A/N: Okay, so I know this is completely different than usual, but I've been often daydreaming about this idea. So I finally had to put it in motion! Shixona is my OC, as is her Digimon partner and his digivolutions. NO TOUCHY! Except for Milaya Milen Zeal. That's the only person allowed to use Shixona, thanks to my permission. But anyhoo… This fic basically just follows along with Digimon Adventure, but all from Shixona's POV. I hope you all are okay with this. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, honestly! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Shixona and her partner, along with his digivolutions.

Digimon Adventure, Shixona

Chapter 1

It was a pretty crazy day, to say the least. It all started while at summer camp, and I was with the other kids there. Things had been strange as they stand anyway, but what happened at camp was even weirder. To start, the weather was absolutely crazy around the world, it seemed. Places that were normally really hot were freezing! And then it started snowing here at the camp, shockingly enough. Everyone was having fun in the snow while I stood nearby and watched. The only one there that seemed to actually accept me was T.K., Matt's little brother, but he was young and didn't judge.

"I'm gonna build the biggest snowman!" the young blonde cheered as he ran outside of his cabin. I adjusted my black cap with a silver dragon head on it after tying my brown hair back into a ponytail for the day.

"Hey, T.K.! Be careful. Slow down!" Matt called after him. I laughed lightly as he tried to run after his brother.

"Matt, he's okay. He just wants to have fun!" I told the older blonde. He merely gave me a slight smile and a roll of his eyes before resuming his pursuit of T.K.

"Brrr! It is freezing," Sora, another girl in the group, remarked as she shivered nearby. "And I didn't bring a jacket."

"I always wear my denim one, no matter what weather!" I laughed, but she didn't seem to think it was funny. It was true, though; I always wear my short-sleeved denim jacket over my tank tops.

"Man! I was worried I'd catch a summer cold. But this is even worse!" Joe complained. I didn't say anything because it would have been a bit mean.

"Ahh! Wow! Why didn't I pack my fluffy pink snow boots?" another girl, Mimi, who was obsessed with the color pink, squealed. I looked back into the cabin to see Izzy still fiddling with his laptop computer. I looped my belt through the belt loops of my dark blue jeans with the flared legs and black and silver swirls that ran up to my knees as I listened to him.

"Still not working. Bummer. This storm's making a mess of my infrared internet connection," he mumbled to himself. Before I could say anything, Tai, the hard-headed but kind member of our group, called to him.

"Hey, what's your name…Izzy! You, too, Shixona! Come on out here, you gotta see this!" he shouted. I laced up my black and green sneakers and then joined the others, uncertain of what Tai was talking about. When I reached the group with Izzy close behind me, I saw what he meant. A dramatic light show was playing across the sky, and everyone sighed in awe of the beauty.

"It's beautiful. Magical, even," Mimi commented.

"Yeah," Tai nodded.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Izzy wondered aloud.

"An aurora?" Sora guessed.

"You mean Aurora Borealis? The northern lights?" Izzy corrected, his tone disbelieving. "That's impossible. You see that in Alaska. We're way too far south."

"Tell that to the snow," Sora muttered.

"I really think we ought to get back inside before we all come down with pneumonia," Joe suggested. I snorted, a small smile on my face.

"And miss this? The sky is like, short-circuiting!" Matt exclaimed.

"Hey, what's that?" Tai said suddenly, and we looked to see a circle of green light appearing in the sky, and it shot out beams of light at the eight of us. We all gasped as the beams aimed right at us.

"Do you think we need sunscreen?" Mimi asked, and I quirked an eyebrow at her. The beams of light landed with a small explosion of snow at our feet.

"Everyone, are you all right?" Sora called.

"We're still here," Matt answered.

"That was scary," Mimi whined.

"What—What was it?" Joe wondered aloud.

"Meteors? Okay, so it's not meteors," Izzy said. From the holes in the snow made by the beams of light, objects surrounded in light floated up to each of us. We each grabbed one out of the air and looked at the devices now in our hands.

"What are these?" I questioned to no one in particular.

"My guess is some sort of miniature remote digital apparatus," Izzy guessed.

"No instructions?" Joe remarked.

"Forget the instructions, surf's up!" Tai yelped, and then we were suddenly swallowed up by a huge wave of water. I became unconscious from the suddenness of it, everything fading from my senses.


"Shixona? You okay? Wake up, please!" a voice called out to me worriedly. I managed to slowly open my eyes, revealing a small wyvern-like creature on my chest. It had silver-plated armor instead scales, and the head was more like a lizard than a dragon. The tips of its wings were clawed, and it sat back when it saw I was awake. "Thank goodness! I was really worried about you for a bit there, Shixona! You just wouldn't wake up…" His head lowered slightly at his last statement.

"What are you?!" I gasped, frozen with fear.

"Well, my name is Nightmon, and I'm a Digimon!" he smiled at me. "We're partners!"

"What do you mean?" I asked, starting to sit up. Nightmon smiled brightly, but before he could answer, we heard a scream from nearby.

"That sounds like Tai," I murmured, getting up and dusting myself off.

"Oh, then that means Koromon found him!" Nightmon grinned happily. "Let's find them!"

"Yeah…" I agreed, furrowing my brows in confusion. I ran over with Nightmon on my heels, and then I found a somewhat calm Tai with Izzy. There was a pink head-thing with large eyes, long ears, and jagged teeth sitting next to Tai, and a small, pink, blob-like creature with clawed hands and short arms and a pair of round eyes next to Izzy. "I take it you know these two?" I asked.

"I'm Koromon!" the one next to Tai cried happily, bouncing in place.

"And I am Motimon," the one with Izzy greeted.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded.

"Who's that?" Tai asked me, gesturing to Nightmon.

"My name's Nightmon," my new partner dipped his head in greeting.

"The vegetation is lush, but the soil appears rather common," Izzy remarked as he looked about.

"Nothing is common in the Digiworld," Motimon said pointedly.

"That's right, Tai. You're in the Digiworld!" Koromon cheered, bouncing in place again.

"And just where is the Digiworld?" the brunette asked.

"I don't care so much about where it is. I wanna know what it is!" Izzy replied, his tone a bit excited.

"Guess I'll just take a look around for myself," Tai sighed, and started climbing a tree. I was quick to follow, Nightmon riding on my shoulder.

"Mind if I tag along?" I questioned. Tai shook his head as he pulled out his telescope while sitting on a branch.

"Not at all," he replied. "The ocean? What's that doing there? Our campsite was nowhere near the ocean! And I sure don't remember those mountains. Hmmm. Something tells me a compass isn't gonna help much." I gave a small laugh as Koromon hopped up to join us.

"Hey, Tai. What do you see?" he asked, his expression honestly curious.

"Nothing I recognize," Tai sighed. "Huh? What's that?" Nightmon looked to where he was, and gave an alarmed noise before hiding on my back, lightly digging his claws into my shoulders to keep his grip. "Look at that! It's some sort of giant red beetle."

"And it's flying right at us!" Nightmon shrieked. The giant beetle-monster-thing flew straight at us with a loud shriek, and took the whole top of the tree off as it passed. I yelped, covering my head and ducking.

"I can't watch. That is one seriously bad Digimon, even when he's in a good mood!" Motimon whimpered.

"That's just great," Izzy groaned.

"Watch out!" Koromon warned. "His name is Kuwagamon. He's an insectoid Digimon. Vicious and ruthless, with teeth like knives and scissors hands that can chop through anything!"

"Well, he's a gardener!" Tai yelped, and right as the Kuwagamon flew at him, Koromon jumped off of his branch and blew bubbles at it. The attack merely annoyed the huge Digimon, and he missed Tai, only knocking him to the ground. Izzy and I ran over, and I helped Tai up.

"Tai, you okay?" I asked as he dusted himself off.

"Well, I have had better days," he grumbled, but then Koromon fell to the ground with a crash. "Little guy! You should pick on bugs your own size! What's your name? Koromon?"

"That's me," Koromon mumbled.

"You're pretty brave. For a little guy. I'm impressed," Tai smiled at him.

"It was nothing," the little Digimon assured him.

"Ah, Tai, Shixona, he's heading this way again!" Izzy warned, and Motimon panicked.

"Oh dear, oh dear! Quickly, everyone, this way," he urged, and we began to run after him. "Hurry up! For having two long legs, you humans are awfully slow! Inside this tree!" He jumped inside the tree, vanishing from sight. Izzy and Tai, the latter of which was holding Koromon, looked at each other. Without hesitating, I hopped in after Motimon, desperate to hide from Kuwagamon. The boys were quick to follow, too. Inside the tree, instead of bark, were smooth, rounded metal walls that led all the way to the top, where the blue of the sky above was visible.

"Whoa… What kind of tree is this?" Izzy wondered aloud.

"It's a hiding tree, silly," Motimon smiled.

"Quiet now. Don't make a sound," Koromon warned. After a bit, the Kuwagamon's shrieking faded away, to be replaced with a different, but familiar voice.

"All clear! No need to hide anymore," Sora called.

"Sora!" Tai gasped.

"You can come out now," she told us. We left the tree, and I wanted to face-palm at Tai's next statement.

"Uh, we were just planning the trap we were gonna set for that big bug," he chuckled. And then he saw the Digimon next to Sora. "Huh?" The Digimon next to Sora was another little pink ball, but she had numerous legs and what appeared to be flower petals on top of her head.

"I am enchanted to meet you, friends of Sora. Welcome," she greeted.

"Tai, Izzy, Shixona, meet Yokomon," Sora introduced her. "My own personal something-or-other."

"Looks kinda like a radish," Tai commented, and Nightmon gave him a weird look.

"Must be another one of them. Like the other…whatever they are," Izzy guessed as Nightmon settled himself on the ground with the others. As we watched, another Digimon showed up, this one another pink one with four legs and long ears. "They're popping up everywhere."

"Hello, I am Tokomon," he greeted. "Hey, T.K., over here!"

"Coming! Tokomon, there you are!" T.K. called, and then he joined us, running out of the bushes to Tokomon. Matt followed him, holding a Digimon that was just a head like Koromon, but he was orange with a large horn on top of his head.

"T.K.!" Matt called.

"Hey, Matt, you too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm here, too," he nodded.

"No, I meant that! Under your arm!" I corrected.

"Oh, this guy? Yeah, well…" he trailed off, and the Digimon he was holding took over.

"Hello. You appear pleasant. Tsunomon is my name and I'm quite pleased to meet you," he greeted. T.K. and Tokomon were clearly already good friends, judging by their laughter and smiles. I smiled at the sight, and then gave Nightmon the same one. He gave me a toothy grin in return. Suddenly, Joe's screaming sounded, and he ran over, followed by what resembled a gray seal with only two flippers and a lock of orange hair.

"Help! Ahhhh!" Joe wailed.

"Joe?" I said curiously.

"Help me! This thing, this thing… It won't leave me alone!" he whined.

"Hey, who're you calling a thing? I'm no stuffed animal. The name is Bukamon!" the newcomer laughed, even as Joe screamed while he was on his shoulder.

"What—What's wrong with you guys?" Joe demanded. "Don't you see this creature hanging off me? And those creatures standing right there? They're—They're everywhere! What are they?" The seven of them gathered in a small group before us.

"We're Digimon. Digital monsters," they answered in unison.

"Digital monsters?" Tai repeated.

"Yeah, Digimon," they smiled.

"We're not just digital monsters. We're much more than that," Koromon said. "We're…kinda cute."

"And very loyal," Tsunomon agreed.

"With beautiful hair," Yokomon smiled.

"Or maybe no hair at all," Motimon chimed in.

"We can be funny. Ha!" Bukamon laughed.

"And adorable," Tokomon nodded.

"And even pretty cool," Nightmon grinned.

"It's a pleasure to meet each of you," Tai smiled. "My name's Tai, and these are my friends from camp. I'd like you to meet Sora."

"Nice place you got here. Except for the bugs," Sora said.

"And the self-proclaimed cool one over there is Matt."

"No autographs, please," Matt smirked, and I face-palmed.

"And this is Joe."

"I'd shake hands, if you had any," the blunette smiled sheepishly.

"Izzy here's our computer expert."

"Do you have internet access?" Izzy inquired.

"This is Shixona. She's the quirky one."

"Hey, I've got my likes, as does anyone else," I shrugged.

"And last but not least, this little guy is…"

"T.K. Call me T.K. And I'm not as small as I look," the young blonde smiled, puffing out his chest.

"There now. Is that everybody?" Tai asked.

"Hey, what happened to that girl with the funny pink hat?" I wondered aloud.

"Now, now," Tai chided, and I glared at him. "Her name is Mimi."

"Well, perhaps she's off picking flowers, or going on a nature hike," Izzy guessed.

"Ahhh! Somebody help me!" Mimi's voice screamed through the trees.

"Come on!" Tai ordered, and we all ran after him in the direction her scream had come from.

"Okay, so she's not picking flowers," Izzy shrugged.

"Mimi, where are you?" the brunette called as we ran into a clearing. Just in time, too. Mimi was running in from the other side, followed by a leafy-looking Digimon with four short legs.

"There she is!" Sora yelped.

"Mimi, it's okay!" Tai told her, but we stopped when we all realized that Mimi wasn't running from the Digimon with her, but instead from Kuwagamon.

"It's that big bug again!" I cried out in a panic. The Kuwagamon flew low over us and then disappeared again. Mimi is kneeling on the ground nearly in tears as her Digimon comforts her.

"Mimi, are you all right?" the little one asked.

"I think so," Mimi answered.

"Don't worry, Tanemon's here to protect you," she assured her partner.

"It's okay now," Sora told her, and the brunette looked up, surprised.

"Oh, Sora!"

"Watch it, here he comes!" Nightmon yelled.

"Run!" Tai ordered, and we fled, the Kuwagamon close behind us, flying low.

"Down!" Matt shouted, and we all flung ourselves on the ground, narrowly ducking the giant Digimon.

"Will this nightmare never end? My mom is gonna want a complete and total refund!" Joe cried out, panicking.

"Here he comes again!" Tanemon squealed.

"Okay, that does it! No more running away!" Tai declared.

"What else can we do?" Sora demanded.

"She's right. There's no way we can fight that thing!" Matt agreed.

"Not and win, anyway," Izzy chimed in. We continued to run, but then the path we were on led to a cliff.

"Great. Anybody bring a helicopter?" Matt grumbled as Tai crept close to the edge. I was curious, too, but didn't dare to get close.

"Be careful, Tai!" Sora cautioned.

"There's no way down. We're going to have to find another way," the brunette sighed.

"Another way where?" Sora wondered aloud. Suddenly, Kuwagamon burst from the bushes behind us and soared out over the cliff, turning back for another swipe. "Watch out, Tai!"

"Here I go!" Koromon shouted, and leapt over Tai, blowing bubbles at the giant bug Digimon, but it didn't faze him.

"Not again!" Tai groaned, his expression panicked.

"Digimon, attack!" Yokomon declared, and all of our Digimon leapt into the air, blowing bubbles in Kuwagamon's face. The opposing Digimon was blinded, and crashed into a stand of trees.

"Yokomon!" Sora gasped.

"Koromon!" Tai cried out.

"Nightmon!" I shouted, and we all ran to our Digimon. "Nightmon, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he sighed, flicking the tip of his tail a little. Suddenly, the Kuwagamon from the forest screeched, emerging and clashing its pincers.

"Get back!" Matt barked.

"I was hoping we'd seen the last of him," Sora growled.

"Me too! Guess he had other plans, huh?" I frowned, glaring at the monster.

"Ugh, I knew I shoulda brought my bug spray," Matt grunted.

"Okay, get ready to run!" Tai warned.

"No, we fight! That's right! It's the only way! Stand and fight!" Koromon declared firmly.

"Give it up, will ya?" the brunette urged.

"No, Koromon's right. It's time we showed them what we're made of!" Motimon agreed.

"No, don't!" Izzy shouted.

"They're right!" Yokomon nodded.

"No way! It's hopeless! You're no match for him, Yokomon," Sora pointed out.

"We can do it," Tsunomon cheered as he struggled in Matt's grip. "Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go!"

"We can do it, we can do it!" Tokomon cried out.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" Bukamon whined.

"Tanemon, you too?" Mimi asked.

"Uh huh!" Tanemon nodded.

"You won't listen either, huh, Nightmon?" I smiled sadly at him as I held him.

"Nope!" the small wyvern-like Digimon grinned.

"I'm sorry, Tai! Let's go!" Koromon shouted, and all of our Digimon flew from our arms. We cried out worriedly for them, but then the digital devices we had gotten from before began to glow. A spiral formed in the air, and beams of light came down on our Digimon.

"Koromon digivolve to…Agumon!"

"Yokomon digivolve to…Biyomon!"

"Motimon digivolve to…Tentomon!"

"Tsunomon digivolve to…Gabumon!"

"Tokomon digivolve to…Patamon!"

"Bukamon digivolve to…Gomamon!"

"Tanemon digivolve to…Palmon!"

"Nightmon digivolve to…Silvmon!"

Suddenly, in place of the tiny Digimon we had met, stood larger, more mature-looking Digimon.

"What in the—Look at them!" Sora exclaimed. "What's happened to the little guys?"

"They're…bigger," Tai murmured in awe.

"And I know they're also stronger now, too," I added. The others cast me a curious glance, but I nodded to our friends. Our partners leapt at Kuwagamon, but the giant bug knocked them back.

"Alright, then. You asked for it!" Agumon said. Silvmon growled and nodded in agreement.

"Poison Ivy!" Palmon exclaimed, and long vines shot from her hands, ensnaring the Kuwagamon and preventing it from escaping.

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon cried out.

"Super Shocker!" Tentomon shouted. Thanks to Patamon's and Tentomon's bubble burst of air and electric shock attacks, Kuwagamon stepped back, but Gomamon was right there to trip him, making fall to his knees.

"Stand back everyone! Pepper Breath!" Agumon warned.

"Blue Blaster!" Gabumon yelled.

"Spiral Twister!" Biyomon screamed.

"Silver Pulse!" Silvmon growled. Agumon's fireball, Gabumon's blast of blue energy, Biyomon's whirlwind, and Silvmon's pulse of silver light hit Kuwagamon dead-on, and really pissed him off.

"Now, all together!" Agumon declared, and the eight of them attacked together, and combined, their attacks were enough to take Kuwagamon down. The giant beetle Digimon fell backwards into the forest with a loud crash as we watched in awe.

"They made vapor-ware out of him," Izzy murmured, shocked.

"Amazing!" Tai yelped.

"Told you we could do it!" Agumon cheered, and they all ran back over to us. I hugged Silvmon close to me, and he grinned at me. He had gained a pair of small, thin arms with his changing process, and he was also a bit bigger now, too. His clawed wings were now longer and more slender, which I could see even though he had them folded against his back. His lizard-like head had also become a little more narrowed, resembling a dragon's more now.

"How'd I do?" he asked eagerly, the end of his tail wagging a bit.

"You did great!" I smiled, rubbing the top of his head. He seemed to enjoy it, despite having the silver plated armor there still. Suddenly, Kuwagamon screamed from inside the forest.

"Watch out!" Sora yelled at Tai and Agumon, who were closest to the forest.

"Huh?" the brunette uttered, and Agumon and he ran back over to us. But then Kuwagamon buried his pincers in the ground where they'd been standing, breaking the rock and making us fall as the cliff collapsed.

"Guess we celebrated too soon!" I screamed as we fell. To be continued…

A/N: Okay, so I know it sounds kinda lame, but I was constantly thinking about this, so I finally decided to put it in motion. By the way, thanks to the website for the script! I need to give credit where credit is due, after all. Hopefully I'll have the next episode/chapter posted later today. Also, I apologize for leaving out bits and pieces. Remember, this is Shixona's side of the story, so not every bit will be in this. R&R, peeps!