If I was Rick Riordan, Camp Jupiter would have a sane augur who didn't take the title of praetor without being elected as such and didn't stab teddy bears for fun. Sadly…
"Okay, so this is my proposal." Leo slapped his hands on the table to grab everyone's attention. Piper slammed Hazel's arm on the ground in their arm wrestling match, Percy pinned Jason's thumb under his in their thumb wrestling match, and they turned to Leo. Frank paused his and Calypso's lesson of how to defeat a Chinese fingertrap (leaving Calypso's fingers still stuck) and Annabeth looked up from her book.
"I think that we should hold a prank war on the Argo II!" Leo announced. "Boys versus girls. Tomorrow, from midnight to midnight. The only rules are that you can't help the other team, and you can't cause any bodily damage to someone on purpose. The team that has pranked the other the most by the end of the time period wins! Sound fun?"
"What do we get if we win?" Percy shoved a blue cookie into his mouth and chomped loudly. Annabeth rolled her eyes at his immaturity and turned back to her book, ears still perked as she listened to Leo.
Leo had no ideas for a prize. "Bragging rights." he replied.
Percy shrugged. "Fair enough. I'm in." he decided. He turned to the girls, a wide smirk on his face. "We're gonna win."
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly." Hazel intervened, crunching into an apple with a playful smile on her face. "We have Annabeth."
"But we have Leo." Jason crossed his arms and leaned back as if that settled the matter.
"But we have Hazel." Piper raised her eyebrows, daring one of the guys to challenge her.
"But we have Percy." Leo reminded everyone.
"But we have Piper." Calypso spoke up for the first time.
"But we have Jason." Frank objected.
"And we have Frank." Jason patted his friend on the shoulder and grinned.
"But we have Calypso." Annabeth slammed her hands down on the table in finality.
"So?" Frank asked. "We'll still win."
Leo winced. "She once enchanted all her frying pans to follow me and whack me all day long."
Calypso broke into a wide grin. "Oh, that was funny."
An awkward silence ensued. Neither Leo nor Calypso had mentioned anything about what had happened when Leo was on her island. He'd just shown up with her two days ago, introduced her, cleaned Coach Hedge's room so she could have her own cabin, and just like that, Calypso was a member of the Argo II's crew. Everyone save Percy and Annabeth were secretly debating whether or not Leo had finally found himself a girlfriend. They did seem to despise each other, but Leo seemed a lot happier than he'd had when he rejoined the crew after his five-day banishment. Everyone knew the myth of Calypso, and it didn't take long for them to realize that somehow, she'd fallen for Leo. But the two refused to even sit next to each other at dinner. It was clear that if anything was going to happen, it would take time.
Finally, Frank cleared his throat and broke the silence. "Percy, Jason, Leo. Meeting in my cabin in five minutes. We need to strategize."
Annabeth had just been about to do the same thing and glared. When the boys left she said about the same thing. Two meetings later, everyone went to bed, free of the threat of monsters for a few weeks.
Everyone was both counting down the seconds until midnight and praying that the next morning would never come.
My first fanfiction! This one didn't really have a POV but the next chapters will have specific character POVs! Please review with ideas for pranks, I'd love to hear your thoughts! I love criticism of my writing, but if you bash Leo, Calypso, or Caleo, I will find you. My name is Blackberry Explosion, have a great day!