Our story begins inside Littlest Pet Shop day camp area where all the pets and Blythe are. Blythe was reading a book, Sunil and Vinnie were playing with a red rubber ball together, Penny Ling was sleeping on the floor, Pepper and Zoe were chatting about something, Minka was busying painting and Russell was looking at his checklist and checking off stuff.

"Okay let's see, everyone is busy enjoying themselves. Check! All the toys are put away nicely. Check! And no mess anywhere. Check! Well, that's everything checked off of my checklist as usually." Russell said.

"Yo Russell, look out!" Vinnie yelled.

"Huh?" Russell said in confusion.

He saw the red ball coming towards him, and as a defense mechanism, he rolled himself into a ball thus dodging the ball but also popping it with his quills.

Once Russell rolled out of a ball, he looked at the popped ball and said, "Oops."

Vinnie ran towards Russell, along with Sunil and said, "Oh no, the ball! Thanks a lot Russell, you bursted our ball."

"Well I wouldn't have if you guys didn't throw it at me!" Russell said.

"We were expecting you to catch it, not roll into that spiky ball thingy you always do." Vinnie said.

"It's okay Vinnie, we can go ask Blythe to fix our ball." Sunil said.

"Oh yeah, good idea." Vinnie said.

Sunil picked up the deflated ball and ran towards Blythe along with Vinnie. Russell watched them leave and shook his head to himself.

Once the two boys made it to where Blythe was, Sunil said, "Blythe, could you take a moment of your time to help us?"

Blythe looked at them while placing her book down and said, "Hey guys, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Spiky over there popped our ball with one of his quills." Vinnie said.

"And we need your help to fix it so we can play again." Sunil said.

"Sure thing you two, I'll have have this ball full of air in no time." Blythe said.

She picked up the deflated ball and walked out of the day camp area. Upon leaving, the phone rang. Blythe saw the phone and picked it up.

"Hello, this is Blythe Baxter." She said.

"Yes, hello Blythe, this is Madame Costlier from the Pe tsu fashion magazine." Said the woman on the phone.

"Oh wow, it's so great to meet you." Blythe said.

"Yes I know, so Blythe, I heard so much about you from when you were in the International Pet Expo. And I was so surprised with the clothes you designed for those pets of your. Now, I want you and those pets of yours to come to Tokyo and enter in my fashion show for pets." Madame Costlier said.

"No way! Being in your fashion show would be such a big deal for me." Blythe said.

"Yes, yes it would, but you don't have all the time in the world, the show is in two days." Madame Costlier said.

"Which means I only have today and tomorrow to be ready?" Blythe asked.

"That is correct, my dear." Madame Costlier said.

"Okay Madame Costlier, I'll be ready by them. And don't worry, I'll do my best to show you the best pet designs you ever seen." Blythe said.

After speaking, the phone on the other end hung up.

"Hello? Helloooo?" Blythe said then hung up as well.

She started dancing around in excitement and said, "I am going to Tokyo! I am going to Tokyo! I am going to Tokyo!"

((You think about all the things

That you love to do

It all comes true

You find a place you never knew

Where you're happy to

Just be you

We can be (yeah, yeah)

Who we wanna be (yeah, yeah)

At Littlest Pet Shop, you and me

We can be (yeah, yeah)

Who we wanna be (yeah, yeah)

At Littlest Pet Shop, you and me!))