"MOM DAD, WAKE UP! IT'S MORNING!" a 4 year old auburn haired boy climbed on the bed of his parents and started to jump. Astrid opened an eye a little smile formed in her lips as she sneaks a peek at her little boy. On the other side of the bed, Hiccup pulled the blanket over his head. The little boy jumped and landed on his father's stomach which causes hiccup to groan in pain and surprise. Astrid giggled as she watches her son wake Hiccup.

"MOMMY YOU'RE AWAKE! HELP ME WAKE DAD!" the little boy said while bouncing on his father's stomach.

"Eric, keep it down. You don't want to wake Tyra, do you?" Astrid faced Hiccup and Eric. A little blond head girl stood inside the crib across the room. The baby released giggles and started to jump wanting to get out of her crib and play with her brother.

"There you go she's awake" Astrid stood and headed to Tyra. She scooped the baby and put her down beside her brother.

"TYRA, LETS WAKE HIM UP!" the babe complied, and crawled to her father's head and gave him a painless slaps while giggling. Astrid watched her children torture her husband.

"Okay, I'm up" Hiccup said as he pushed the blanket away from his face. When he opened his eyes the first thing he saw were Eric's excited blue eyes and his little princess's curious green eyes.

"Hurry up, dad! You promised us a picnic, remember?" Eric reminded his father

"Yes, I remember" Hiccup lift Eric off of him and placed him beside Astrid and Tyra

"But before that you need to take a bath first" Astrid pinched Eric's nose

"Owww. Then we'll go to picnic?" the boy asked his parents, they gave him a nod. He got of the bed and rushed to the bath house.

Hiccup lay on his bed and closed his eyes hoping for more sleep. Astrid playfully slapped his shoulders to stop what he's trying to do. He immediately opened his eyes and got up from bed.

"Nah ah, you're not getting more sleep. You sir, will feed our dragons and have a quick view around the village before you continue your day off. While I'll make breakfast" Astrid reminded Hiccup

"Thank you milady for reminding me" Hiccup replied. He kissed Astrid and Tyra's foreheads and got dressed.

"Hey bud, wanna go for a quick fly around the village?" Toothless jumped in delight. Hiccup got on Toothless and flew around the village.

After breakfast

"Let's go" Hiccup said. He grabbed the picnic basket and the 'stroller' that he made for Tyra. Astrid placed the 1 year old girl in the stroller. They walked into the forest and headed to the cove where he found Toothless.

"Mom? Why are we walking? I wanna go flying" Eric tightens his grip on Astrid's hand

"Nope, not until you're 10" Astrid replied

"But I'm tired" Eric pouted. Hiccup handed the stroller to Astrid.

"You're tired already? Come here baby Eric" Hiccup teased his son and get down on his knees. Eric ran to his father and get on his back for a piggyback ride.

"I'm not a baby! I'm a big boy now!" Hiccup and Astrid laugh

"Yes, you are baby Eric" Hiccup smiled. He gave Eric a piggyback ride all the way to the cove.

When they got there, Hiccup and Astrid started to unpack their things. While their children play and Toothless and Stormfly keeping an eye for their riders kids.

After Lunch

The sky started to get dark. A few moments later the rain started to pour.

"Let's go to the cave" they ran into the cave

"It looks like we'll be staying here for a while" Astrid pulled Tyra closer

"How long are we going to stay here?" Eric looked at Hiccup.

"Just until the rain stops" Hiccup sat and embraced his son

"Are you cold?" Eric nodded Hiccup took his leather armor off and he made his son wear it

"Better?" Eric nodded followed by a yawn. Eric fell asleep on Hiccups lap. Astrid went closer to Hiccup, he took Tyra from her. Astrid fell asleep on Hiccup's shoulders.

"Astrid wake up, we can go home now" Astrid got up and took Tyra and carefully placed her in the stroller. Hiccup took his armor off Eric and put it back on. He lift Eric up they started to walk back to their village.

(Bolds for future Hiccup and Astrid)

After a few minutes of walking they reached the village. Hiccup and Astrid were shocked from what they saw. Eric woke up and looked at his parents shocked face. He turned his head to see what they're looking at, he saw his grandpa.

"Are you seeing this?" Astrid asked Hiccup

"Yup, I can see our old village and myself, you, dad, and the gang in front of us" Eric started to get down from his father's arms. When he got down he ran towards Stoick and hugged him.

"Eric! Get back here!" Hiccup ran towards his son

"GRANDPA!" Stoick and the teens and their dragons looked at the little boy confused

"Grandpa? Are you lost little boy?" Stoick lift the boy. Eric smiled at him.

"Hiccup he looks just like you. Is this your son?" Stoick said jokingly and faced Hiccup and just gave him a sarcastic smile

"Excuse me sir can I have my son back?" Hiccup patted Stoicks shoulder. He faced Hiccup.

"Here you go. I've never seen you before, let me guess you're not from here are you? " Stoick handed Eric to Hiccup.

"Actually we live here, dad" Hiccup replied. Astrid and their dragons stepped beside Hiccup

"DAD?! What in the name of Thor is going on?!" Stoick shouted and the teens looked really confused.