A/N This will have lot of references to Frozen Skin so if you want to understand this please read Frozen Skin.

Elsa POV

Elsa woke up in the early hours of the morning. She got out of bed and walked over to the window to look out of her window.

Most people would still be asleep but ever since she was little she had always woken up in time to see the sunrise. She looked up at the gorgeous colours spilling across the sky. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. When she opened them there was a shadow crossing the sky.

She thought it was merely a bird, but then it got closer and closer and she saw that it was a boy.

But that couldn't be right. People couldn't fly. She shook her head and walked away from the window.

Jack POV

Jack flew high above the fields away from the sunset. He turned around mid flight and looked at the colours turning night to day.

He was finally going to make sure the little girl was okay, that he hadn't killed her. He looked down and saw with surprise that there was an ice-rink in front of the castle. That wasn't there last time. He flew up to the same bedroom as last time and saw a pale girl with her back to him.

She was surrounded by frost patterns that swirled all around the windows. As he watched a snowman burst into her room, with a snow cloud hovering above his head, shouting something about

"Sven and Kristoff need more carrots!"

He heard her soft musical laugh and he listened spellbound as she suggested going to see someone called Anna about it instead. The snowman ran out as fast as he ran in, his snowstorm sending a trail of snow in his wake. He turned and hid behind the windowsill, but peeked through the window and saw her look at the floor with the same blue eyes she had when she was little, for he was certain that it was her that he healed many years ago.

She looked up and he ducked away, but not in time.

"Hello? Who's there?" she called.

Elsa POV

She walked towards the window, where she had seen the face. As she approached a pale face darted in and out of view as if to see if she had turned away. She smiled and called out,

"I won't freeze you, I promise."

To her surprise a boy, no older than her looked inside.

"You couldn't anyway," he said.

"Oh, really?" Elsa said, unimpressed.

"Just you try getting ice anywhere near me," he said and smiled challenging her.

"If you insist."

But as soon as she sent out a sheet of ice it went nowhere near him. She grinned and tried again. But every time she tried it refused to go anywhere near him.

"How are you doing this?" she asked.

"What's your name?" he asked ignoring her question.

"Elsa," she said shyly, he was looking at her almost as if he had seen her before.

"Elsa," he repeated, "Yes."

"What is your name?"

"My name is Jack Frost."

I hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think. Thank You
