Note: this story will not be updated regularly. It's just a little side project I've been working on to help me through any bouts of writers block I have while working on Built For This. Whenever circumstances prevent me from finishing a chapter of Built For This on schedule, I will update with a chapter for this fic instead.

This story is not something I'm taking very seriously. It's more light-hearted than the main story I'm working on, it's more comedic, it's not as polished, and the chapters are going to be shorter. However, this story has a couple of interesting ideas I want to play with, so it's not going to be pure fluff and copy-paste referencing of the movie. Don't get me wrong, there will be tons of references, but I'm trying to be clever about them.

If there was one thing Lucy despised, it was routine. And yet, that was all her life consisted of – wake up, eat breakfast, work, go home, dinner, television, sleep. Every day, she followed the same set of instructions, living her life exactly as everyone else did. She hated every second of it, not that she would let anyone know that.

However, she understood that it was important to stick to the routine. In a place as organized as Bricksburg, even the tiniest deviation stood out. These deviations could be picked up by any one of the thousands of security cameras in the city. Once someone suspected that she was abnormal, they would watch her more closely, and things would all go downhill from there.

It was important that she avoided capture. She could do things that the average person couldn't ever imagine. If the President got his hands on her, she didn't even want to know what would happen.

So, instead, she flew under the radar. She followed the instructions like all the ordinary folk, even when it gave her the heeby-jeebies. She put on a balancing act at work, doing well enough to keep her job but not doing so well as to give away her powers.

She also watched the news regularly, but instead of blindly believing everything presented to her, she read between the lines. So, everyone who didn't obey the instructions on Taco Tuesday would be "put to sleep"? More like "disappeared without a trace". Though the President always worked hard to put on a kindly, chipper face for his citizens, she knew there had to be a dark side to him. He controlled the entire Lego universe, after all, and one never acquired that level of power and control without a sinister agenda.

So, she kept her head down. Though she couldn't resist the urge to dye her hair dyed black and maintain it that way, she abstained from putting in any color highlights. It would simply stand out too much. At any rate, her usual outfit had all the color she needed. Her "Official Safety Orange" construction suit and bright red hardhat perfectly matched the rest of her coworkers. She fell into step with them as they all surged out of the construction site at the end of the day.

Most of them talked animatedly about their plans for tonight. She didn't try to join in on the conversation. If she had her way, she would just go home, try to decode what Taco Tuesday really was from the evening news, and go to sleep. But, either fortunately or unfortunately, fate had a different plan in store for her.

A nagging sense of worry sent up a red flag in her mind, and she quickly checked her pockets. Oh. She was missing her instructions. Not that she personally cared if the lost that gosh-forsaken book, but most Bricksburg citizens didn't go anywhere without their precious little instruction booklet somewhere on their body.

She must have left it somewhere back at the construction site. So, after carefully checking around her, she quietly slipped out of the ranks of rowdy workers and dashed back into the deeper recesses of the work zone.

She carefully climbed to the top of a small mound of loose bricks and quickly scanned the nearby area. Her instructions were nowhere in sight. She sighed in disappointment and weighed her options. Which was more suspicious – going home without her booklet, or digging around the construction site after work was over for the day?

Before she could come to a concrete decision, a pile of bricks shifted in the corner of her eye, sending a few loose pieces tumbling to the bottom of their heap. Did she hear a 'whoosh' sound?

Not half a moment later, a dark figure slowly crept out from behind one of the nearby support beams. The gray of their clothing did a surprisingly good job of blending in with the other drab colors of the area. If she hadn't been looking almost directly at them, she never would have seen them move. They had a hood up, preventing her from seeing their face or even determining their gender.

They carried a small, handheld device in their grasp, holding it a little ways away from their body as they swept it back and forth. A detector of some kind? What were they looking for?

Then, she finally put the pieces together. This person was clearly doing something illegal. Were they a part of the resistance?

She almost gave a wild laugh of joy right then and there. After an entire lifetime of flying under the radar and keeping her ear to the ground, she'd finally found the resistance. Her days of following the instructions were over at last. All she needed to do was talk with the person in front of her and convince the resistance to take her aboard. It should be incredibly easy – one demonstration of her powers, and they would be begging her to join their ranks.

"Hey, sir!" she called out as she began descending her heap of bricks. Naturally, she was a bit too distracted to watch where she was putting her feet. A single heart-wrenching misstep sent her tumbling head-over-heels down the pile.

The figure looked up from their device. "Miss?"

She gave a yelp and braced for impact with the ground. Fortunately, she didn't do a face-plant on the jagged construction rubble. Unfortunately, she instead plunged into an ominous, gaping hole in the ground.

Fortunately again, she managed to grab onto the edge of the pit before she fell through. Unfortunately again, she only had a moment to catch her breath before her handheld broke off and she began falling once more.

"Miss!" she heard the figure, a man, call out before she lost all sight of the surface world.

Her nigh-endless fall was confusing, surreal, and in general, quite painful. Who the heck would build this kind of tunnel, anyways? Why not put in a nice stairway, or maybe an elevator? Nothing she encountered, or more accurately, crashed into, made so much as a bit of sense. As she bounced across a forest of sharp and pointy objects, hissing in pain, she cursed the person who thought it was a good idea to bury all these weapons pointing upwards. She lost her hardhat somewhere in the fall, too, which didn't make her rough ride any less painful.

Eventually, as was inevitable, she landed. She wasn't worried about dying – no one ever died by falling. It sure as heck hurt, though, especially when her hardhat decided to punctuate her misfortune by nailing her in the back of the head.

"Ugh," she grumbled as she picked herself off the ground. The blearily wondered how far down she was. She also wondered where her hardhat had rolled off to and how there was somehow enough light to see by at this depth below the surface. Then, all of those trivial wonders were banished from her head when she took the time to see what was directly in front of her.

It was a piece of some kind. However, as soon as she tried to focus her brick-sight on it, she could tell something was wrong. It had no name or serial number, and she couldn't for the life of her figure out how it was supposed to connect with any other pieces. In fact, this object didn't appear to be made of bricks at all. It was also surrounded by a clear, gem-like material that wasn't made out of bricks either. It did glow, though, which was what gave her the light to see by.

All in all, something about this piece was…special.

Was this was that resistance member had been looking for? If so, it was probably very important. It might even be crucial in bringing an end to the President's regime. And she had found it through sheer luck!

No, maybe luck wasn't involved. What were the chances that a person with her rare abilities and talents would stumble across such an important object? This wasn't luck. This was destiny. Her destiny.

She dashed forward, intending on tearing the piece away from its…whatever that clear stuff was. However, as soon as her hand so much as grazed its surface, a sharp jerk yanked her out of consciousness. Her entire world slammed straight into blackness without another thought.

When she came to, she was extremely groggy, like she'd fallen asleep on the couch while watching the evening news. For a moment, that's what she thought had happened. Then, she tried to reach up and rub her eyes, and she realized that both her hands were chained to her seat. Everything came back in a rush after that.

"You're awake?"

Her eyes flew open, but she nearly shut them again against the glare. Someone was shining a flashlight in her face.

"Oh, sorry. Standard procedure."

The man lowered his flashlight, allowing her to get a good look at his face. Not that there was much to look at - his face was incredibly average. Literally, it consisted of only two dots and a line.

The man gestured to a badge on the front of his black jacket. "Officer Brickowski of the Lego Police Department," he began. Unfortunately, the captive refused to let him get any farther than that.

"If you think I'm going to tell you anything," she hissed, "I hope you're ready to be disappointed."

His smile faltered. "You know, it's against the instructions to be rude at police officers."

She rolled her eyes. "Give me a break." As if she even cared about following the instructions anymore. She was clearly in some sort of interrogation situation. The police must have picked her up at the bottom of that pit. "You already know I'm not normal. I'm not one of the President's sheep."

At her harsh tone, he gave a disappointed frown. "I just want to talk."

Her response was to shoot him with a venomous glare. "I'm not going to talk."

He let out a small sigh, turning off his flashlight and setting it on the table. "I wanted to get you up to speed on things. Do you know what happened to you after you touched the Piece of Resistance?"

So, the piece did have a connection to the resistance after all. Still, she pressed her lips into a flat line. "I didn't touch any piece," she asserted. If this man was fishing for information from her, then she was going to make it as inaccurate as possible. "The fall knocked me out cold. Then, you kidnapped me and chained me to this chair."

"Really?" He somehow pulled his simple face into a quizzical expression. "Huh. That's weird. We have camera footage that shows you getting up after you fell."

"Your camera must have malfunctioned," she countered.

He shrugged. "Maybe. There's still a hole in your story, though."

"What?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Um, the Piece is…kind of stuck to your back."

I bet a ton of you thought that Emmet was the guy at the construction site. Misdirection is so fun! There are plenty more surprises where that came from, oh yes…