Title: First Impressions
Date: April 23, 2014
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Fairy Tail characters.
It was because Jellal thought it was about time that Laxus settle down and because Erza felt Mirajane hadn't been on a date since forever. So both Laxus and Mirajane sit through the worst blind date imaginable… but then again, first impressions weren't everything. [Laxus x Mirajane]

Pairings: Mainly Laxus x Mira and Jellal x Erza

Story WARNING (maybe): So this doesn't take place in Earthland. The only magic in this story is the power of love and friendship. D: This story becomes M later on!

Please enjoy!

First Impressions

Laxus checked himself out in the mirror for the fifth time since he started getting ready an hour ago. It was the usual Friday (or pretty much every week day) night routine of taking a shower, shaving (unless he was going for the bad boy stubble look), styling the hair, then dressing to impress. Although he never had a problem with the latter. Then he'd spend the evening out with the boys, get home with a new girl, and hopefully wake up the next morning alone… and if he wasn't alone, his first reaction would be to call a cab and shoo her out of his apartment door.

Ah yes… The single life. And Laxus Dreyar wouldn't change it for the world.

He could hear his doorbell ring.

And that would be the boys. Hastily throwing on a shirt and touching himself up with a bit of cologne, he opened the door welcoming one of his best buddies Jellal into his mancave.

"Where's Freed and Bickslow at?" He frowned, those two usually weren't late.

"They're not coming." Jellal shrugged.

"Shame." He shrugged, "Then I guess we're waiting on Gray and Natsu. It's not like Gajeel's joining us… ever since he started hooking up with that blue haired bookworm he's been AWOL."

"Her name's Levy and she's a pretty nice girl. Also… Gray and Natsu aren't going." Jellal replied.

"Hm…" He frowned, "Well, I guess it's for the best. There's such things as happy drunks, sad drunks, angry drunks and then there's Gray drunk. And I can go a night without seeing his naked ass."

Jellal coughed.

"So it looks like it's only us, huh? So we better hurry and hit the clubs before there's only the uglies left." He hummed thoughtfully, "You know that bitch Gajeel's dating should really take a page out of your girl's book. I must admit, Erza's pretty cool by not giving you some sort of curfew or chain around the ankle."

"Erza's pretty amazing." Jellal's face immediately lit up, "She's gorgeous, smart and so vibrant. Her smile's contagious and the most beautiful thing I've ever-"

Laxus yawned loudly, a cue for the navy haired man to change the subject.

And Jellal sighed, "Speaking of Erza, we were actually talking about you the other day."

"Oh?" He arched a brow, following the blue haired man out of the apartment.

"Yea." Jellal nodded, "She's at a point where she knows you well enough to know you're not a totally bad guy."

"That's compliment enough." He shrugged.

"… You know she's got a pretty cute roommate." Jellal added after a short pause.

He could feel the corners of his lips curve up into a smirk, "I'm listening…"

"She's got a pretty face, big blue eyes." Jellal recalled.

"Go on." He insisted.

"Long hair. A perfect body. Long legs, big boobs." Jellal's face turned a shade redder.

"Just how I like 'em." He nodded his head approvingly.

"Have I mentioned that she's a model?"

He could feel his ears twitch, "No, you didn't mention that. But tell me more."

"It's been a while since your last real girlfriend… What was her name again?" The blue haired man tapped his chin in thought.

And all his images of a pretty, big boobed model were tucked away to the back of his mind and replaced by the memories of the worst three months of his life. He could feel his shoulders sag, "Anita Drink."

"I'm sure you do, but what was her name again?" Jellal wondered.

"Anita." He paused, "Last name: Drink."

"Oh…" Jellal coughed, "… Right."

"Name puns aside; I really need a drink just about now." He grumbled, as they stood on the side of the street waiting for the cab they flagged over.

"Well, Anita aside… I'm actually a little concerned about you." There was an odd seriousness to Jellal's voice that Laxus absolutely did not like.

He couldn't help but feel the slightest bit apprehensive, "… About what?"

"You're in your late twenties and your string of one night stands is no longer a string, but a long rope tied with the lowest quality girls."

"Hey! Those girls have parents who don't appreciate what you just said." He pointed out defensively.

Jellal sighed, "You're going to end up being that creepy old guy hanging out by himself in bars and clubs trying to hook up with girls half your age. That is… unless you don't die by some sexual transmitted infectious disease first."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He grinned.

"I'm being serious." Jellal glared, "But listen, I talked with Erza and she mentioned that Mira hadn't been on a date since forever."

"… Who?" He frowned, as he climbed into the cab first.

"Mirajane Strauss." Jellal replied.

His frowned deepened, "… Who?"

"The big boobed model." The navy haired man rolled his eyes, "So make sure to treat her nice. She's Erza's friend and roommate, so don't be an ass and enjoy your evening."

"… What?" He blinked as Jellal closed the taxi's door shut.

"Can you drive this guy here to the Pomodoro restaurant please?" Jellal stuck his head into the window, "Oh… and can you take streets avoiding any clubs, bars or strip clubs? I'm scared he might jump out the window."

"Damn hell I will!" Laxus protested.

"Listen Laxus…" Jellal was using that tone on him.

"… You fucking sound like my gramps." He shuddered.

"It's only a date." Jellal made sure to pronounce each word properly.

"A what?" He was horrified.

"You know what a date is." Jellal sighed, "But I really think you and Mira are completely suitable for each other… and can you imagine what it'll be like down the road? She's Erza's best friend. We'll go on double dates and it'll be-"

"I take back everything I say about that harpy bitch you're dating." Laxus growled, "I'm not even ready for this date."

"You look fine." Jellal reassured.

"I know I look fine." He corrected, "But I meant mentally."

"You're never going to mentally be ready." Jellal leaned out of the cab's window.

"Wait!" He called out as the taxi started moving, "I don't even know what this Mira chick looks like!"

"I told you: the boobs!"

"Ah fuck it…" He grumbled, kicking the driver's seat in front of him and earning a swift swerve of the car and a cab driver that was literally reeking of fear. But nobodies aside, he really wasn't looking forward to this date. It was actually a pretty big dick move on Jellal's part… which he wasn't sure if he should be angry or proud of the guy considering he was so straight-laced all the time. But it wasn't like that was going to make any difference on how his night was going to go…

… but hopefully he'll just have to endure the cheesy romantic restaurant, and with any luck charmed her enough to bring her back home, fuck her silly and send her off on her merry way. Actually, it didn't sound too different from how he was originally planning on spending the night… minus the alcohol. Maybe Jellal actually did him a favour…

Or on second thought…

He stepped out of the cab and stood in front of the cozy looking place. Urg… he knew it. Jellal was completely whipped by that man-woman he was dating. Was this the kind of place that Erza makes Jellal take her? Or did he just not notice how much of a sucker Jellal actual is?

And he really couldn't believe he was walking into the place.

… And he felt sick already.

"Hello sir. Did you have reservations?" A cheery waitress was greeting him.

He needed to puke, "I honestly don't know."

She frowned, "Oh… then are you meeting someone?"

"I believe so." He nodded stupidly.

"Do you have a name? Or-"

"She supposedly has these really huge knockers." He held his own hands up over his chest just to help the little lady do her job.

And though he was being helpful, he couldn't believe that he was being met with an offended look.

He sighed… Girls were all the same.

He scanned the restaurant. There were some Cs, the usual As… Mostly Bs… And then… He could feel his jaw slightly drop open.

Jellal wasn't kidding.

He straightened his back making sure to stand at his tallest and strode across the restaurant before stopping in front of the most glorious pair of twins he has ever laid eyes on, "You must be Mira?"

"It's Mirajane." A pretty voice corrected, "And I'm up here."

His eyes lingered a bit more on her ample cleavage before trailing his eyes up to meet deeply blue ones.

"You must be Laxus." She had a resigned smile covering her glossened lips.

"That's right. Everything you asked for, right?" He grinned, taking the seat across from her.

She didn't look impressed, "… So Erza and Jellal tell me you work in a bodyshop? What's that like?"

"I've always been a car guy." He shrugged, as his eyes fell back onto her rounded chest and the way that really nice fitting dress she was wearing accentuated all her lovely curves. It left the most anticipating parts up to his imagination, yet at the same time gave his eyes a satisfying taste of what was hopefully to come.

"I think this is the second time I'm saying this… but my face is up here."

And he let out an exasperated sigh, "With a dress like that, you're asking for it."

Then to his disappointment, Mirajane crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her elbows against the table to better obstruct any kind of view he had. And he was forced to look up and… truth be told, the rest of her wasn't so bad. Calling her pretty would be an understatement. But she was certainly a perfect ten… heck, she was an otherworldly eleven with that dollish face, gorgeous blue eyes and snowy white hair. In terms of looks only, she was totally his type of girl. And admitting something like that was pretty surprising even for himself, because he's never once met someone so physically perfect in Laxus standards.

It was a shame her attitude sucks.

Looking back, the only thing Laxus could remember out of that date was that it was by every criteria horrible. Sure he was no expert on romance and the whole dating game, but he wasn't an idiot. And he didn't have to be a genius to realize just how terrible the evening went. In fact, Mirajane was amazing in that she managed to successfully kill his boner for the evening with her pitiful attempts at awkward small talk. Well, he supposed that it just goes to show that a pretty face wasn't everything.

He doubted he would ever see her again and if he did then it would be too soon.

The only thing he had to worry about now, was how to pay that bastard Jellal back…

To be continued.

Thanks for reading the first chapter! Please tell me what you think! Feedback will be very much appreciated! And hopefully I get chapter 2 out sometime soon-ish.