
1 day since they'd parted after the wedding

"Sherlock, can tell us about what happened in Hastings?!"

"Were you hired by Jillian Collins to destroy her Wedding? By the groom?"

"Are you and Richard Billings secretly gay lovers?"

"How long has Molly Hooper been planning her revenge? Did she enlist your help? Is that why you were there together?

"Is Molly Hooper innocent or mastermind-

"Mr Holmes you've been associated with Miss Hooper for the better part of a decade- who is she to you really?"

"Can you confirm that Hooper was involved with your faked death?"

Around the doorway of 221B the cameras flashed and the reporters and film crews clambered. "Alright enough. You all need to leave. Go now. No comments will be given at this time." John waved at the reporters.

"No. Let me speak to them," Sherlock said from the doorway, rolling his eyes at Johns surprised expression. "The sooner they are satisfied that this was nothing more than it appeared the sooner they'll let it go and move on to some other inane, salacious news story."

John nodded and moved back to let Sherlock take his place before the media. "Let's be clear that I will only speak once on this matter and no, I'll not be answering any questions you dull lot could dream up. Understood?" Waiting impatiently he glowered at clambering reporters who soon grew quiet and still to record what the famed detective had to say. They knew from experience how ornery the man could be and just how quietly he could speak should he choose to to be a thorn in their side. They didn't know that he would not be doing so this time, no, no playing games today. He wanted as little intrigue to follow this as possible.

"I was in Hastings, accompanying Doctor Molly Hooper to her cousin Jillian Collins nuptials. Doctor Hooper is a colleague of mine from St Bart's, under whose supervision I have been working during my rehabilitation. Prior to that, she and I have indeed worked together on research projects as well as on many different cases for the past several years.

"Our relationship is that of two respectful coworkers and of two colleagues who are indeed on friendly terms. If it seems we work more often than not then it is do entirely to the fact that Doctor Hooper is not an idiot; a condition I cannot say that I can grant to many.

"While working together I found out that Doctor Hooper was unable to find someone to accompany her to a wedding. An escort was needed, deemed absolutely essential by her cousin, the bride, who is indeed Ms Jillian Collins. Due in part to my recent recovery period my schedule availability has been unusually free. And also... frankly, I desired a change of scenery after being trapped indoors for as long as I have. I figured that a change in scenery would do me some much needed good and help to relieve myself of the boredom from each monotonous day while I'm being forced to stay on 'light duty'.

'Therefore, I volunteered to be her 'date'." Sherlock spoke the word with enough obvious discontent that it became crisp and sharp, something vile on the tongue. At least that was his direct implicit intent for how he wished it to sound.

With a bored sigh he went on to explain the manipulation Jillian had set into motion, and how she was attempting to set her cousin up to take the fall for the doomed a marriage by placing Molly Hooper's Ex just so to divert attention to her cousin. "To my utter delight, a simple social nicety did in fact extend itself into becoming a bit of a case. I'd be lying if I didn't say I found it a relief, I must say, after so many months away from case solving. Even if it was merely a '2' all in all.

"Although, I must admit it feels good to be back in the game. Furthermore, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that I am prepared to resume cases at this time.

"Good day."

Ignoring the cries and flashing camera shutters Sherlock walked through the door of 221B with Watson murmuring apologies as he shut the door behind him. Making his way into the flat he removed his coat and scarf and kicked out of his shoes before settling into his chair, fingers templed and touching his chin. As he stared at the dust floating up, dancing in the mid morning light.

From the side he knew John was watching him; studying him but so far staying mercifully silent. Whatever conclusion he gathered seemed to cause him to cross his arms and wander over to the window. "They are leaving finally, thank God." He raised one hand to tiredly wipe his face before crossing back to the chair to sit. "Sherlock you know if you want to tell me-"

"There's nothing to tell." Sherlock said easily, pulling his phone from his pocket to text Molly. I've set the record straight with the press-SH

"If there were-"

"How's Mary?" he deflected, tucking the phone back into his coat.

"We're not talking about me, Sher-"

"You should go see her. Take her to tea, dinner something. Talk to the woman... just do something, John."

"If it's all the same I'll stay here if you don't mind and we won't discuss Mary. But if you want to tell me what happened in Hastings we can talk. "

"No," the younger man baldly refused.

"Fine. That's fine then. Have it your way." Rising again John went back to the window, pulling his mobile out on the way. He won't say what happened but something you're prepared to pay up- JW

A beat passed before the phone vibrated in his hand. Hell no! I had the wedding being ruined, which it was. -GL

But surprisingly not due to the git. And something definitely happened.- JW

What are the chances of that even happening? I can't win for winning. -GL

Oh but I won-JW

Did not. If they won't confess then we can't prove anything-GL

Oh they can deny it all they want Detective Inspector, but the hickey I spied peeking from below his collar says otherwise. Pay up!- JW

Day 16 Post Hastings

They continued to work together as before, staying long hours in the lab. Around him the threat of Magnussen still loomed as did the holiday season. John was so often in a foul mood that Sherlock could barely stand to be around him. Mary too, when she would agree to meet him was withdrawn and glum. And Molly... Molly was the cause of his deepest pains as well as his sweetest relief. So lived up to all of her promises and more.

After seeing Mary and Sherlock talking together she'd invited Mary out to have a girls dinner that evening, brightening her spirits considerably by having something to look forward to. After Molly had slid the cup of coffee she'd bought for Sherlock into his hand she slipped back into the lab, leaving them to say her goodbyes. Mary looked after Molly then to Sherlock. "Oh, Sherlock..." was all she said, reading the depth of their simple exchange.

"It's for the best," he said before taking a sip and making a face at the disgusting canteen coffee.

"Is it?" Mary cocked a brow.

"That's what I tell myself everyday. It's what keeps me sane and her safe."

"Sane and safe... but sad." She sighed.

'Mmm,' The detective murmured back, chancing another sip of the awful swill. "This will never do. Come on, let's go get a proper beverage." They walked in silence through the hospital and out to the nearest cafe before Sherlock chanced to get an update from Mary about how it was going with John. She'd shrugged as she picked up her decaffeinated tea. "I really can't see that we're making any headway," Mary admitted, "but I'm not one that gives up easily."

"Never one to take the easy path."

"That makes two of us." Mary smiled a bit weakly and Sherlock smiled back. "For now though... well wasn't it John Locke who said 'It is what it is'? We're just going to have to wait and see." It was that. Silence fell over them as together they sat sipping their coffee and tea and their eyes looking towards Molly's overly sweet drink where it sat between them like a specter "Sherlock, whatever is going on between you and-"

"There isn't," he said firmly.

"Fibbing again?" she challenged.

"No," was his emphatic answer. "You know me and you know that I-"

"You care far more than you give yourself credit for. After all we wouldn't be here now if you didn't." Mary leaned back and pressed her hand to her belly, a tiny sigh working its way out. "The baby's kicking." Coyly she looked over at the buffering expression her friend wore. "Oh come on then." Grabbing his hand she positioned on her belly. "Right here. Can you feel it, Sherlock?"

Beneath his hand came a small thump, a gentle flicking sensation. An undeniable proof of life that was up to this point a virtually abstract concept. A tiny act of aggression from the mix of John and Mary.

His two friends created this life. He reminded himself that he had committed to doing everything possible to protect it. "I'm going to help make this right, Mary. I swear it. I'll do whatever it takes to make this child safe."

"So will I." She covered his hand with her own. "As will John." Squeezing him once she then patted his hand before letting go. "Sherlock I need you to promise me something."

"What's that?"

"One day you're going to have to face your feelings about Molly. Everything hidden has a way of coming out no matter how hard we try to deny it. And when it does, for both of your sakes, don't fuck it up like I did."

"I'll... I'll think about it," he allowed.

"Well that's something at least, isn't it?"

"It is what it is."

"Oh what, are you going to use my own words against me now?" Mary laughed as they stood and made their way to the door.


Somehow Sherlock had the feeling the phrase would stay with him.

He made his way to the lab and wordlessly replaced Molly's canteen imposter coffee with the new cup and she looked up at him to smile, pausing when she saw the way he looked tenderly down at her.

She didn't ask if he was okay, for he clearly wasn't.

Nor did she ask what was wrong; that she knew too.

Instead she just reached over and laid a hand on his arm as she looked up at him...

Closer than they'd been in weeks and softly smiling she said. "I got a fresh donor in while you were gone, want to take a look?"

The smile grew at the change in expression on his face." Of course!"

It was back to business as normal. At least for now.

That night:

The dreams still stayed with him. The crowded room, the urgency in her voice stressing we have to pull this off, we have to get this right. It was important. And each night he'd see her, dressed and ready to be everything he could have ever dreamed of in a partner both on the dance floor, and in other, far sweeter more intimate ways. Soon the music would play and they'd be off, moving, gliding and ever aware of the multitude of eyes on them waiting to see them triumph or to implode as their dances got more and more complex.

Sometimes, he spoke to her the dreams. Begged her to not worry, to just be herself. To make her see he didn't need this over dressed, over made up self that she presented the world. That she could just relax and simply be... To that his dream version hah tilted her head and looked at him with eyes full of confusion. "If I stop pretending we won't win. We have to do this. We have to or the cost will be too high to imagine." And then she'd bite her lip in that way that made him ache and softly beg. "Please Sherlock? Please? We have to give them a show. They can't see that it's real or we're lost. So please do this. Will you do it for me?" Her fingers would trace the path that her own real ones had briefly blazed. And he was ready to do anything] to keep her safe. "Of course Molly, of course."

Clack, clack, clack. They'd assume their positions. The music would queue up and he'd straighten up his back and prepare to dance. To move in just the right manner to keep them on course. A path that was as predictable as it was mundane. A path well worth the effort so long as it kept Molly Hooper safe.

AN: And that's that.

I want to think you all, dear reader. Writing this fic, having you all read and comment, follow, favorite and recommend... it has changed my life. I am a completely different person than I was when I began. And that's not hyperbole. When I first dared myself to start this I was world weary and lonely after my husband suddenly took on a second job and I suddenly had nothing but alone time after my babies went to sleep. And I dared myself to write.

I put myself out there.

And then after some great months of reviews and followers I dared myself to audition to act in a huge seasonal production (my first in over a decade).

That led to me doing it again, and again. This year helping me to gain a pretty big part.

It's led me to go to 221B and meet writers I admire as well as people who've read my works.

All in all, it's been amazing.

I want to thank especially, my wonderful Betas, MizJoely and TheNewJefferson. You both have been amazing.