The explosion shattered most of the hall, Alex opened her eyes and smiled, yet her happiness was short, her brother, Justin, had performed a spell to protect her clone and harper as well as the heroes.

-Awww just like a big brother… tell me something Justin… WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN I WAS GETTING KILLED!?



Alex's eyes opened wide when she noticed the droplets of blood coming out of her nose. As she was distracted Black Widow, who recovered from the initial shock tackled her down.

-Alex you need help, things are not what you


Black Widow flew against the wall, Alex got up feeling dizzy and with a line of blood coming out of her nose, suddenly and before anyone could do anything she vanished. Justin went to Black Widow who was trying to find where Alex might have gone.

-What is this all about? Why is there TWO of my sister? - he demanded

Hawkeye got to her.

-He needs to know.

-Not here and not now. - Black Widow replied

-I DEMAND TO KNOW! - Yelled Justin

Black Widow slammed him against the wall.

-You will know when its time. Understood? Now go help them. - she ordered

Justin went to tend to his sister and Harper who were still shocked.

-Justin...w… what happened… who was that other me? What's going on? - she asked

-I don't know, let's not tell mom and dad about for now OK?

Alex nodded along with Harper who helped her friend up. Meanwhile in Loky's palace, Alex laid again in the steel table. He was not happy.

-WHAT HAPPENED? - he demanded

-Apparently she used so much raw power that it took a toll on her body. - one of the Shiar replied

-FIX HER! -he commanded

In the Waverly Sub Station Alex is in her bed, glaring at the ceiling.

-Alex you OK? - Harper asked from the door

-Harper… what did just happened today?

-I'm not sure myself…

Without saying a word Alex got up and extracted a book from her bookshelf.

-Alex be careful with that book. - Harper pleaded

-Harper… the only way to get an answer lays in this book and I'll find a spell to make it so.

-Alex maybe you should

-NO! I must Harper… I must…

Using a needle Alex punctured her finger and allowed for three drops of blood to fall on a piece of paper. Then she started to perform a spell. Her eyes went white and images began to appear on her head. What she saw answered many questions as well as made tears run down her cheeks. Meanwhile Alex awoke in a beautiful bed.

-W… what happened? - she said as she sat

-I think you need to be cautious with your powers my dear Alex - Loki said


-You can hurt yourself if you're not careful. - he replied coldly.

-And you care because?

-Because… I love you…

Alex's eyes opened wide as Loki's lips got in contact with hers…

To be continued….