A/N-The idea for this story hit me while watching S-11 ep 16/17 again. Sorry to those of you who are waiting on my other WIPs...but when the muse hits you must obey!

Of Fathers & Sons

Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant.~ Epictetus


It was the end of a slow Friday workday when Tony DiNozzo, Ellie Bishop, Timothy McGee and Leroy Jethro Gibbs arrived at their destination. Valet parked and on the move, they had time to kill before the rest of their team and invited guests would be joining them.

They were headed for the bar when Tony said "How about a quick peek?"

Three heads nodded in the affirmative so Tony guided them down a short hallway.

When they reached the double doors he pulled them open dramatically and the four of them stepped inside.

"Wow Tony! You and McGee really pulled it off!" Ellie Bishop said with surprise and admiration, as she took in the grandeur of the grand ballroom of the Adams House Hotel.

The ballroom was small by "grand ballroom" standards but it was as exquisite as any ballroom Europe may offer. Originally done with an early colonial style the hotel had recently remodeled giving the ballroom a feeling of Versailles meets the famous Russian Amber room.

One wall was mirrored from floor to ceiling. The rest of the room was of pink hued marble and rich carved wood. The hardwood floor was inlaid with dark black birch and light golden oak that was in a checkerboard pattern and brightly polished. One area was designated as a dance floor and there were six round tables set around it with beautiful linens of cream and royal blue. An impressive array of crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

Tony beamed down at her as he slapped Tim McGee on the back saying "I couldn't have done it without ya McGee!"

"I have to give Delilah most of the credit Tony…she is the one who showed me all those do-it yourself wedding sites!"

Tony smiled and said happily:

"When wheels gets back from Dubai and you two are ready to roll down the aisle, I promise I will be there to fold as many napkins as you need!"

McGee blushed, slightly embarrassed but said good naturally: "I will hold you to that, Tony!"

Gibbs smirked and said: "I still find it frightening that you two spent so much of your free time folding napkins."

"Hey!" Tony smiled "It takes a real man to master the art of the "French pleat" boss!"

The four agents laughed together as Bishop made her way over to the closest table to check out her co-workers handy work.

Though not to her taste, she knew that Tony's Father would be pleased his son had paid such attention to detail for his upcoming wedding. The table screamed money and luxury with Waterford crystal stemware and sterling silver flatware. The latter tucked strategically in a beautifully pleated blue napkin.

Since she met DiNozzo senior she had a hard time reckoning the stories she had heard of the Father Tony grew up with and the Father he presented today. From the limited time she was around the two DiNozzo men she definitely saw a mutual love between them.

"Your Dad will be really pleased!" she added

Tony smiled at his friends and co-workers happy to hear the praise. He hoped his Father would be happy and not find fault in his efforts. It was hard to not think that since he had lived with that reality all his life.


By 7pm the drinks were flowing in the Adams House hotel bar.

Tony toasted his father and bride-to-be (and his Godmother), Linda Turner, to a life of happiness and love. His Father beamed at him but Tony's interaction with his Father was over quickly as his Dad's friends and cronies swarmed around the groom sweeping him and Linda to a corner of the bar.

Tony joined his team at the bar as he watched his Father bask in the glory of the moment.

Abby handed Tony a cocktail and said "That was a lovely toast Tony….I am so happy you and your Dad seem to be getting along so well."

Tony downed half the glass and said "Yeah…thanks Abby….we'll see how things go."

Tony turned to his left where Gibbs sat sipping his bourbon and said:

"Hey Boss. Thanks again for the advice."

Gibbs eyebrows narrowed as he said:


"Yeah…when you told me that my Dad may just want my blessing and that of my mom's to marry Linda. I can tell they really do love each other."

Gibbs nodded as Tony polished off his drink and ordered another. Tony excused himself and walked to the end of the bar where Jimmy and Breena were talking to his soon to be stepsister,Taylor, and a person Tony believed was Taylor's husband. Tony smiled at Bishop and McGee as he passed them. He was looking forward to meeting Bishop's husband, Jake, tomorrow at the wedding. He had a list of questions already written down he couldn't wait to ask about his new partner.

As Tony made his way, Gibbs watched him with an eagle eye. He had watched Tony consume too many drinks in a short span of time and it concerned him. Tony held his liquor well but it was his obvious need to numb himself that caused Gibbs the most concern.

Gibbs turned to watch DiNozzo senior in action. The man was "on" for all those around him and Gibbs could see where Tony had developed his ability to charm. Watching the drama before him sickened Gibbs. He was happy Tony's father seemed to want to include Tony in his life but he didn't know if he could ever totally trust the man. Seeing him now across the room thriving on the attention gave him a strange feeling but he shoved it away. His concern was for Tony only.

"Good evening, Jethro!"

"Hey Duck…buy ya a scotch?"

Doctor Donald Mallard laughed knowing the bar was hosted by Tony but he pulled up a barstool and said:

"Two fingers….neat!"

Gibbs smirked and signaled the bartender.

When the scotch arrived the two old friends clinked their glasses together and in unison said "To Tony" before taking a sip.

Ducky watched as Tony talked animatedly with Jimmy and Breena and another young couple at the end of the bar. He appeared to be having a good time but Ducky knew Anthony DiNozzo too long to buy it.

"Anthony seems stressed." He said

"Ya think" Gibbs said watching the group break into laughter.

Before he could continue his phone rang.

He pulled it from his pocket and noticed the caller ID said "Dad".

Gibbs smiled and answered:

"Hey Dad!"

The voice on the other end was not his father.


It was an elderly woman's voice he thought he recognized.

"Yes?" he responded his gut beginning to rumble.

"Leroy…." The woman's voice was filled with sorrow.

Gibbs stood up quickly knocking his drink over in the process. Ducky looked up at him with concern.

"Yes…..who is this?" he demanded.

The woman drew in a tired breath and as she began Gibbs gut went off like an atomic bomb.

"This is Ester Holt, Leroy, the owner of the bakery next to your Dad's store…."

"Is my dad alright?" he whispered fearfully.

Ester held back a sob before saying "No honey….I'm so sorry but Jackson, your Daddy, he died today."