Back inside the day camp area Blythe was telling the pets about her recent phone call conversation.

"That's right everyone, we're all going to Tokyo for two days." Blythe said in happiness.

"Wow Blythe, it'll be just when we went to Shanghai-Hi." Penny Ling said.

"Except, we'll be in a fashion show wearing Blythe's new designs." Zoe said.

"And I plan to make them amazing." Blythe said.

"Hey Blythe, while we're in Tokyo, can we explore it too?" Minka asked.

Vinnie gasped and said, "Can we?!"

"Hmm, I don't know guys. I'll still be making the costumes at that time." Blythe replied.

"Please Blythe, I have to met this girl I saw there before." Vinnie pleaded.

"And I just want to see all the pretty pretty lights and amazing sights." Minka pleaded as well.

"Whoa Whoa! Wait Vinnie, did you just say, you want to met a girl?" Blythe asked.

"Not just any girl, the girl of my dreams." Vinnie replied.

"Oooo! Somebody has crush, I see." Zoe said.

"Vinnie? In love with someone? Huh? You don't see that everyday." Russell said.

"So Vinnie, what's her name? And who is she?" Pepper asked.

"Her name is Kumiko and she's the most beautiful fish in the whole world." Vinnie said.

"Wait, she's a fish?" Sunil asked.

"Yes, but an exotic fish." Vinnie said.

"Oh, I see." Sunil said.

Vinnie's mind started to drift to when he was in Tokyo with his owner.

"Me and my owner were in the Sanaji aquarium looking at all the fishes and other types of stuff." Vinnie said.

Vinnie and his owner were looking at some octopuses, a few sharks and some lobsters.

"After looking around, that's when I met... Kumiko. She was swimming freely in the water and doing some amazing tricks." Vinnie said.

Kumiko was doing a backflip then she jumping out of the water and back in and doing little dance moves.

"I was there watching her the entire time and loving every minute of it. And I wanted to say hello to her, but then it was already time for me to go." Vinnie said.

Vinnie's owner picked him and they left the aquarium, making Vinnie sad.

"And that was the last time I saw Kumiko." Vinnie said.

His mind drifted out of his flashback and back to reality.

"Awww Vinnie, it must've been sad for you." Penny Ling said.

"Yeah, I just wished I could've introduced myself to her." Vinnie said.

"Well don't worry Vinnie, I'll take you back to the Sanaji aquarium so you can see Kumiko again." Blythe said.

Vinnie gasped and said, "You will! Oh, thanks Blythe!"

"No problem, and I'll take Minka with me to look around Tokyo. Maybe exploring it might give me some ideas for designs on your costumes." Blythe said.

"Woo!" Minka said.

"Right, now I have to tell my dad that we're all going to Tokyo. Be right back." Blythe said.

She got up and walked out of the day camp area.

"I always wondered what Tokyo looked like. I bet that place is worth sight-seeing." Penny Ling said.

Her mind drifted to her imagination of a cute and animated version of Tokyo, Japan with pretty lights. The pets were all Japanese cartoon styled and they all broke into song while doing the caramelldansen.

"In Toooookyo, they got the sights and scenes to enjoy." Everyone sang while dancing.

The scene changed to Pepper as she sang while dancing, "They have the Tokyo tower which is really tall, it looks like the Eiffel Tower but they're two different attractions!"

The scene changed to Minka as she sang while dancing ,"And the lots of buildings too with cool thing on top most of them have Japanese symbols or words and others have just pictures!" Minka sang.

The scene changed back to everyone as they sang while dancing,"In Toooookyo!"

The scene changed to Russell as he sang while dancing,"Their Japanese animation is adore and to watch even though their language is in Japanese which is really easy to read!" Russell sang.

"Not really." Sunil sand in beat.

The scene changed to Penny Ling as she sang while dancing,"Don't forget their special dances that very traditional but my favorite is the Caramelldansen because it's really fun to do! " Penny ling sang.

The scene changed back to everyone as they sang while dancing, "In Toooookyo!"

The scene changed to Zoe as she wore Tokyo clothes while singing and dancing,"You can't forget their fashion, it's too much to ignore!"

The scene changed to Vinnie as he sang while dancing,"Or forget about the aquarium, which is where Kumiko lives!"

The scene changed to Sunil as he sang while dancing,"What about the sumo wrestlers, who are really hard to fight."

"Eh not to me." Vinnie said in beat.

The scene changed back to everyone one last time as they sang while dancing, "All of these... are in Toooookyo!"

The song ends and everyone stopped dancing and singing.