"What is going on?..." I questioned.

"EVERYONE OUT THEY'RE GONNA KILL US!" Screamed a man in the Starbucks.

Everyone proceeded to run out thinking they were in danger.

"We should leave too before the police come." Said Gatomon

We all nodded and left the store quickly running into a darker part of the street.

We were holding each other close in bed. I was smiling and happy for the first time in a long time. I looked at her, her head on my chest, closed eyes, and a smile on her face. The ring on her finger was shining brilliantly even in the darkness. We were finally engaged. I couldn't wait to tell everyone. My heart was filled with so much hope, I could finally smile for real, for the first time, in a long time. I closed my eyes, ready to finally fall asleep.


I opened my eyes.


"Did I just..."

"Its time..."

"Sora wake up!"

Sora opened her eyes dazed and confused.

"What's wrong?.."

"I think...I think I heard T.K"

She started at my even more confused.

"I know it sounds insane...but I'm sure I did."

"Matt, I'm glad we're together again, but I thought you moved past this."

"I did, and I am, I really am Sora. I'm not going crazy, the guys at NASA made sure of that. I'm serious though, I really felt like I heard him."

Suddenly my phone went off.

Both of us looked at each other.

I picked up my phone and it was Kari calling.

"What's happening?" I questioned right away.

"I'm not sure Matt." Responded Kari. "The D-4, its glowing and it won't stop."

A smile escaped my lips. "You think its possible that..."

"YES!" Replied Kari ecstatically. "He's going to come back!"

"Where are you?"

"The beach, Nefertimon and Davis went to go get Veemon. Come now!"

"Alright, I'm coming."

"What's going on?" Questioned Sora.

"The D-4 its glowing! Sora I think..."

Sora put her finger to my lips. "Let's go get our brother."

I looked at the time. It was 5, Davis still wasn't back yet, and Matt had yet to arrive.

The D-4 was still glowing.

"I hope...I really hope you're coming back T.K"


I turned around and saw Matt and Sora with Biyomon and Gabumon running down the beach.

"Sorry we're late, I had to get Gabumon."

Matt looked down at the D-4 and stared in wonder. "It really is glowing, do you think its time yet?"

"I hope so."

"Did you contact the others?" Questioned Sora.

I nodded. "I did, but I think they're all sleeping."

"Can I see the D-4 Kari?" Asked Matt.

I nodded and took off the D-4. Matt examined . "Do you know why it started to glow."

"I'm not sure, Davis and I were just talking and it happened out of nowhere."

"What were you talking about?"

"Just life stuff you know. And, well, being more hopeful."

Matt looked at me. "I think it has to do with us finally getting out of our slump."

"Makes sense." Said Biyomon. "But why now? Why not before?"

We thought about it, staying quiet for a while. "Maybe because since we were totally void of hope for our lives, we didn't have the power to bring him back." Said Matt.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sounds good enough to me."

"Guys!" We turned around and saw Davis coming with Veemon and Nefertimon.

Davis and Veemon jumped off Nefertimon and she proceeded to de-digivolve.

Davis walked up to us and he looked at Sora and smiled. "Congratulations guys!"

I was confused, and then I looked at Sora's hand and I saw the ring.

"Sora!" I hugged her. "I'm so happy for you!"

Sora smiled back. "And hopefully I'll be calling you sis soon."

The D-4 started to glow brighter. A ray of light shot out towards the horizon of the beach. A portal of light formed over the water.

"It's almost like the time when we went to the dark ocean for you Kari." Said Gatomon.

"Then there's only one thing to do..." I said.

I jumped towards portal entering the light, I could hear the others yell after me.

Once the blinding light started to fade from my eyes I could see that I was in a cave.

"Next time don't rush in like that." Said Matt as he came behind me.

"Well T.K did do the same thing..." Said Gatomon

"Where are we anyway?" Asked Davis as he came too.

One by one we all entered the cave.

"Beats me." Said Matt. He walked a little ahead, "only one way to find out."

We all walked through the corridor of the cave, somehow all lit up with no fire or any type of lights brightening it up. Eventually we reached the end of the cave, and there was a naturally formed pedestal, on it, had 3 items.

"It can't be..." Said Matt.

We all gasped, it was impossible. I looked at the D-4 on my wrist and still couldn't believe it.

On the pedestal lay an old model digivice which was yellow as if it was digivolving Patamon to ultimate, the tag and crest of hope and the digi-egg of hope.

"How is that even possible, didn't the D-4 evolve or something from the digivices?" Questioned Davis.

"Who knows with the digital world..." Said Sora.

Matt walked up to the old digivice. He picked up the digivice and suddenly he and Gabumon disappeared.

"Where did he go?!" Exclaimed Sora.

Davis walked up to the digi-egg. "Only one way to find out.." He picked up the digi-egg and he and Veemon disappeared as well.

I walked up to the crest. "I'm coming T.K..."

I teleported into an area that was all white. There was no depth to the area so I couldn't tell how large the area was.

"Where do you think we are?" Asked Gabumon.

"Not sure..."

The digivice in my hand started to vibrate even more.

"Something's coming Gabumon..get ready..."

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!"

"Hope's shoulder..."

"Where did that come from?..." I asked.

"Behind us Matt...its..."

I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes.


"You who Hope relied on. You were his shoulder, the one who could bear his problems, his sadness, FAILED HIM!"

I looked down. He was right. When T.K needed me the most, I failed him. The last moments of his life I couldn't even save him...

"Matt, don't listen to him. You did everything you could have, you were the best brother to him. Even T.K knows. Don't give up hope!"

"Still Garurumon, if only I could've done something different..."


The beam came hurdling towards me, I humped out of the way.


Garurumon charged towards grabbing his staff with his mouth.


Angemon twirled his staff and flung Garurumon back.


The blast went towards Angemon but he eradicated it with his staff by swinging at it.

"Weak...your will is weak.

"Matt...you need to believe in yourself...T.K believed in you!"

"Do I have the right to be his brother after all I couldn't do?!"



The two attacks collided with each other created a massive smoke effect.

"I was born with that right...and even though I couldn't save T.K... I will always believe in the future he believed in...I WILL PROTECT HIS LEGACY!"

The digivice in my hand glowed extremely bright, it cleared away the smoke. Angemon stood there, smiling.

"Then continue striving forward..."

Angemon started to glow a bright white light, and in his stead, another portal appeared.

Garurumon de-digivolved.

"Let's go Gabumon..."

"Where are we Veemon?"

"Looks like a white room Davish."

"That's obvious enough genius!"

"Then why did you ask?!"

"It was a rhetorical question!"

"Hope's spine..."

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

"Behind you..."

We turned around and were caught completely off guard.


"You who are Hope's spine, holding up his bluntness, brought out Hope's strength, who challenged him and gave him more purpose, FAILED HIM!"

"Failed him?"

"What is he talking about Davish?"

"I don't know Veemon."

"Maybe its like a trial, sort of like with Malomyotismon."

"Actually, its exactly like that. Hey Pegasusmon, this isn't exactly original, couldn't you do something else? Like a pie eating contest or something?"

"Wait wha-"

"OOO, no how about a cake eating contest, cake is more delicioush!"

"What? No way, I'm in the mood for pie Veemon."

"Oh come on, we always eat the dessert you want!"

"Guys, I'm sort of in the midd-"

"Hold on a sec Pegasusmon, come on Veemon, please?"

"No way, I listen to you all the time!"

"That's it...EQUIS BEAM!"

The attack came flying directly at me, I had no time to react.

"Damn it..." I said closing my eyes.

"Veemon armor digivolve to...Flamedramon."

I opened my eyes and Flamedramon stood in front of me blocking the attack.

"Attacking unsuspectedly Pegasusmon, that is not like you at all." Responded Flamedramon.

"When Hope needed strength and your support, you were no where to be found! You were no friend to him, all you did was take from him what was precious."

"Take from him? Are you kidding me?"



The two attacks crashed into each other, canceling each other out.

"T.K was my rival and one of my best friends. I always had his back no matter what kind of fights we got into. What happened 3 years ago doesn't change anything. I knew that T.K had to take care of somethings alone, but that doesn't meant I didn't care. When it came down to it, I was there for him, yea, it took me a long time to figure that out, but I know deep in my heart T.K never blamed me or anyone for that matter for what happened to him. He chose that path and I backed him up. Fighting now won't change anything except waste time. He helped give the world a new future, and ITS SOMETHING I WILL GIVE STRENGTH TO!"

Pegasusmon stopped in his tracks. He nodded and he started to glow. He was replaced by a portal.

"Easier than I thought." I smiled.

"Where do you think we are?"

"No idea Kari."

"Hope's heart and soul..."

We turned around and saw MagnaAngemon floating down towards us.

"It can't be..." I whispered.

"You who Hope gave everything to and asked for nothing in return, whom he would do anything for, FAILED HIM!"

MagnaAngemon swung his arm and brought our Excalibur.


"Right...Gatomon digivolve to...AngeWoman!"



The gate was collapsed by the attack.


"After all I've done?..."

"You tore his heart to shreds, left him alone to suffer in a world alone, and when he needed you most, you abandoned him."

I clenched my fist.

"You have no idea...no right to say any of that. I loved T.K. I gave him my heart, he was never alone. Yes, I didn't return my feelings to him right away, but they were always there. He had my heart from the start, I never needed to even give it to him. I know T.K, he may have been hurt, but not once would he blame me or anyone else, instead of wallowing, he decided to save the world, that's the kind of man he was! And let me tell you, when he did need me, I was there, I was always there for him, and now, I WILL BE THERE FOR THE WORLD HE WANTED!"

MagnaAngemon stood still and smiled. "So be it." He became a bright white light and transformed into a portal.

"Let's go AngeWoman..."

"Where do you think they are Biyomon?..."

"I'm not sure Sora..."

Suddenly 3 bright lights appeared and 6 figures walked through the light.

"What happened?" I asked

"It was a trial..." Said Matt.

"To see if we believed in Hope..." Said Davis

"And if we believed in ourselves..." Said Kari.

"So now what happens?" Asked Biyomon.

"Not sure..." Said Matt.

Then, the D-4, the digivice, the digi-egg and the crest all started to glow. The objects floated in the air and started to merge together.

And suddenly the light shattered into a million pieces, and the cave around us started to delete. And suddenly, all at once, we found ourselves at the beach again.

"What happened?" Questioned Davis.

We all stood there silently. The sun had started to rise over the horizon, just like how T.K's crest looked like.

"Does that mean...he isn't coming back?" I asked.

Everyone left, except for me, I decided to stay at the beach. I was upset that he didn't return, but I had a new sense of renewal in my life. We all did. My love for T.K was unbound, and now, I could finally say goodbye to him.

I closed my eyes and with tears falling down my cheeks I finally said it.

"I love you T.K...Goodbye..."

And that is it! I know I took forever to finish it, but I did say i was losing interest. I compacted the story a lot because I knew I probably was not gonna write more and I personally wanted to wrap this up. Not exactly how you expected it to end huh? Its not as good as I wanted it to be, but you all get the idea. As for the sotry Rivals, not sure if I'll ever finish it. If anyone wants to take over it, let me know.

Tun Tun TUN!

blah bitty boopity beepity bop

he who sees, is the king of pop!

Oh...and for those you who kept reading...

"Why are you saying goodbye?..."

I opened my eyes surprised. I turned around and saw a familiar set of sapphire eyes.

I smiled.