This is my first time doing this and I do not plan on doing it again. I am such a fan of George R.R. Martin and his writing. I love the Fire and Ice books but I could never get enough of Arya. I love her so much and I think she is such an amazingly well written character and I just wanted to do my own little version of her tale. So comment I guess and let me know how I did.

Arya watched from the cold hard ground as the Beric let Sandor Cligane simply be led away to freedom. Her heart was racing after the sword fight that had just occurred in front of her and all the rest of the brotherhood. She was sure Beric was going to run his fire sword right through the Hound`s face. She was sure he was finally going to be brought to justice for what he had done to Mycha and she had been so ready for it. Until the Hound put his sword half way into Beric`s shoulder.

What once was adrenaline that had compelled her to draw her sword and charge the Hound until she was stopped by Gendry who used his large body and muscles to take her flailing body to the ground, was now just anger and furry. She tried to breath to keep from crying in anger. Gendry still had his arms around her waist with his body half lying on hers in his attempt to keep her still. Suddenly she became uncomfortable as she realized that the men were starting to stare at them.

"Get off me" she choked trying to sound serious and mean and not hurt and disappointed like she really was.

She wriggled under Gendry but it was no use he was to strong and he held her down easily.

"Stop it Arya! I will let you up when he is away from here." He squeezed her small frame closer into his broad strong upper body. Arya knew there was no point in fighting him she would not be able to escape.

"Take her out of here boy." Thoros told Gendry as he stood over them his tunic covered in Lord Beric`s blood.

"Stay with her to make sure she doesn`t run off. "

Gendry got up and pulled Arya to her feet. He took her by the hand and let her out of the cave. Once they were outside she pulled her hand from his in anger.

"I am not a child" she snapped at him as he led her back to the make shift sleeping area he had made.

"Could have fooled me the way you just acted." He glared at her over his shoulder. "Charging him like that. Going to avenge your dead friend with the Hounds sword through you are you.

"I could have killed him had you stayed out of it."

Gendry stopped and spun on his heels to look down at her. His usually bright blue eyes were a dangerous dark blue now and he had never as long as Arya had known him looked so serious.
"You are not a stupid girl. We both know that, you don`t stand a chance against him as long as he is armed and awake. If it hadn`t been for me getting in the way," he said in a mocking tone "I would have been packing your dead little corpse from that cave. You want revenge fine, but make sure if you`re going to do it you get you live to tell about it, or at least wait until I am no longer around." His chest was heaving up and down from his angry deep breaths. Arya tried to find the words to argue back but for once she could think of nothing to say.

Gendry pointed to the pile of furs underneath a large boulder that jutted out from the rock face.

"Build a fire and stay here" He looked at her with such an intense stare that for a moment Arya was intimidated by him, but the feeling quickly faded as he turned to walk toward the large group of tents.

"Why do you think you can just tell me what to do? If I want to go I will go!"

"Damn it Arya Please!" He shouted at her. It surprised her but she didn`t let him see that.

Gendry turned again and stormed off into the trees.

Arya slammed herself down on one of the piles of furs and began to build a small fire. The sun was gone almost completely and the night was setting in. The nights were getting to be almost unbearably cold these days. Arya was leaning against the rock wall with her furs wrapped around her when one of the brothers came to her carrying a plate of beans and some deer meat from the large doe one of them had killed that day.

"Here girl. You need to eat. You are going to need your strength if you are going to make this whole journey."

He set the food down on the ground next to her. He stood again and began to walk away before he paused and turned back around.

Where is your blacksmith?"

"He isn`t my blacksmith and how should I know?" She spat. She could hear the rudeness and the cruelty in her voice but she could not stop it.

"Just seems odd is all. That boy of yours is never more than four feet from ya."

"Stop calling him mine or I swear to you I will slice your throat."

The man smiled at her before walking away.

"My blacksmith, my boy, he isn`t mine you ignorant twat." Arya said quietly to herself when the man was safely out of ear shot.

She curled up under her furs and watched the flames dance around before her.

"I wonder where he is."

She thought to herself. She didn`t know why she was concerned about it she was sure he was fine but it wasn`t like Gendry to be gone this long.

"Who cares?" She said quietly she knew he could take care of himself. Arya closed her eyes and recited her list of names before letting her eye lids get heavy and finally letting sleep take her.