Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail, it belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Divergent AU, Gray-centred. I tried to keep them in character while also weaving in some characteristics of their old factions. It's going to have some Gruvia, too.

I don't know if I'll continue this later on, but I do like this AU.

The factions of some important characters include:

Gray, Natsu, Cana – Candor
Lucy – Abnegation
Levy, Erza – Erudite
Gajeel, Juvia, all the Strauss siblings – Dauntless

Well, enjoy! Please leave a review.

Meant to Be

Chapter One: Choose Your Own Destiny

I inhale. And exhale. And greet the day that will hold my fate.

Ok, forget I even said that. It sounded way better in my head.

Well, I guess I should explain that a little. So, today's the day. The day I would finally be able to change my little life. My Choosing Ceremony. Never has any minor been entrusted with any real power, in any faction anywhere, but now—now I have all the power I could ever want. I could change my whole life. Which is cool, I guess. But it's a bit risky to let angsty, horny, hormone-y sixteen-year-olds choose something as important as their faction—which is coincidentally the exact age that most of them are in their rebellious phase. For me, I don't even care if I'm in mine right now at this point—I just want to leave my faction behind and start my life.

I glance at my reflection in the mirror as I button up my coat, which is white with black trim at the edges. It's one of my best pieces of clothing. I have a habit of losing clothing, something I can never explain, but which my elders – the faction representatives of Candor, since we don't have only one official leader – don't approve of in the least. Mostly because "I don't know, I just strip," doesn't sound like the truth to them. It would be a waste to use truth serum on a minor issue like this – after all they're getting money out of it, since Ur has to keep buying new clothes for me – but I swear I don't know where all my clothes go. Right now, I'm wearing more than usual – a shirt, a button-up, and my coat on top of that – so that when I lose one layer, at least I have something else. I'll just have to pay attention to my pants...

I check my hair, which is near impossible to tame, so I leave it as the unruly, unkempt mess it is. Actually, today's a rather good hair day for me. Usually I have to put a bunch of product in it to keep it still. Maybe my hair knows that today is an important day for me. The day I get to choose what faction will be my new, permanent home.

I step out of my room and glance around, wondering if this will be the last time I see it. It's quite bare, because the faction leaders believe that unnecessary decorations and trinkets will only help us to stray from what is real and true, just like how things like poetry – pretty words, metaphors, the like – stray from the truth. It doesn't make any sense if you ask me. I guess it kind of makes us like Abnegation that way; we stick to the essentials. This is also reflected in our clothing: black and white, quite simple most of the time.

Even though my room is plain, and identical to everyone else's, that's still my bed in the corner, the one I've used since birth, basically. That's still my closet, holding my clothes (which I lose on a daily basis anyway). There is a blank spot on the wall that is lighter than the wallpaper by just a shade, where I had stuck a family photo of me, Ur, Lyon and Ultear (before they left) and myself. It's now tucked into my pocket.

I take a breath, and leave without looking over my shoulder, closing the door behind me. I feel a pang of nostalgia, but I ignore it best as I can, because there is no time for that right now. I can't continue living here. I have to move on. And now is the only opportunity I'll ever get.

Ur greets me downstairs, and we eat a modest breakfast together. Ever since Ultear and Lyon left after their respective Choosing Ceremonies, we've always been eating together alone, just her and me. We usually don't talk; we're comfortable in each other's presence anyway, so it doesn't really matter. As I tell her good morning, I feel guilt resting in the pit of my stomach, and I can't shake the feeling. I'll be leaving her today. I love Ur, more than anybody else in the whole world. But I have to go or I won't be able to live with myself.

Nothing's wrong with Candor. I understand their teachings and I believe in them too—to some extent. I don't thinking forcing the truth out of someone is right, at all. I don't actually understand why Ur chose Candor. I know she used to be Dauntless—she never told me directly, but she has a tattoo of a snowflake on her arm and piercing holes. She has muscles, and tanned skin, with various scars I've caught glimpses of over the years. I just put two and two together. If I had been born Dauntless, I wouldn't have chosen Candor. But she must have had her reasons, I suppose.

Ever since the test, which was only yesterday, I haven't been able to get these thoughts out of my head. About the factions, Ur's past, my future. Ultear and Lyon never told me about their test results, but I always had an idea Ultear was Erudite. Lyon choosing Erudite was a surprise, though. I never thought of him that way. He seemed so at home here, in Candor. He was a strong speaker, definitely a man of truth. If only I'd noticed his interested in speeches had more to do with the research and information than with the truth. I didn't expect to lose both my siblings to the same faction, and one I would never choose, at that. Just look at my grades, and you'd see I'm not Erudite material. I miss them, though. But every time I allow myself to miss them, however briefly, I tell myself: Faction before blood.

Faction before blood.

I breathe in again. And out again. Ur is looking at me, almost expectantly.

"Are you ready?" Ur asks, and I'm snapped out of my trance into reality.

I shrug, and she walks over to me. I don't know when I got taller than her, but I tower over her now. She looks up at me, her dark eyes shiny with—tears? The Ur I know never cries. And yet, here she is...

"Gray," she says, "remember, no matter what, I will always love you, ok? This is your life. I've made my choice, now you make yours. Think about yourself before you think about me. But you have to remember, Gray: after you've made your choice, it is faction be—"

"Faction before blood, I know," I interrupt her, even though it's ridiculous, because Ur isn't even my real mother and we aren't related by blood at all. I almost want to smile, but somehow I can't quite manage it.

I feel wetness on my cheek, and wipe it away before I allow more tears to come. I sniff hard and shrug again. Ur puts her hand on my cheek and wipes another tear away. Suddenly she wraps her arms around me, and holds me tight, like she used to do before, when I was still a child and didn't have to worry about these things. It's comforting to be in her embrace. Ur is the only parental figure in my life I have ever had, the only person I ever looked up to. I would look up to Lyon or Ultear, but ever since they left us, I almost consider them traitors.

I am such a filthy hypocrite.

I don't notice Ur has pulled away until I miss her warmth. I look her in the eye, and somehow, I know she knows. She knows I'm going to abandon her. The guilt I felt before returns, even stronger. But she still puts on a smile, just like she did for Lyon and Ultear. The smile doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Let's go," she says, and we leave.

We leave the house, and start walking, side by side. We arrive at the Hub sooner than I'd like.

As we arrive at the tall building, I watch the people from different factions all come in at different times. It's funny to see them all in their respective faction colours, coming together. I spot some Erudite (none of them are Lyon or Ultear) and a large group of Amity, and some Abnegation. The Dauntless haven't arrived yet. Their train will arrive any minute. I've always wanted to try it, honestly. They do the weirdest, most fucked up shit, but it's the kind of shit I also want to get caught up in.

I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts just as I spot two familiar heads in the crowd. It's Natsu Dragneel and Cana Alberona, my best friends since birth. They're Candor like me, but they, too, never really belonged here. We never really talk about factions, or what we'll choose. We haven't seen each other since our tests at all. It's not something I want to discuss with them, anyway.

Ur smiles at me. "Go to them," she says. "I'll save you a seat inside." She leaves my side.

I head towards the brunette and...uh, pink-haired idiot. What is he, a pinket? Pinkette? Is that even a word? Whatever. So, I must mention that Cana and Natsu have quite the reputation – Natsu for his habit of starting fights and Cana for her drinking...uh, problem – and Candor isn't necessarily proud of them for that. I have mine, as well, I should mention. Sometimes my habit of stripping without noticing it gets me into compromising situations, more than I'd like.

Natsu spots me before I even get to them, and waves a hand in the air.

"Yo! Ice Princess!"

That nickname earns some stares, and even some badly-concealed laughter. I glare at him.

"How you doin'?" Cana asks, and I see that she's holding a bottle of God-knows-what in her hand. It'll get confiscated for sure once we enter the Hub. It's run by the Abnegation, who usually look down on such behaviour, so they'll take it from her for sure. I just hope she won't make a fuss about it like last time. She can cause quite the scene, like that Flame-Brain idiot.

I nod at both of them and we go inside.

"Nervous?" Cana asks, and I turn to see her eyebrows turned upwards slightly. Cana Alberona, drinking expert, fearless bitch, one of my best friends—nervous. I didn't see that one coming. She's almost never worried about anything. Not exams, not drinking until she can't stand, not even during our first time. Granted, we were drunk, but still. But, come to think of it, I have light butterflies in my stomach and I feel a cold sweat coming on.

Damn it.

"A bit," I admit. I hate to say it. I'm almost tempted to lie, but I know she'll see right through me. She can read me like an open book. It doesn't help that we are taught how to tell if people are lying since a young age. Lying will do little to calm her nerves.

"Oh," she says shortly. She turns to Flame-Brain. "Natsu? What about it? You a pussy like Gray over here?"

"Nah, man!" Natsu says (well, shouts), grinding his fist into his palm, his expression changing into a devilish smile. "I'm all fired up!"

He's not lying. Leave it to Natsu. It's like he's never nervous about anything, and here I am. I'm stressed, but I stop myself from taking off my coat.

Finally, we enter the busy Hub. Cana's drink got confiscated (not after she downed it all in one go, though) as I predicted, but she seems to be in higher spirits. Oh, my God, fuck. Ignore the shitty pun.

"Good luck," I say to both Cana and Natsu, though mostly Cana because Natsu's just an idiot. They echo me and we give each other silent nods before leaving to our seats. We were never big on goodbyes, really. I have a feeling, though, that this isn't really goodbye for us.

I spot Ur near the front of the Candor seats, and she waves at me, her expression calm. The calm before the storm, I can't help but think, which makes me guilty all over again. I've taken my coat off before I've even gotten to my seat. Natsu and Cana both go to their parents for their final moments with them. It's no use to pretend. I know what they're going to choose. I know them. And they know me.

The Choosing Ceremony is hosted by Erudite this year, and there's an older Erudite woman up on stage, reading some speech that I'm not even listening to. She's the Erudite's leader. My leg is bouncing up and down and I don't stop it, because at least it does something to calm my nerves. After they woman ends her speech with, "Faction before blood," and we all echo it. The woman leaves the stage, and another woman in blue comes on.

I hear my breath hitch in my throat, and Ur gasps lightly. I know she's doing all she can to keep from crying, and I'm doing all I can to stop myself from going up on stage and shout at her, kick, scream and punch her for all she did to Ur. For all I'm about to do to Ur.

Because up on stage is Ultear, dressed in a deep blue suit and trousers, with heels that clink on the floor. She holds a long list in her hand, and she starts reading it (in reverse alphabetical order by last name, I know that much) but I'm not even listening. All I do is stare at her. She's changed these past three years—her hair is shorter, for some reason, and tied up. It doesn't suit her. She's wearing glasses – which is utterly ridiculous, because she doesn't need them – and her accent is slightly different, her voice lower. Her posture is perfect. I don't see Lyon, but I'm sure he's the same. Prim and proper and smart.

Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck them all.

There have been no transfers so far—everyone has chosen their own faction. This makes me nervous. There have been several Amity and Erudite, one or two Abnegation, one Candor, two or three Dauntless. Then it happens—a girl from Erudite gets called up. Erza Scarlett, her name is. She's got long red hair and a certain air about her, like she's strong. She looks it, too. She walks up the podium without hesitation, her shoulders slack, her hands steady. She takes the knife, makes a swift cut, and holds her hand over the last bowl on the left.


She's the first transfer.

The Dauntless cheer for her, a deafening noise. I hear nothing from the Erudite – no cry, no scream, nothing – and she walks to her new faction without looking back. She probably had no one to look back at.

After her is a guy named Gajeel Red-something. Redoffs? Redclocks? Hell if I know. He's Dauntless, and doesn't transfer. He's got a creepy grin that rivals Natsu's and red eyes, if I'm not mistaken. Hm. Weird.

There are more and more girls and boys, some transfers, but most of them stay in their own faction, which makes my guilt even worse.

When we hit M, we get another transfer from Erudite to Dauntless, a petite girl with blue hair. I caught the name McGarden. That makes two to Dauntless transfers, and both from Erudite. There aren't actually that many from Dauntless, I noticed.

Only when we get to L is there another Dauntless. She's tall, with long blue hair in waves, like pool water. Shit, that sounds seriously stupid. Never mind. Her hair's blue, that's all I need to say. She's got a leather jacket on and tight black jeans and looks confident, but something else too. Not recklessness or cruelty, like I sensed in that guy with the red eyes. The opposite, in fact. Thoughtfulness. She picks up the knife, makes a quick cut, and no sooner than her blood drips over the burning coals she is already back in her seat. Dauntless roars in pride. The red-eyed Gajeel high-fives her.

I don't even know her name, but she makes an impact on me. She knew exactly what she wanted and went for it. The others did, too, but there was something fluid about her motions. Like...water. Fuck, here we are with the fucking pool comparisons again. After her, there's so many people. So many names. So many words coming from stupid Ultear's smart-ass mouth.

Then, another transfer that caught my eye, in H. Something Heartfilia. I've heard the name before, but from where? She's an Abnegation girl, blonde. She chose Dauntless.

That's unusual. Abnegation to Dauntless? Her choice is applauded by the brave faction, but the selfless faction remains quiet. She, too, must be leaving nobody important behind for her to receive silence.

We finish H. Then G. We're approaching F.

Ur squeezes my hand.

"Fullbuster, Gray."

She lets go.

I stand up, wanting to smoothen out my button-up but I've already discarded it somewhere, leaving me only with a black shirt. I walk up, towards the stage, and pick up the knife under Ultear's uninterested gaze. I meet her eyes and the world goes still. Her eyes leave mine for a moment to look behind me—at Ur, no doubt. I see a hint of sadness behind her eyes, but she immediately looks back at me, raising her eyebrows slightly, as if to say, "Well, go on then, little brother. Go ahead and abandon her, too."

I glance at the bowl that signifies Candor, with glass in it. My eyes drift from it, slowly, towards the left. Towards the coals. I look back at Ultear. She nods slightly at me. I make my final decision.

I cut my hand, not even feeling the pain at this point because I'm only hearing the blood rushing through my ears and feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I move my arm to the left, then unclench my fist, and a single drop of my crimson blood falls and sizzles on the red-hot coals.

Dauntless cheers for their new recruit. Candor stays in silence.

I don't dare look back at Ur; I don't want to see the disappointment in her eyes...I won't be able to bear it. So I leave, and I join my new faction-mates, taking an empty seat at the front. I blend in with my black shirt and pants, I guess. The only thing out of place is the white accents on my clothes.

I feel someone watching me, and turn only to lock eyes with the blue-haired girl from Dauntless. She smiles at me. I try and smile back, but it must have looked like a grimace, because she made a weird face and quickly looked away.

Once F and E are over, Natsu is called forward. He looks confident, but pretty reckless, and I know what a dumb idiot he is. He chooses Dauntless. I knew he would. I think everyone knew he would.

He comes and sits next to me, grinning like the idiot he is. I grin too.

Soon enough, some more Dauntless, Candor and Amity and whatever go to their new or original factions. Some more transfers. I've pretty much stopped listening to whatever Ultear is saying. I'm waiting to hear another name, one more name I need to hear. Natsu's waiting for it, too.

"Alberona, Cana."

She steps forward, her movements sure and bold, like they always are. She cuts her skin and immediately, without a single hint of hesitation, chooses Dauntless. I cheer along with the rest of my faction as she sits next to me. I know Gildarts, her father, must be disappointed, but since he's one of Candor's representatives, he can't show it. Ur can't either. Not because of the faction. Because of Ultear, and Lyon, and because of me. She's being strong for us. I love her for that. I love her for letting me live the life I want to live.

We leave the Hub soon enough, and I never once look back.

Okayyyy I know I should be working on Chapter 11 of A Possible Route but the last chapter of SnK has got me bothered and I don't have much inspiration for it at the moment. I'll upload it soon though.

I'm really into this right now though. I just finished Allegiant and, well, no spoilers will be included but I pretty much died. So this is an outlet!