Rating: M (Cursing, Alcohol use, Violence, Sexual content, Nudity, Smoking, Sexual references, rape, and Gore)

A/N: This is my first time ever writing a fan-fiction, I started reading them because my internet had been cut off and when I got WIFI I thought it would be a good idea to download a few (more like 60). So I decided to make one of my own. I'll try to update as often as possible (should be at most 1 week between chapters.) R&R and please leave suggestions and such, I want to know what you guys think and what suggestions you guys may have.

Disclaimer: Other than the OC I don't own any of the characters in this story, I'm just simply a fan that loves to write J

S/N: I've written some stuff before that contained a lemon or two, so I think I may throw some in here but not until there's some character development…Maybe some short lemon but nothing hardcore, you feel me? :3 BTW I also start off every chapter with a quote that I was thinking of as I wrote the chapter.

Chapter 1

"I feel that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you….Stranger."

Vi laid in her bedroom, the room covered in darkness except for the dim-lit candle by her nightstand. After a long day of putting criminals where they needed to be, it was nice to just relax in a nice quiet home. She pulled the soft white blanket onto her body and laid her hand under the pillow followed by her head on top of it, staring at the candle light.

The window was cracked just enough for the mellow wind to ease its way through the cracks. The wind and flame danced around each other, almost as if they had known each other forever. It brushed against her cheeks and sent a small but relieving chill throughout her body. As she slowly began to feel the overpowering weight of her eyes starting to shut until she felt a rumble in her stomach.

Of course it couldn't wait till tomorrow. She thought to herselfas she pushed the blanket aside, she had neglected to eat, after a day of just running and running she hadn't made time to satisfy her body's needs. She sat up and examined the room, maybe there was a snack that she had left out and maybe she didn't need to go to the kitchen to get food. She looked across the room to her closet where she normally kept some form of sweets; she liked to have them there just in case of an emergency such as this but there were none.

I guess that means I need to go to the kitchen she thought as she stepped over her thrown clothes and other ones from previous days she managed to get the candle and lazily walk to the kitchen, using the wall as her crutch to keep herself up.

When she reached the kitchen she saw a black silhouette of what seemed to be a woman in her kitchen, their eyes meeting for what seemed like forever, the wind had calmed and the house screamed silence. Without a second thought Vi lunged at the intruder, only to bump head first into the cabinet. When she had cleared the ringing from her head and turned around to attack again, the figure was gone.

She rushed to the light switch and turned it on, the evidence of what just transpired came into focus as the light shined on the mess she had made. The candle whose flame had been put out had spilled its wax over the floor, and the now dented cabinet panel told the story.

Am I just seeing things? She thought as she rubbed the spot on her head which had collided with the cabinet. The pink haired woman cleaned up the mess and laid back into her bed, this time she shut the window and the room fell silent once again. This time with a less relaxed setting she closed her eyes, pleading in her head that she was just deprived of sleep and not that someone had tried to steal from her. She thought back to what she could remember. A medium sized woman with long hair, and light blue eyes. That was all she could make out. As the familiar feeling of heaviness weighed down on her eyes once more, Vi slowly drifted off into a slumber thinking that maybe she just needed to get some rest.

A/N: So that's my first chapter, tell me how it was. What should I improve on and what did you like? R&R and thank you for your support, and advice.

-Vergil Maycry