Always With You Chapter 2

A/N: Hey guys sorry it took so long to get this up. It took me forever to type but I hope its long enough for you guys. I own nothing at all I wish I did T.T Anyways please review I wanna know if I'm doing alright for my first story. Thanks!

Roxas' POV

I thought today was going to be like the rest me avoiding everyone, going to lunch with Dem and Zex then going home. Well I guess since Axel is here my day isn't like the rest. God he is very attractive but is annoying me as throughout class he would find an excuse to talk to me. Now currently he is poking me with his pencil while I'm trying to spend the last 20 minuets of class reading.

"Hey...Hey...Hellooooo!" he says as he continues to poke me with his pencil. I furrow my eyebrows and close my eyes as he keeps calling and poking me. I try to concentrate but I can't he just likes to push my patience to its limit.

"Hey eyes", he starts. God now nicknames, can things get any worse?

I saw a small grin plastered on his beautiful face before he said in a quite cheerful tone...wait for it.

"Hey angelllll...beautiful...gorgeous...sexyyyy!" He is so dead! I thought he was done with the names but he wasn't. Thankfully there's only 2 minutes left of class. I think I'm going to start getting packed up. I finished packing so I'm just sitting there trying to ignore the annoying redhead in front of me, yet he keeps calling me.

"Hey c'mon baby at least tell me your name" he says while he grabs my right hand and smiles his perfect smile. When he grabs my hand I notice how warm it is but right away I look up and glare at him while I snatch my hand away. Thankfully the bell rang and I tried to get out as fast as I can to get to 2nd period with Xemnas which is Bio. I can hear Axel calling me in the crowd but I ignore him and walk fast to class. As soon as I walk in I sit down in the same spot way in the back away from everyone. Dem and Zex don't have this class I only have them for 1st and 6th, also lunch.

The bell rings and Xemnas starts the lesson. About 20 minutes in a certain redhead comes running in the classroom apologizing for being late. I start to laugh to myself but immediately stop.

"Alright Axel I'll excuse you this once but try to find your way quicker next time, have a seat in any empty desk" he says quite calmly. I don't bother looking up hopefully he won't see me again, but when am I ever lucky. There is always a seat open by me. God I'm so tired.

I put my arms on my desk and make a pillow with it and put my head on it, and close my eyes. I was just about to drift off when I heard footsteps coming towards me and hear the desk on my right squeak as someone sat down. I already knew who it was so I chose to ignore him, but that didn't last long. The redhead named Axel decided to scoot closer to me and start touching my hair combing his fingers through, saying in a whisper "Hey baby why are you ignoring me, I want to get to know you, and I won't stop bugging you until I do." He says in his sexy voice.

I open my eyes and give him a half asleep glare, raising my head up.

"Look just stop bugging me, you wouldn't want me as a friend, no one does okay so just stop. Go get someone else to be your friend; I'm sure you'll be happier with them. Now if you'll excuse me" I said as calmly as possible while I was gritting my teeth together. I get up and head to the front where I tell Xemnas that I'm going to the bathroom. As always he knows my situation and doesn't mind at all and excuses me.

I walk out the door and decide to go to my tree. My tree is in a secluded area no one usually goes there. That's where I usually go to think, get away from people, or sleep. This time I'm going there to sleep, I'm just exhausted. As I get there I sigh to myself and start thinking what am I going to do after school. Well there's always my laptop to keep me company. My parents are on a trip for about 6 months so I won't see them for a while. I finally get to my tree and start to climb up as high as I can go. Being high up always made me calm.

I set my backpack down and lean against the trunk of the tree and start to get comfortable. Once I got comfortable, I pull out my iPod touch, plugged in my black ear buds, and went through my songs until I reached the song "A Match into Water" by Pierce the Veil. They are my favorite band at this moment. I put the volume really loud so I won't hear anything and close my eyes. As I drift off to sleep I start to think back to old memories. I looked so happy and felt needed, now it's the total opposite. When will my darkness go away? When can I truly be happy again? Maybe now I have decided to end my life, its not like anybody would miss me. I've decided to end my life in 5 days. Just enough time to spend with Demyx and Zexion. That was my last thought as I finally fell into deep, peaceful sleep.

Axel's POV

First period was a drag. The only thing that kept me there was this cute little blond boy. He looked like an angel that fell from heaven. Call me cheesy but I have no other way to express how adorable he looked. Anyways he had dirty blond hair it was styled into spikes, I wonder if he uses gel?, fair light tan skin, a small body figure, pale pink lips, and his eyes are what caught me. The first time I looked at him I got lost in his pools of deep cerulean eyes, I could see that around his eyes he had eyeliner. He looked so hot and perfect for me. I shall make him mine. Only mine.

Currently right now I'm late to seco0nd period. I couldn't find the classroom so I wondered until I found it and I ran inside hoping I wouldn't get in trouble.

I ran inside panting trying to catch my breath and apologize to the teacher. He excuses me and when I look around to sit I see a mop of blond hair in the back and I grin.

I make my way towards him and he's not looking up at me. I take my seat to the right of him and he still doesn't look up. So I scoot closer to him and gently touch his hair combing my finger through, whoa it's so soft so he doesn't use gel it's all natural.,

"Hey baby, why are you ignoring me, I want to get to know you, and I won't stop bugging you until I do" I say in a low voice, while I'm still combing my fingers thorugh his soft hair.

When I did my gestures he gave me a half glare, He's probably still half asleep, and lifted his head up.

He opened his mouth and said, "Look just stop bugging me, you wouldn't want me as a friend, no one does okay, so just stop. Go get someone else to be your friend, I'm sure you'll be happier with them. Now if you'll excuse me." God his voice was so pure. With that he left to talk to the teacher and exited class.

I wonder where he's going? Throughout class it was such a bore without Blondie there. So instead I tried getting information on this kid. I decided to ask a guy with pink hair that ran low to his upper back. I moved closer and tapped his shoulder, he turned around with a questionable look and opens his mouth, "Yes?"

"Hey, I was wondering, do you know anything about the blond kid that left about twenty minutes ago?"

He smirked plastering a grin to his face, "Yeah, I do. His name is Roxas Strife, the play-hard-to-get kind of guy. In my absolute opinion he is one hell of a beauty, and not just to me, but to many people think he's quite adorable." His grin suddenly changed to a smile showing his pearly white teeth. "He came out of the closet about three years ago, dating Seifer for the three years after he came out. Seifer was his first boyfriend, and approximately six months ago they called it off, no one in particular knows who called it off officially we just know they ended their relationship. Ever since every gay boy on this campus wants to date him, we believe that's what caused it. My bets are on a guy named Zack Fair. Zack has had a crush on Roxas since the day he announced he was gay. Although no one has seen Roxas happy. Even the entire time he was with Seifer, nobody saw him smile. Both would always skip school together, go to each other's houses, doing who knows what. Everyone ignores Roxas because of the fact he's gay or just plain out scared to walk up to him and create a conversation. I've observed him my whole just to see how he was, though all I've really seen was him pushing everyone away. Anyways, that's all I'm going to give you, due to how you shouldn't really ask people about someone when you should be doing that yourself." Suddenly the bell ring interrupting his last sentence, "Well there goes the bell, It was nice speaking with you Axel! By the way I am Marluxia. See you next time we meet." He then run out the door leaving me staring out the door.

"Wait I want to know more!" I say to him. Damn it I need to know more about him! Well I now know that he's available and swings my way." I smile at this. "Roxas that's a perfect name for him, I like it."

I laughed and chuckled all the way to third period. Math great. I wasn't really great at math. When I walk in everyone is already seated, and I take a seat way in the back. As I sit, someone to my right tells me rather harshly, " You can't just sit there, that's Roxas's seat." Oh so he has a class with me here. I glare at him and retort rather curtly, "Fine." I get up and sit directly behind that seat.

"Happy?" I scowled.

"Yeah, I am. The name's Zack, Zack Fair." He smiles saying it in a cheery tone.

"Zack? Zack Fair, I've heard of you. You have a crush on Roxas Strife."

"That I do, boy. Who wouldn't love him, he is an absolute sex god. I've been trying to get at that for three years, and yet no luck. He's just hard to get, but I plan to make him mine as soon as possible."

"Well, Zack. Hate to break it to you, but he won't be yours. He'll be mine, and I'm not going to lose him to you anytime soon." I smile saying this with determination.

"Oh, well then, may the best man win.' He smiles. "Just so you know, I'm at an advantage, I know how he is and where he goes. Like now I know exactly where he is. I may just go keep him company." He smugly said, grinning stupidly.

"You better not. As with that, may the best man win," I said growling, I held a hand out and he took it shaking it as a bet.

We both smiled with determination in our eyes, never taking eyes off of one another, up until class started.

A/N: ohhhhh what will happen next I don't know. Just kidding yes I do ^-^ Well review tell me what you think Midnightroxas Out!