Fates Intercepting

Author: The Elemental Witch

E-Mail: [email protected]

Category: Action/Adventure/?(I'll probably think of one later, but I'm thinking romance, ya want homo or hetero, you tell me who and I'll see what I can do)


Prologue: A Stormy Night

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Books Series do not belong to me; and I am in no way, shape, or form taking in money for this piece of work.


It was a dark and stormy night, a time for misery and unhappiness. But, like alot of other works of fiction, it was also a good time to start a story. And that's what I'm doing...


Well......So I'll get on with it.

Anywho, normal nights in England were an amiable temperature, not too hot or cold.

Well, who said this night was normal?

It almost seemed as if winter had came early. A nondescript thermometer's reading's would have shown that it was almost 20 degrees lower than what it should be. The precipitation was coming down like cats and dogs. It was no night to be traveling in. But some idiots just had to risk it.

A pair of luminescent green eyes, glowing with the richness compared to that of the finest cut emeralds. They stared back at the streets with a wisdom, not usually thought of for a 15 year old boy to possess. Dark circles claimed his orbs, blatant, but hidden by the thick rims of black, cheap glasses. But besides those, this male showed no signs of weariness.

Finally, he seemed to startle out of his contemplation. Standing and making his way over to a battered desk, where a kind of paper, clearly not as modern as his surroundings were, lay scattered across it. Markings covered each, this parchment, made by what looked like a feather, almost falling out of an inkpot sitting at the corner of the table. Sighing the wise-man child collected his homework, and replaced it into a large trunk, sitting at the end of what he called his bed.

It was not a bed at all. Clearly old, it had rust covering most of its frame. The bed was lumpy, with nothing but a thin sheet for warmth. Everything in the room showed it's age, mostly broken and dusty.

The room itself was small, if compared to the rest of the house. Only about 1/4 the size of the master bedroom. The air in the room was stale, as if it hadn't been cleaned in ages, which it hadn't. The only window in the room was open, letting in the noise of the storm that was thundering outside of the house. The only light that was on came from a broken lamp in the corner. It had been fixed by yours truly during his sleepless nights, so he wouldn't have to use to top light and risk getting Uncle Vernon's attention. The bulb he had snitched from the pantry one day during breakfast when he was getting the pancake mix.

A noise came from an unlocked cage, sitting in the corner upon the desk. In it was a beautiful snowy white owl, not something you would think it'd be wise for a mere boy to have. You'd have to be pretty experienced with animals if you were to even wish to own such a bird.

But, thankfully, that's only in the muggle world.

In the wizarding world, everything was different, and everything was wonderful, thought the raven-haired child called Harry.

In the wizarding world, all his hopes and dreams came true. They even surpassed what he expected. But with the good things, also came bad.

Scowling, Harry remembered the reason for his sleeplessness. Twice so far, he dreamt of the Dark Lord's plans, and twice he had called upon Hedwig to fly to Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, and his Godfather, Sirius Black. Other than that everything had went fine, besides his nightmares about the Triwizard Tournament and what future horrors might befall his only home.

The Tournament dreams were not too bad. Of course he had plenty of guilt about Cedric's death, but that was unavoidable. He knew it was in the past, but that didn't stop him from thinking about what he could have done to prevent it. Learn from your mistakes, a lesson he remembered from one of his meaner, before Hogwarts, instructors. He didn't plan on letting it happen again.

But he feared about what would happen to his friends, his sudo-family. Hogwarts was the only place he had ever been accepted, except for with his parents, but that didn't count, he couldn't remember them.

So, every time he couldn't fall asleep, every moment was spent studying. For he knew that Fate wanted him to play the hero. And in the end, he knew it in his heart, out on the battle field, the final showdown would consist of two people.

Himself, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived...

And, Lord Voldemort, the last descendant of the Slytherin House.


Outside the wind whipped across the earth. The rain fell, the ground rumbled, and lightning flashed. For soon the time of Destiny would be at hand.

Fire burned the ground, 6 feet high flames, but the strangest sight of all was that it was in the shape of a pentagram. So in this place, at the exact time of midnight, at the summer equinox, a strange light gathered.

Where all the elements converged; this was time where some dimensions overlapped each other. It was unknown to all, but the Ancient Druids and the Tuatha de Danaan, that at this time you could travel between these worlds. This was the time where interference would be the weakest, and it was the easiest not to get killed. It was a secret known only to the Fairie, who on this planet had been betrayed by a group of Ancient Druid but left the secret to someone who could protect it and the rest of the planet, who in all of this was left ignorant.

But that was on this reality.

The other one was much different, so who said that they couldn't know the secret of inter-dimensional transportation.

Soon the light became so bright, it was almost impossible to see. The rain came down harder, the wind blew faster, but the fire raged on. Finally lightning flashed, and inside it grew two small clouds of darkness, which suddenly formed shape and mass. Then really quite suddenly after what seemed like hours but in reality was barely a minute the light extinguished itself, leaving behind two people.

They were obviously of wizarding origin, having nicely fitted robes covering each. But both were different sexes, considering the fact that one possessed feminine curves and long red hair. Her face was oval, posessing long curling lashes, a petite nose, and full pouting lips. She had robes of midnight blue on over a black shirt and jeans.

The other was well-built, used to exercise, long and lanky with short black hair, that was styled in short spikes. He had a mouth that looked like it was good for smiling and his nose could be called strong. In all actuality, he was almost a twin to the green-eyed boy, albeit a little older and taller. Both people looked in prime condition, at the height of their powers, as if they were use to fighting. Their bodies showed that they were completely at ease with themselves.

Suddenly, groaning, the man sat up, sapphire eyes looking out from expensive, metal, thin-framed glasses. "Whoa, what a ride!" He muttered, rubbing his head, showing that even in the most desperate times he could still make jokes. "Lily!" the man called rubbing the shoulder of the carrot top, which was already darkening due to the rain (a/n: her hair, not her shoulder).

"James?" questioned Lily, opening her eyes, she looked around. She didn't see what she was hoping for, and her features saddened. Pulling herself up, she looked around. "Where do you think we are?"

Eyes sad, he shook his head. "I don't recognize anything."

"I hope this earth isn't too different from our world," she stated, depressed, "because we won't ever be able to go back." Shivering from cold or sadness, Lily didn't know. All she knew was that in one night, her friends and her home had been ripped from her.

Worst of all, she knew that the Dark Lord now ruled her world, their last hope Albus Dumbledore had been killed. Tiny as though it might be, compared to the might expanse of the Universe, it was all she knew and all she had ever wanted to know. Who would be brave enough, she wondered, who would have enough foolishness and power to stand up to Lord Voldemort? She hoped she would never find out; she knew, in her heart, she wouldn't like the answer.

James wrapped his arm around her, but he wondered whether it was more for her comfort or his. Rain poured down on them both, freezing them with its iciness. Boy, it was times like these that he wished he had his wand. Deciding quickly, he huddled them both under his cloak, which had a rain-repelling and heating charm permeating it (with a few protection spells), standard for a Auror to have.

Leaving the hilly area they had been standing on for a few minutes, they found a road. Their feet splashed in the puddles that were still forming, but while Lily's feet were frozen and soaked, James's were warm thanks to his boots.

They were suddenly startled out of their miserable trudging when a car passed by almost hitting them if not for James quick reflexes. He found himself looking into Lily's eyes that were suddenly going from shock to relief, another death had been quickly averted.

"Now I know why I hate those muggle contraptions," James growled causing Lily to giggle, she didn't know why.

Lily felt she was about to go mad, but instead she broke out crying. "Why? Why?" She screamed out to the sky, as if it would solve her enigma. "Lily, come on now, don't do this to me." Spoke James, worry evident in his voice. "I know, it's just, why us? Why now? Everything was going so great and then *wham* it hits. We don't have anywhere to go, we don't even know where we are. This dimension probably will be so different from ours? How are we going to cope? And what if this planet's worse than our's? And then we might have to go to another one! It's just too much, too much to cope, to handle. And...I'm sorry James. I'm sorry for breaking down. Look at me the hysterical female." She made a mocking motion with hands.

James sighed, how would he ever live without her? "You may be a hysterical female, a very hysterical female" he added with a grin, causing an indignant Lily, "But your my hysterical female." After that statement he hugged her and dropped a kiss on her lips.

"Famous last words." She retorted dryly, with a smile, but she accepted the kiss then gave one of her own.

"Enough emotional upheaval in the middle of nowhere." She said, looking as though that outburst had caused her quite a bit of relief. Standing they started walking.

Mile after mile.....

After mile after....

Mile after mile....

After mile after...

Mile after mile...

After mile after...

Finally civilization came in form of tiny little dots of light. Thankful for this lucky break they had (they could have been stranded, with nothing around for miles!) they walked toward it till they reached a populated area. It was a homey and quant place. White little picket fences and neighborhoods with white and baby blue houses. There was no one around for miles it seemed, the quietness almost grating on their nerves. The muggleness and the calmness surrounding each was strange to them, they had been living a long time with Aurors on every street corner! Lily had been paying attention, for she quickly noticed a familiarity to this place. Spotting a street sign, she dragged a protesting James over to it, who had been resting his aching feet.

"Hey, hey! This is where Petty lives, I bet she won't mind if we bummed a night off her!" She exclaimed, hope easing its way into her eyes.

"Sure," he said darkly, remembering the last time he had seen her. Though it was fun to tease her he thought grinning.

"But we're family! Besides, if she doesn't agree we could always threaten her."

"We don't have our wands, genius" James reminded her.

"She doesn't know that" Lily replied mischieviously.

And so they trudged along the roads, cold and wet, finally coming to rest on the pavement of 4 Privet Drive. The house was almost completely dark and if you could strain your senses you could almost hear the snoring coming from two bedrooms, respectively issuing from the mouths of Vernon and Dudley Dursley. Petunia, Lily knew, that unlike her fat husband no noise came from her mouth besides the common things she said aloud from her dreams. The house itself was everything she expected from her jealous sister. Everything new, the garden immaculate filled with mostly petunias and no lilys. Strange that she had even let her jealousies effect her garden.

The only light coming from the house was a small light, almost nonexistent coming from the smallest window, at the side of the house. They didn't actually pay much attention to it, it could have only been a night light. So they rushed to the door, and rang the doorbell, eager to get out of the rain and off of their feet. Finally someone heard and answered their prayers, as they heard footsteps, then the eventual clicking of the lock.

"Lily?" The person on the other side of the door said faintly.

It looked as if she hadn't really been expecting them to be there.

How did they know?

The look of shock on her face and her fainting at their feet kinda gave them a clue.


So, how was it? Not too bad, I hope. I have one story I didn't finish because I didn't have enough reviews to really encourage me to go on, so I'm planning to revise it. So, you know what to do. If you want me to put up another chapter, I want reviews. Here's my chart on how fast I get out chapters, based on the amount of reviews I get.

1=One to two weeks
2=One week
3=6 days
4=5 days
5=4 days
6=3 days
7=2 days
8=1 day

Any more than that and I'll probably have a chapter up in the next 12 hours.

See ya!