Woo, another ereri story. This is based off of a head canon created by attack-on-ereriren. I reeally liked the idea, so here it is! in fanfiction form! You can see visit their Tumblr here: .com
My writing isn't that good, so if you have any suggestions on how I can improve, please don't hesitate to tell me! ^ - ^
In a small dusty room, scattered with papers and materials, sits a brunette scratching away at a piece of paper with a pencil that has long passed its limit. The hands of a nearby clock tick mercilessly away to the dreaded date.
Eren, a young writer, sits hunched over his beloved work, shading, colouring, and erasing. Lines connect to create panels, that once rearranged and fitted, will reflect the next installment of his BL manga.
The tall brunette has always been infatuated with yaoi and BL, writing, reading, and loving everything to do with the fruitfull love between boys. Despite his odd fascination with yaoi and BL manga, he is not gay himself.
Eren continued to work quietly at his desk, littered with papers and broken pencils. His chocolate hair is splayed out in a hundred different directions, and dark circles fill in his eyes. A porcelain mug sits beside his work, which used to be home to fresh coffee, but now sits empty and long forgotten.
The young man sits back for a second and picks up a piece of paper, holding it firmly between his tan fingers. He ruffled his hair and sighed heavily, placing the finished sheet back on the desk with a slight rustle. Eren sat back once again and placed his hands over his face, dragging them down, and pulling at the skin under his eyes and his cheek.
After successfully stretching his cheeks, which was sure to promise wrinkles much later in life, the 22 year-old dragged his body back over the pencil-coloured paper, and picked up his pencil once again, letting it gently fall into a comfortable position. He swiped the pencil over the last page with ease.
He placed the pencil back in its cup on the edge of the dark oak table, adorned with scratches and nicks from past pencil and box cutter mishaps. Eren leaned back and held the rectangle of flimsy white in his hand once again, examining the signature at the bottom corner.
"Rogue Titan."
It was his pen-name. His father Grisha Yeager, held the trophy for the world's biggest homophobic. Eren didn't have to worry about his father disliking him for his sexuality since he was straight, but more so because of his writing. Things would not go over well if his father found out about him writing Yaoi and BL for a living.
Eren stood up from his place in his chair, and raised his arms above his head to stretch. His eyes peered down to stare at a small box of writing.
"Fuck." He cursed to himself and held it up at eye level, the two pools of aqua green skimmed over carefully printed words. "I forgot to put this in." The brunette groaned to himself.
His editor had suggested the brilliant idea of him holding a contest in his latest release. It was a contest for a fan to be able to meet the mysterious writer behind the name Rogue Titan, and the entry was quite a simple task.
All the reader had to do was submit their name and email address. His editor had decided it would be a great way to understand the fan base a bit more, and what better way than to meet a fan in person?
Eren sighed heavily and clasped a sweaty palm over his forehead, and sat back down, starting right away on putting the oh-so-important contest entry box onto the page. Once he finished, he quickly gathered up his supplies and the manga, and hurried to put everything away. It would be troublesome if his father had come into his study and found his work.
Eren was excited to meet a fan of his, but he wasn't excited for all the attention. The majority of his fan base were girls, and he didn't think he could handle a screeching hardcore fangirl coming his way. His editor had reassured him about the situation though. It's only for a day. He had said to Eren.
He kept repeating the sentence in his head whenever he thought about a girl jumping all over him during the meet. Eren took a step back to examine his desk. No evidence of his work was left behind, and he made sure to come in here once his father had gone to work, to run the finished product to his editor.
The deadline for the entry was set for a month after the next volume was set to release. After the deadline hit, the winner would be chosen within a week by a generator. The computer would scan through all the names and information, and once finished, it would generate a name which then would be announced the winner.
Eren padded down the hall, and turned to a heavy oak door on his right. He turned the knob and entered him room, letting the door close behind him resounding a small click. He flopped onto his bed and let his teal eyes flutter shut. Sleep quickly engulfed him, and Eren caught up on the sleep he had been deprived of for the past 2 days.
This concludes chapter 1! Thank you for reading, and please review! Please visit attack-on-ereriren on Tumblr, they post lots of ereri. (obviously w)
Until next time!