Hi All! Here is my next story. This is an early Liason AH story. This one was inspired by a scene from Miss Raye's story "Step By Step." I'd like to thank her for listening to me while I worked on the outline for the first few chapters.

Something to know: Georgie is a few years older than Liz in this one. Emily is one year older than Liz.

For this story I am trying something new. AngelIsis7 (thank you!) introduced me to a website called Polyvore which allowed me to craft some of the outfits that Liz wears in this story. So if you are one of the folks who has been wanting to see Liz's dresses, when a chapter is posted and I describe her look put in your review that you want to see the outfit.

Please be polite in any reviews you leave. I spend a lot of time crafting these stories, and I would like that effort to be respected. Even if you don't like the story there is no need to be rude.

This story is complete and is Rated M for Language, Violence, and Sex.

Thanks to DevilJolie for Elizabeth's nickname in this one.

Thanks to Liason102 for the edit. It was wonderful to work with you on another story.

ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1

Elizabeth looked up at the clock and grinned. Her shift was almost over and she had the entire weekend off. She had no plans so she was just going to hang around her studio and paint. Maybe Jason might have some free time to give her a pool lesson or take her for a ride on his bike. If he wasn't around one of the guys would be, if she felt like doing something. This might just be a jammies kind of weekend. Those were her favorite kind, where she just kicked back and did absolutely nothing. It had been far too long since she did that.

She finished cleaning up, and flipped the sign from open to close. "Yay." She said dancing over to get her coat from the rack. She hit the lights and locked the door. Her job at Kelly's was good, for now. Eventually she'd need to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, but right now this was enough. It paid the bills and let her purchase art supplies. She wanted to give her dream of being an artist a chance. That was one of the reasons she left home and moved in with her Gram. The older woman had been the only family member, aside from her cousin, to support that vision. She believed strongly in her granddaughter's talent and that Elizabeth should at least give her dream a shot.

Her Gram was gone now but Elizabeth still felt her spirit when she walked into the studio she'd purchased with her inheritance. Every time she sold a piece of art her dream was a step closer to becoming a reality. She was walking across the courtyard when a person seemed to materialize out of thin air. She jumped in fright before glaring. "Johnny, you scared me."

"Sorry Liz. I tried to get here before you closed." He hadn't meant to frighten the young woman. "I need you to come with me."

Elizabeth looked at the well-dressed man, he was someone she considered to be a close friend. Johnny was a joker and he tended to be a bit goofy, which was at complete odds with his job as a mob guard. Only tonight he wasn't smiling. She knew that meant something was wrong. "Okay." She didn't hesitate to agree nor did she ask any questions. She just followed him to his car.

Johnny held the door open and quickly ran around to the driver's side. He liked the fact that Liz hadn't asked him thirty million questions. He couldn't answer them anyway so her yammering away at him wouldn't help. They drove to the Towers and by the time they got there he knew she had gone from curious to scared. There was a reason they didn't let her play poker with them. She wore her emotions on her sleeve.

The elevator ride up to the penthouse level was quiet and tense. When the doors opened Sonny was waiting. "Hi, sweetheart."

"Hi, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked quickly. Him she could ask.

Sonny looked at the small woman in front of him. She was an odd choice to be a part of their world. A young woman from a small town in the middle of the country who had move to upstate New York and ended up with mobster friends. It was like something from a television show. But she'd proven herself to be loyal on many occasions. She'd been there when he needed her, and had save Jason's life. Sonny respected her a lot. "Jason's hurt."

"Did he get shot again?" She asked trying not to panic. Last year she found him bleeding in the snow, in the train yard. She had pretty much carried him to her studio before calling Sonny. Then she had insisted on taking care of him for the month it took him to heal. She had refused to let the guys move him when it was in her power to help.

"No, he was working and got ambushed." Sonny led her toward his penthouse. Jason told them that several guys had been involved. The search for the men who hurt their friend had already started.

Opening the door he heard her gasp as she got a look at Jason. The younger man was a mess. He was purple and not his naturally tan complexion. He had bruises spread across the part of his body she couldn't see, and Elizabeth guessed there were more she could see.

"Jason." Elizabeth said softly before moving quickly to the injured enforcer's side. She knelt next to the couch, but didn't touch him. She wasn't sure she could without hurting him. "How long ago did this happen?" There wasn't any swelling.

Sonny prepared himself to face her temper, because she wasn't going to like the answer. "Three days ago."

"Why am I just hearing about this now?" Elizabeth glared at the mob boss. The fact that Jason hadn't stopped by the diner in a few days hadn't sent up any red flags. He kept odd hours with his work and she didn't always work the same shift.

"He didn't want us to call you." Sonny had tried to respect his friend's wishes.

"He's in pain and delusional." Elizabeth stood up and removed her coat. Francis and Max were also here and they were watching her too. "You should have ignored him. No matter what, Jason likes to insist he doesn't need help." She said taking Sonny to task. "What did the doctor say, or did you not call one?"

"I did." Sonny just looked at the other guys who were trying not to smirk. They knew this was going to happen. Elizabeth was very protective of them all, but Jason in particular. That she was giving Sonny a dressing down was really funny, or it would be if their friend wasn't black and blue.

"And what did he say?" She had her hands on her hips giving the mob boss her best glare.

"Jason needs to rest for the next few weeks." Sonny figured they would have to tie the younger man down. His enforcer was the worst patient on the planet.

"Is anything broken?" Elizabeth looked down at her friend. "Don't smirk Max. You three are in trouble too." She looked at the big guard, Francis, and Johnny.

"His lower right leg." Sonny pulled back the covers to show her the cast that covered three quarters of the leg to keep it immobile. "We had it confirmed with an x-ray. The doc says that Jason will need around four to six weeks of healing time. He needs to stay off it for the next two weeks. Then the doctor wants another look."

"So he can't work?" Elizabeth knew that would make Jason irritable.

"Nope, which is why I called you." Sonny explained.

"What do you need?" Elizabeth asked the older man.

The fact that she didn't even hesitate made him smile. "Jason isn't the easiest person to be around when he doesn't feel well." Sonny started.

"He's a pain in the ass when he doesn't feel well." Elizabeth corrected. The man was beyond stubborn and that made him a horrible patient.

"I was wondering if I could hire you to take care of Jason. You won't shoot him." Sonny joked.

"That's only because I don't own a gun." Elizabeth told the guys. "There were times when I wanted to suffocate him with a pillow." She leaned over and ran her hand over his hair.

"Because he can't get around he'll need full time care." Sonny explained.

"You don't want to hire a nurse?" Elizabeth wondered, she didn't mind but Sonny could afford the best.

"We've been through three already." Sonny said laughing at her look.

"Okay then. I'm off this weekend but I do have a full time job." She wasn't the type to quit without notice.

"I can work that out with Mike." His father ran the diner. "We will find him a replacement waitress."

"What about when I'm done helping Jason? I won't have a job waiting." She had to think long term.

"You'll be well compensated." Sonny told her.

"You know how I feel about taking money to help you guys." She had refused for helping him and Jason.

"This time you don't get a choice." Sonny could be stubborn too. She opened her mouth to argue. "Elizabeth." He said in his mob boss voice.

"You don't scare me Sonny." She said rolling her eyes.

"Dent my ego why don't you." He grinned popping out his dimples. "Seriously I'm not gonna take no for an answer. This will be the third time you came through when we needed you. Take the money. Jason's gonna be a pain, you will have earned it in the end."

Elizabeth shifted from foot to foot. "I'll think about it." She told him. She needed time to figure out how to not take it. The guys kept her from being lonely and looked out for her. They were more family than her biological one, she wasn't going to get paid for helping them.

"Good enough." He knew what she was doing. Sonny was going to make sure that she took the cash. "Now, you need to go home and pack. Johnny will drive you. Francis will meet you guys at the plane with Jason."

"The plane?" Elizabeth looked at him like he had grown another head. She figured she'd be staying here. Like she did when Sonny was hurt. It would be a little odd, but she would do it for Jason.

"Jason is going to the island. Having him here and hurt is not safe." Sonny told her. "Is that a problem?"

"I don't have a passport." His island was in the Caribbean. The guys had told her about it, and it sounded wonderful.

"Everything you need is on the plane. We have to move quickly." Sonny told her.

"Okay. I'll go pack." She would do anything she could for Jason.

"Thanks." Sonny waited until she and Johnny left before looking at Francis. "You really think this will work?"

"Yeah." The large blonde said. "I'm sorry Jason got hurt but it presents us with a prime opportunity. If he hadn't been stubborn about returning to work last year and stayed in the studio a little longer they'd probably already be together."

"Forced togetherness can backfire." The mob boss pointed out. He hoped what his guard was suggesting worked. Elizabeth was head and shoulders above those women Jason normally hooked up with.

"He isn't mobile, but she is." Francis and Johnny had a plan. "We will make sure they get plenty of time apart."

"Do I even want to know?" Sonny said looking at one of his most trusted guards.

"Nope." Was the answer Francis gave his boss. "Just be ready to offer additional support if I need it." No one expected them to get married while down on the island, but he was thinking they would be a couple by the time they returned. He'd break Jason's other leg to keep them there longer if that would help.

"Good luck. If he doesn't kill you she will." Sonny said laughing.

"I'm not the one you need to worry about. O'Brien's ass in the one on the line." Their plan just wouldn't work with Francis.

"I want to know, even if the boss doesn't." Max spoke up. Francis leaned over and whispered in his friend's ear. "Holy shit! You will want to make sure Jason doesn't have a gun handy. Just because he can't walk easily doesn't mean he can't shoot Johnny."

"We got it covered." Francis assured the two other men. "It's just us four right?"

"Yeah. The island is secure and you two are good." Sonny knew Jason wouldn't want Elizabeth to feel like a prisoner. "The ambulance should be here shortly." Jason was knocked out and hopefully wouldn't wake up until they were on the island. He was going to pissed that they sent him away and that they told Elizabeth he was hurt. He didn't want her worrying about him.

His enforcer was about to find out that the petite brunette felt a lot more than concern when it came to him. Her feelings mirrored the ones he had for her. They had all watched the two of them fall slowly in love with each other. Now it was time to take some action. Since the two of them wouldn't then everyone else would.

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