It wasn't until she saw Viktor Krum through the pub window that she froze.

Hermione's heart began to race in her chest. Her hand that was moments ago reaching for the door, tensed and retracted back towards her body. Her breath was clearly visible on the snowy streets of Diagon Alley.

"I can't go in there." She thought to herself. She moved a few steps further away from the window where she was hidden in the darkness of the night but close enough to where she could still see Viktor.

He was tucked in the back of the pub sitting at a square table with three people Hermione didn't recognize. He had mentioned it was a night out with friends but somehow this fact didn't ease her anxiety. `

Since things with Ron ended Hermione hadn't seriously dated anyone. She had various offers, a few onetime dinner disasters but nothing substantial or worth gushing over. She never got those feelings of love, lust or even like with the men that asked her out.

Hermione's brain strayed to the conversation she had with her friends as soon as she left Flourish and Blotts earlier that morning.

"What are you so worried about Hermione?" Harry tried again. This was a conversation Hermione knew Ginny would be better at then he was. "Have drinks with the man. And splash a drink in his face if he tries to get fresh. Hell, do it even if he doesn't."

Hermione rolled her eyes at that. "I don't know, Harry. I guess I just feel that Ron would…"

"That Ron would what?" Much to Harry's relief his very pregnant wife appeared. Taking a seat on the sofa, Ginny propped her feet up and continued. "You think he'll throw a fit, threaten to beat Viktor up and make a scene?"

Hermione lifted her eye brows as if to say "Duh!"

Harry chuckled. "That's actually spot on Gin."

"I just don't want to hurt him." Replied Hermione.

"Hermione, listen." Said Ginny, rubbing her swollen belly. "I know my brother won't like this. Especially if it has to do with you, he will always feel that you deserve better."

Hermione blushed and gave a small smile.

"However, he is engaged now. He's really happy. And I know that if you and Viktor do end up being this great couple, and Ron takes notice, he will be happy for you too. That's all he wants Hermione, is for you to be happy."

"Yeah I suppose you're right."

"I know I'm right." She replied smiling. "And believe me, my loser brother will get over the fact that its Viktor Krum you're going out with. It may not be for a while but he'll come around."

Hermione was so lost in thought that she didn't notice she was no longer standing in the shadows. Viktor could see her and was in fact heading outside as she stood their racking her brain. He stepped out, instantly wrapping his coat tighter around him.

"Hermione, you alright?"

"Oh Viktor….Hi." She stuttered. "Uh yes, I'm fine. I just…um, I wasn't sure if this was the place or not so…"

Viktor took a step closer to her. "I see," He replied. Taking a hold of her hands Viktor began rubbing them with his own, creating warmth with the friction. "Your hands are freezing. Are you planning on coming inside? It's much warmer I promise."

Hermione looked up at him and smiled. He really was sweet.

But the decision to walk inside felt monumental. It was now or never.

Hermione looked back down at their touching hands and loved the image it presented. However, fear took over at that moment and she just couldn't do it. She took in a deep breath and sighed.

"Look Viktor, I appreciate your invite but I just don't think you and I doing this is such a good idea."

Viktor nodded his head and looked at her. Hermione tried to gently pull her hands away but Viktor held on. Again, he had moved so close to her. From a strangers point of view they would appear to be two lovers close in conversation. She had to wonder if this was customary in his part of the world to stand mere inches apart from one another or if it was just her he did it to.

"Just one drink Hermione. I'd like you to meet my friends. Then after that, if you still want to leave, I'll see that you make it home myself."

Why was she fighting this so much? She decided to stop over thinking it. Hermione bit her bottom lip and smiled. "Just one drink?"

Viktor's smile grew large, instantly lighting up his face. "Right this way." He replied and led them inside to the back table where his party was.

Hermione sat down beside Viktor where he began introducing everyone. She ordered a drink and quickly learned that his friends are quidditch team mates. One man with thick, round glasses and squinted eyes is named Marco. He's a chaser. The couple, Ivy and Ben, who can't seem to stop bringing up their kids in conversation, play separate positions. Ivy is a beater while Ben man's the goals as keeper.

"It's so hard to tell the kids to stop playing quidditch inside the house when they do it because they see us on the field every bloody week. I come home ducking for bludgers and recharming breakables almost every day!"

Everyone laughed at that. Hermione shrugged off her coat while Viktor ordered another round for the table.

Hermione instantly felt comfortable with her acquaintances. Perhaps it was the drinks that made her walls come down. She found that she didn't really care why, just that she was having a good time. She also noticed Viktor's stares and flirtation. She liked the attention and flirted right back. When she laughed she found that her hand rested on his shoulder, longer than necessary but that Viktor leaned into her touch each time.

"It's great that we finally got to meet the famous Hermione Granger!"

Hermione finally looked away long enough to hear that her name was being called.

"I'm sorry, what?" She replied.

Marco laughed out loud, his face red and his eyes glossy due to the three straight shots he just took.

"Poor Vicky here hasn't stopped talking about you since we met up for lunch this afternoon."

"I was not!" Viktor replied, smiling widely. "I only mentioned it once during lunch."

"And then again leaving the restaurant." Piped in Ivy

"And again back at Marco's flat!" Laughed Ben.

"And how many times did you look out the window before she arrived here?" Marco finished, taking another swig of his drink.

Hermione didn't think she'd ever laughed so hard in her life. Viktor had the good graces to look embarrassed, saw Hermione and laughed along with her.

"Come on, I wasn't that bad." He replied. "These jerks are just pulling my chain."

"He really was!" Said Ivy directly to Hermione.

Viktor took a straw and threw it in her direction.

Throughout the night Viktor and Hermione's chairs continued to move closer to one another until finally their outer thighs touched. Viktor's hand was placed on her knee while Hermione laid her head on his shoulder.

Time passed too quickly in Hermione's opinion. She didn't want to leave. She hadn't had such a good time in quite a while but she found herself growing sleepy. Viktor took notice.

Turning his body toward her, he smiled when he saw that her eyes had closed.

"Looks like you've got a light weight on your hands eh Vik?" Ben pointed out.

Viktor simply chuckled and said "Hermione, are you ready to go?"

Hermione didn't open her eyes, but shook her head no.

Viktor looked up at his friends. "I best see her home. Later then."

Viktor gently shook Hermione so that her eyes opened. Standing up, he put her coat on, took her by the hand and they walked out of the bar and into the cold night air.

Once outside, Hermione received a blast of cold wind that instantly woke her up.

"Ahhh," She replied smiling. "I can breathe out here. It was so warm in there I was starting to fall asleep."

Viktor looked at her as if she were crazy. "Darling, you were asleep."

Hermione blushed at the pet name he gave her and took note of how comfortable she felt when he said it to her. As if he's always called her that.

They eventually came up to an empty alleyway where Hermione usually went to disapparate home.

"You sure you can manage?" Viktor asked. Hermione let go of his hand and waved off his concern.

"I'll be fine on my own. Thank you so much for the wonderful…woah!" Hermione slid over the ice she stood on and landed on her bottom.

"Are you alright?" Viktor stood in front of her and pulled her up. Hermione dusted the snow off her clothes.

"Yes I'm fine. This damn ice has me falling all the time."

"Hmm I'm not sure it's the ice that's got you sliding." He replied, concern in his voice. "Come on, I'll take you home Hermione."

Hermione wasn't sure herself if it was really the ice or the drinks she had throughout the night. However, she didn't much feel like getting splinched to find out. She said a small "okay," Viktor embraced her and seconds later they were standing in front of her flat.

Both Viktor and Hermione felt the sickening lurch that disaparating usually gave them but combined with the alcohol was something they both agreed would not be trying again soon.

"You alright?" Hermione asked taking a step back to look at his face. "You look sick"

Viktor shook his head. "yeah I'm good. I should be asking you the same thing, Ms. SlipsOnIce."

Hermione slapped his arms playful and laughed. "Oh hush it! Talking with Marco, I now have some info to blackmail you with."

"Do you now." Viktor said, his voice growing deep. Not so gently he pulled her in closer, placing his hands on her lower back.

Hermione took a sharp intake of breath and looked up at him. Alarms were ringing in her head as she knew was about to happen. And for just a second she pictured Ron's face, with pure disappointment at what they were about to engage in. Hermione pushed that thought to the back of her mind and focused on the present.

She was here in the arms of a man who clearly wanted her. Who, by the words of his friends, had been anxious to see her all afternoon. She deserved this. She needed this. Without a second thought, Hermione wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a searing kiss.