Title: The Climax That Never Was
Word Count: About 500
Rating: M (if only for language)
Prompts/Challenges: The 100 Prompts - 100 Stories challenge (#47, Murder) and the 5, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 Fandoms challenge.
Warning: Dirty and dark. Spoilers for episode 3.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
The thrill of blades cutting into frail, fragile skin. The sounds of her captive prey begging, cries muffled through the ball gag she had shoved inside their mouths, the glisten of saliva escaping from their gaping jaws...
Takechi lived for the final scream, the last of the viscous, crimson liquid making its way down towards the floor, gravity carrying it down a long, smooth path. It made her absolutely wet and frustrated with tension, just envisioning their pure terror, lapsing into near unconsciousness as time went on.
And how she enjoyed it. The first time she'd read about spiders, and the ways they captured and tortured their prey, was back then, when she had still been training to become an assassin, longing for the sight and scent of her future killings. Testing out various thoughts on animals - from insects, to birds, to small animals rife with emotion - she had more than an inclination towards human beings, balancing on the edge towards death. That peak. That climax.
Shivering, she thought back to her latest excursion. Ichinose Haru was a tough one. Takechi had envisioned her death perfectly, from the way her porcelain, no doubt scarred, skin would slowly pale as her blood was slowly drained out, to the look of her lips as they desperately swallowed and shrieked against the gag. She had been antsy, anticipating that rush of vertigo, of arousal, of ecstasy, as the girl succumbed to her ministrations.
If only that damned human shield of hers hadn't gotten in her way. She might've been able to slice her weapon through the skin just once more, bleeding her of her bodily fluids at her own pace, torturing her, comparing her to the first. That phone strap, as adorable as it was, made the absolute perfect trophy for her to recount the murder, the death, the slaying of the girl.
And now, days after being expelled from the Academy, she still felt that urge come alive in her. That want, that desire, that passion. She still desperately wanted to feel Ichinose's cold, clammy skin beneath her warm, dry fingers. She wanted to swirl her fingers within the pooling blood, bring it to her lips to taste and relish, and maybe even smear it on Harucchi's face.
But she would never again be able to go against her, not with that competition in the way. She had failed, after all.
Taking another sip of her sake, she turned her head to the side, sighed, and found her eyes scoping out for new prey. When she found a girl, not more than a few years older than she, leaning against the threshold of a hallway, similar enough in height and appearance to mock those of Ichinose's, she found an unwilling smile drape itself across her lips.
'It wouldn't be as sweet, but it would be fine enough, in comparison,' Takechi thought to herself, eyes narrowed at the perfectly poised figure against the wall. As she made her way towards the girl, hips swaying in a seductive fashion, she knew she would be alright.
Author's Note:
I absolutely had to write this after the third episode of Riddle Story of Devil. Completely awesome! I really do find it hard to believe that this came from my mind - full of BL, slash, femmeslash, and yuri fluff, as it is - but it did. Reviews are more than a little appreciated :D