31-Eternal Love

Yugi POV

Months later...

Pressing my thumb on the alarm button on the clock, I rolled out of bed and stretched. My two partners weren't here with me, but I could hear them downstairs talking. The time was 6:45. I had enough time to get showered up, dressed and eat breakfast before getting to school. I yawned, then walked out of the bedroom and in the hallway to the bathroom. I almost forgot where it was. This new house was still getting to me.

After we killed Akefia, the city was restored. The SWAT soldiers that were still roaming the place had informed the citizens it was safe to come back. Of course, they didn't know how to explain that once they saw a giant bright light, everything was fixed up. After a few weeks, everyone was back in town and settled back in. It was like nothing ever happened. I didn't get to see my friends yet. But I get to today. School started back up again, and today I would see their faces. I only ever got to talk to them on the phone. They haven't met Atem yet, and they barely remembered Yami. They got to talk on the phone too. I told them my relationship with them, and they surprisingly took it well. Though...Anzu seemed a bit disappointed..Of course, I didn't tell anyone about what I became since they went away. Only Jounouchi had little suspicion about me because of that park incident.

Everything was fine, but the issue of being seen in public was still an issue. Authorities were still after us. Pegasus was found unconscious in his mansion, and was quickly taken to the government. We found out he ordered for some guys to come to our house. Forcing us to leave out of Yami's old house and hide. This...I guess pissed Atem off, so he had an idea. He said that we would pay him a short visit. It was kinda fun, threatening someone. Of course, it was ill-willed but Mr. Max had it coming. After our confrontation, I got permission to call him 'Mr. Max'.

"W-What tthe...?! How the hell could you possibly get in here?!" He yelled. We had snuck into the government's main base. Considering our abilities, it was pretty easy. We appeared in his office, right in front of him through teleportation. We knocked out any guards that were outside of the room, and disrupted the connection to any surveillance cameras. Yami hopped up on the desk and crossed his legs. Atem sat down beside him, folding his hands. I walked beside the desk and leaned my backside against it, my hands in my pockets.

Atem spoke first. "I believe you owe us a favor. Two favors, actually." His voice was lowered, and his eyes had hidden rage. "One, we kept you alive since our fight with Akefia. We did not have to do that. While your human army would have been after us, it would not have made a difference. I could have decapitated you just like Venom. Second..." He started to sit up straight. Making Pegasus back up in his chair. "You forced us out of our home. If you do not want any trouble with us, I advise you to tell your dogs to quit trying to sniff us out. Leave us alone, and let us be. We saved your city, the least you could do is let us roam freely." Atem made a short chuckle. "Would you look at that? Three favors."

He gulped, I could see him slightly shivering. You know, I never truly found out what exactly Atem did to Mr. Max in the attic back at his island. I guess it must have scarred him. "What do you want for me to do?" He was trying to keep himself from stuttering in fear, I could tell.

Yami took over and cleared his throat. "Well, we want citizenship. Treat us equally as you would treat any other human. You will allow us to live here with a clean slate. And, if we happen to have a desperate need for something that we can only accomplish through your power, you will give it to us, no questions asked."

"We want a new place. Close to my school." I added. "Considering we don't have any money, we would like to get a nice amount of income from you every month. Oh and, don't think we forgot about you deliberately not evacuating myself and my grandfather out of the city when things got chaotic, just because I was associated with Yami."

"In return, we will not harm you, or any innocents as we live here." Atem concluded. "You will be forgiven of all the shit you have caused us. So," He held out his hand with a taunting smile. "Do we have a deal?"

Pegasus stared for a minute, before closing his eyes and sighing heavily. He nodded and slowly reached to Atem's hand. He lightly grasped it, and almost yelped as the other's grip was much tighter. They shook hands and separated. With that, we started to make our leave. I walked towards the doorway, Atem and Yami hopped off the desk. Yami however, stopped and turned back to the human, who was sitting glumly in his chair.

"Oh and one more thing." His eyes started to glow a bright red. "If you try anymore sneaky shit to try and hurt us, we will come back, and we will fucking kill you. We will make you suffer first, and then make your life an absolute hell, just before you meet your agonizing demise." He turned back around and walked towards the door.

I smiled and waved at the frightened man. "Goodbye Mr. Max! Have a nice day." And we left.

I remembered that like it was yesterday. It was actually a month or two ago. This allowed us to basically do whatever we want without getting trouble. We got a new slightly bigger house, and moved here. It was near my school so I could walk there, and my partners would easily be able to meet up with me. This house would have better memories, happier ones. The urn that my grandfather was in was placed in the bedroom right on the nightstand. It may be creepy to others, but I loved him being close to me. Even if that meant being in spirit. I stepped out of the shower, drying myself off with a towel. I wrapped it around my waist and walked out of the bathroom back to the bedroom.

Darn, what should I wear? I mean yeah, I had uniform, but I usually wore something underneath. I scratched the back of his head. It was weird to buy larger clothes for myself now that I changed. I almost laughed just now...I couldn't wait to see the expressions on my friends' faces. Honestly, I just couldn't wait to see them myself. Its been so long without them. And no offense to Yami or Atem, but I needed a break from them sometimes. I obviously loved them with every fiber of my being, but even they annoyed me at times.

After I finally got dressed, I ran downstairs from the living room, to the kitchen. The house had some white aspects to it like Yami's old house, but it had a larger variety of colors. The hardwood floors were a dark brown, the living room walls were a light blue while the furniture was white. The kitchen also had blue tile walls, with white tile floors. Once I stepped in, I saw Yami chewing on a waffle. I immediately smelled the awesome sweet aroma of Atem's cooking. After I saw Yami swallow his food, I walked over and gave him a big wet kiss in the mouth. And obviously, he loved every second of it, even if he was caught off guard. He kissed back, making the kiss intensify. He gripped the back of my hair and pulled me in deeper. He tried slithering his tongue in, but I broke the kiss just before he could do so. I had to grip the hem of his shirt and yank him off to get away.

Yami smirked at this. I smiled back. He was the more rough and aggressive one. The one that handled me with dominance and strength.

I took a plate and placed a pancake and a waffle side by side one another on it. I took a fork from the drawer in the counter and began munching at the table next to Yami. I heard a click, noticing that Atem turned the stove off. He walked over with a glass of water and placed it beside me. I quickly thanked him, and kept quickly eating while simultaneously sipping my water. To this, he made a worried expression.

"Be careful. You may hurt yourself if you eat too fast." He warned. He was right, I almost choked just a second before he said that. I coughed a few times and grinned sheepishly.

"Right, sorry." I continued eating, but at a more slow pace.

For the next few moments, we talked about some other topics. One of the topics that came up, was Seto. After we had threatened Mr. Max, Seto caught wind of it from Yami. He was awfully delighted to hear that Bakura was dead, and that the other vermin were too. Couldn't blame him. One of them killed his brother. Of course, that particular person wasn't dealt with by us or Seto, but knowing that he was burning in hell was worth it. He made sure behind closed doors that Pegasus didn't try any funny business, just in case he didn't heed our warning. I remember when Yami took Atem to KaibaCorp last month...Seto seemed more shocked than happy. I honestly don't understand thoroughly why, but he seemed like he knew him for a thousand years even though Atem had no idea who Seto was. Yami explained to me before that Seto was a reincarnation of a guy named Seth that Atem had used to know, and that he saw their memories in his dreams. So it was like he really did know him. Even though he still seemed like a grumpy guy, he warmed up to me as well even though he'd never admit it. We were always welcomed at his home, and the company building.

I mentioned around the end of the conversation that I would introduce my friends to them in person. They were reluctant, but they complied. It would make me happy, so that's why they agreed to it. It made me smile that they would do literally anything they could for me, just to get a smile on my face. I loved them so much, and they loved me.

After I finished eating breakfast, I stood up from the table and gave them both a peck on the cheek. Atem however, wasn't satisfied. He grabbed my arm before I could step out of the room and pulled me back. He turned me around and cupped my face. He pressed his tan lips against mine, with a passionate kiss. After a long second, I broke the kiss and watched as he licked his lips in pleasure.

He was the more gentle and lustful one. The one that handled me ever so carefully, and with desire written all over his face.

With a smile, I said goodbye. "I'll see you two later. Bye!" I made my book bag appear in my hands in shadows and light. My supplies would easily be manipulated from magic into a physical form later on. Before I stepped through the doorway, I stopped and looked back.

I saw Atem getting very close to Yami. Forehead to forehead, smiling. Yami was sneering back, devilishly.

"My kiss was better." Atem stated.

"I will be the judge of that, pharaoh." He countered. Just like that, they started having a sloppy make-out session. I chuckled to myself. Their relationship got extremely better ever since the fight. I walked out the door and shut it, jogging down the path in the direction of school.

Even though I didnt necessarily had to be in school anymore, I wanted to see my friends. I could never tell them about me. At least not yet. I would explain to them thoroughly why I wasn't evacuated with my grandpa, and why he was now dead, another time. The government never fully explained to the people why they were evacuated, and that was for the best. Not everyone saw a horde of artificial shadow-walkers, that day, before the evacuation.

As I was halfway to school greeting people as I walked, I saw Jounouchi on the way. Dirty blonde hair, tall, and the same uniform as me. Definitely him. I called out his name loud and clear. "Jou!" I waved my hand. My voice was different, so he couldn't tell it was me who called him. He turned around, scowling. But his jaw dropped once he saw me, putting his hands on the sides of his face in shock. It was like The Scream. He immediately recognized me because of my hair. Honestly, if it wasn't for that, I don't think it would have been that easy. "Y-Yugi?! Yugi Muto?!" I frankly couldn't tell if he was shocked mostly because of how I looked, or because he hasn't seen me in so long.

Either way, I smiled. I knew he'd react this way.

I came to terms with myself a long time ago that I would never consider myself normal again. But it couldn't hurt to act it. I had an amazing life ahead of me, that I only saw was filled with happiness. I had my friends back, and now I had two important people who loved me. My life was perfect. No one to fight anymore, no one to rescue from the depths of some insane hell, just a simple normal life. Like how it was before, just better.

I was going to continue living my life with this secret of being a twilight-user, knowing that I had a great future.

And to think, my life got so great in the end, all thanks to Yami coming into Jii-chan's gameshop that day.

Heheh...all thanks to you, Yami...

Thank you.


And that's all she wrote. Literally. Now this story has officially ended. Once again, thank you everyone who kept reading and staying with this story at its darkest hours. Constantly supporting me and encouraging me. I love you all. Thank you, so much.

Now, let's get down to business. "I am 95.I" will be coming soon, as said in the last chapter before this one. The protagonist will be mostly Atem. And yes, of course there will be mobiumshipping and maybe some prideshipping. (Atem x Seto) And for those who didn't like the older Yugi (Yugioh Gx) in this story, when then there's bad news. Because I'm using the older version of Yugi in this new story. There will be killing and violence in the next story too, but I'm not too sure if it'll be rated M. Well, I think I've told you quite enough right? Don't wanna spoil anything else.

Well then everyone, I must be off. I have to work on the new story, obviously. I'll see you all later, and take it easy. ^_^