No-one dares disturb me as I sit staring across at the Gryffindor table, watching my enemy, my love. The power I wield, whilst not omnipotent, is effective enough to grant me this respite.

He is laughing, always laughing, and when I hear it I can truly believe that laughter is the best medicine. Although hundreds of people make pointless noise around us, I can hear his laughter as if he sat next to me, and I shudder as it sends a thrill down my spine.

The Weasel says something, and my love blushes, smiling. His eyelids flutter and his soft lashes mask brilliant green eyes for a moment. Eyes you could drown in.

When he looks up once more, his hopeful gaze is searching, but for what - or who - I can only hope. Our eyes lock for a moment, and I feel myself falling, helpless, and yet with no desire to attempt resistance. This is, after all, my bittersweet longing.

A gentle smile passes across his face, but then it is gone, he looks away. The moment is broken and once more I am left to contemplate the charms of one Harry James Potter, The Boy Who Was Untouchable.

Staring down at my plate, I realise I haven't so much as taken a bite. Picking up my toast, I resolve to quit this incessant internal babbling - literary genius or not, it must go - and regain my cool. A Malfoy must remain unaffected in all circumstances, not matter how adorable they may be.



I can feel him staring at me again, and it only makes me laugh harder.

Ron's getting suspicious, and I know Herm's got a million and one ideas about this.thing - most of which will require hours of research in the library, no doubt about it.

I realised what it meant a few weeks ago, and it didn't bother me. To tell you the truth, the fact that it didn't bother me only made me worry that it should bother me. But then I got over it.

I'm not making much sense, am I? Well, the truth of it is.Draco's gay. And I'm gay. We're all gay, really. Well.maybe not all of us.but Seamus and Dean are, and Blaise Zabini too, not to mention Justin Finch- Fletchly.and.lots of others, alright!

You have to wonder if wizards have a pre-disposition to homosexuality, or if it's just a coincidence. Maybe it's just our genera-

"Malfoy's staring at you again!" Ron hisses in my ear - I told you he was suspicious. Now Ron, he's not gay-

"If I didn't know Malfoy, I'd say he fancied you!" Oh dear.I'm blushing! I'm blushing and I can't do anything to stop! I'm blushing AND smiling, and I can't do anything to stop either of them!

Ack! Now I'm looking at him! And smiling at him! Look away!! That's it Harry, look away from the really sexy Slytherin staring at you like he'd rather like to jump across the tables and just-

Looking away right now! There we go, I'll look at Ron. Nice, straight not- looking-like-he-wants-too-shag-me-on-the-breakfast-table Ron. Oh dear. He might not look like he wants to shag me on the breakfast table, but I'm not sure I like that expression either.he's grinning at me as if he's just worked out the biggest secret since the Chamber of Secrets.

Oh dear.


Oh. My. God. This can't be happening. This can not be happening! It's bloody brilliant, that's what it is! They're making an Official Chudley Cannons calendar!

Oh, and there's some weird thing going on with Harry and Malfoy. I think someone cast a spell on them. Must remember to tell 'Mione bout it.