Summary: 'Miss Seira, can you come to my room? I've got a surprise for you~ :D'

Set after season 4.


By Dark Ice Dragon

'Miss Seira, can you come to my room? I've got a surprise for you~ :D'

Tao only had to wait a few seconds before he got her reply.

'I'll be there in a few minutes.'

While he waited, Tao double-checked her mask again to make sure the paint was both evenly spread and had dried completely.

Just as Tao was sure it was, there was a knock at his door and he hopped to his feet. "S'open!"

Miss Seira entered and Tao presented her with her mask. "Ta-da! I wasn't sure what shade you wanted, so I can repaint it if you want."

Miss Seira looked at it and smiled. "I like it," she said as she came over.

Tao beamed, giving her her mask. "Great! Can you try it on? I wanna make sure it fits." He watched as she turned her mask over, bringing it up to her face. "It'll pinch a little at the bridge of your nose," he warned. "It's to make sure it stays on."

She pressed it to her face and nodded. It didn't move.

"Does it feel okay?" Tao asked, moving around her to see how well it fitted, if everything rested where it should.

She nodded again. "It fits perfectly."

"Heh, good," he said, pleased. So that was done now, but… Tao hummed, pursing his lips when he realised something.

"What's wrong?"

Tao lifted a grin at her in answer, shaking his head. "Nothing much. It's just if your mask is a different colour from everyone elses', that means you'll stand out. But all it means is I have to find out what the others' favourite colours are and either repaint their masks or make new ones."

"I see."

Which wasn't the automatic protest Tao normally got from Takeo or M-21. He studied her, his head tilted. "Do you wanna help?" It never hurt to ask, after all.

She smiled. "Yes."

Tao laughed. "Great! It'll go faster with the two of us!" Damn, now that he knew Miss Seira was willing to work with him, that means his jokes were going to get even better.

I'd originally had Seira's mask be pink, because I thought that's what she'd asked for at the end of season 4, buuuut since she didn't, I made it a bit vague instead, haha.