nat told me they picked their computer specialist from a van. Like any other newbie would be she got all excited at the sight of my and my sister.

"Thank you Agent Romanoff," coulson replied, my head snapped to attention and gave him the death glare. "You to Little Romanoff," he said as I nodded my head. The computer nerd was almost bursting at the seams so i turn and walked towards her.

"You look like your going to explode. Whats your name?" I asked her crossing my arms.

"S-Skye," she breathed out.

"Well Agent Skye, Im Agent Anastasia Romanoff. Thats my older sister Natasha," i say motioning towards Nat.

"I-I know. Shes the Black Widow and your Nightcrawler. Eep," she screeches. I look back at Couldon with a serious look on my face.

"I dont know how you deal with people," i say to him.

"Ignore her. Shes kind of grouchy today," Nat informs him.

"Isnt she always?" He asked and Nat nodds. "Now get aquented with my team before the guest arrives Agents," Coulson says.

"Sure thing boss," I retort as he leaves.

"Well I've already meant people on his team so everyone line up," Nat demands and they all fall into formation. "This is Agent Jemma Simmons, Agent Leo Fitz, Agent Grant Ward and you've meant Agent Skye," she said going down the line. Everyone waves but one. The Agent Ward she introduced. I have a sinking feeling about him. I glare at him until Nat snaps me back to reality. The odd thing was this Ward person glared back at me. No one ever glares at any of the Romanoff sisters. I look back as Natasha drags me away. "What was that?" She asks me once were out of ear shot.

"I don't like him. Theres this look on him that makes me not trust him. when have my senses ever been wrong?" I say.

"They're wrong now. Ive spent time with this team and they are all good people. Who knows maybe when you get to him something will happen," she winked at me.

"Yours delirious," I say walking away.

"Don't get into any trouble! The guest arrives in ten," she shouts after me.

"Whatever," I say quietly as I climb my way into the rafter. I to be hidden and not seen. The element of surprise always works.

I roam my way silently through the rafters for some time. It must be past ten minutes because I can hear the "oohs," and "awes," coming for the so called team.

Dammit Nat is going to kill me, I think to myself. Then I hear someone walking underneath me. I crouch into a defensive position as a reflex. Looking closely I realize its Steve Rodgers walking through. He must have been the guest everyone is talking about. I crawl forward to get ahead of him slightly. Then i drop down in front of him.

"Hello," i say. I must have startled him because he thrusted his fist into my face. I fly all the way down the isle and land on my back. I lie there as my face aches.

"Oh God," he says running towards me. He kneels down beside me looking at my face. "Im so sorry. Are you okay?" He asks helping me up.

"Im fine. Ive had worse, you know it comes with the job," I say popping my nose back into place. He wipes the blood from under my nose gently.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again.

"Ya im fine," I say just as im about to walk off. But he stops me.

"Hey," he grabs my arm, "whats your name?" I turn around and see his enchanting blue eyes starring at me. I stare back for only a few seconds then the fact he had asked my name had processed.

"Anatasia Romanoff," I replied. Shock was ridden all over his face.

"Your Natasha's sister. Your the Nightcrawler," he gasps.

"Yes. That is I," I reply.

"I just punched Nightcrawler in the face. Thats really not a way to get on your good side," he worries.

"Don't worry about it. Your Captain America, I know for a fact you didn't mean to super punch me across the room," I reassure him. Relief flushes over his face. "Anyways I got to go. My sister is beckoning me through the ear piece," I start walking away.

"Hey," he calls and I look back. "It was nice to meet you," he waves.

"You two, Cap," I solute him and walk away.