The New Adventure of Hikaru, Umi and Fuu as Witches
Ok people, this is the continuation of 'Hikaru, Umi and Fuu...Witches!?!?'
Even though this prologue does not have any connection with them, it will
soon be in the next chapters so be patient. ^-^ And REMEMBER! I have
already changed my e-mail address.
[email protected]

Years. A hundred years. One thousand years. Two thousand years. I
only waited for the day that I will be free again. To wreak havoc and
destroy every life I find from galaxy after another. Until I came here on the
Solar System. The inhabitants knew what I was and who I am, they tried to
stop me but to no avail. Only one person threatened me, a Queen. She
imprisoned me with her powerful stone and was guarded under the care of one
of the planets. I will wait, and when that happens, I shall take her powerful
body as mine as my revenge.

= Greece - year 2001 =

"Professor Raymond! Professor Raymond!" the young archeologist ran
to the person of higher rank and prestige.

"What is it Luis?" Professor Raymond looked up from dusting ancient
jewlery casings at his excited student.

"I found my first greatest dicovery Professor!" He was shaking with
anticipation. "I found this old chest with weird writings on it. It is also
chained to the ground. I'm going to need some help."

Professor Raymond raised his small glasses and smiled. "You heard
that George! Luis has some work for you!"

George smiled. He really wanted to break things here and there. He
was also an expert bomb maker, a perfect member for Professor Raymond's
Archeological Team. He took his tools and took one stick on his hand and
played it around, as if it was not deadly. "My pleasure Professor!" he and
Raymond followed Luis to his find.

"It's here sir!" Luis pointed at the three foot hole he had dug. It
was a chest of pure gold and still glittering. It was chained to the ground.

"Luis, this find of yours is very peculiar." Raymond examined it.
"After all these years under the ground and its luster is still intact.
Mostly all gold we find are needed to be polished before we study or exhibit

"It is sir! I just do not know why. George, can you break these
chains?" Luis looked at him.

"No problem." George took his boltcutter and quickly but steadily
cut each chain bound to the chest.

~"What's this?!?! Am I dreaming?!?!?"~ the creature heard the dangling of
the chains.

"There. Now you can translate these words more clearly." George put
both his hands on his hips with satisfaction.

"Be forewarned......... That's all I could understand Professor."
Luis looked at his teacher with a perplexed look.

"You do the honors Luis, it's your find." Professor Raymond chuckled.
"We're not in Egypt to be afraid of curses."

"Sure thing Professor." Luis opened the chest slightly and peeked
inside. Out came the creature through the small gap and grabbed the neck of
poor Luis, who had no idea what was inside.

"Oh MY..!" Raymond screamed as he saw Luis being choked by a dark
slimy creature.

The creature looked at the chubby Professor and he let go of Luis,
who fainted. "At last, a life force to eat on!" his gooey body extended and
grabbed the terrified professor (like a squid, but he's still gooey).

might. His body is slowly fading starting from the tip of his toes and up.

"Don't move Professor!" George now holding his rifle took aim and
shot it but the creature also made the bullet fade as soon as it had touched
its slimy membrane. "I-I don't belive this?! He is no even harmed."

The creature let go of what was now left of Professor Raymond, a pile
of clothes and a pair of shoes on the floor. ~You're next.~ It said.

"No. Don't go near me." George scrambled to a run but was tripped in
He shielded himself as the creature endomed him like as starfish.

There was only one person left. Luis.

The creature gave an evil laugh. ~I shall find her, and when I do.Her
poweful body will forever be mine! Hahahahahehehehe.~ He looked at Luis with

Very creepy. Was it able to run a chill through your spine? Well, review me
on your comments, suggestion, flame or fan. I'll be soon writing about the
first chapter.
-Sailor Rainbow Ichi signing out.