Spiritual Revolution
Extended Story Summary: "He's existed for thousands of years but has only lived in the last few. He's spent more time in the human world than the other spirits combined and it's been slowly killing him."
Loke made a promise to Lucy to protect her when he was given a second chance after Karen's death. However after a near-tragedy, he comes to understand human mortality in a different light and realizes that his time spent in the human world has been corrupting him. A story of the changing relationship between a Spirit and a Celestial Mage and the journey they will go through to reach their answers.
Author's Note:
This is meant to be Loke-centered but from a third-person perspective. I am an Australian writer and therefore use the translated manga and the anime as reference points. (If something seems odd because of that it's probably my writing style or an error in translated texts.) I have also never written a FT fic so please bear with me.
This leans more on the anime side because of the appearances Loke has within it compared to the manga. It is slightly AU because I understand that this direction is not what the author intends for these characters. Also Loke is intended to be a little darker than usual. I may change the rating to M later if I feel the need (with forewarning of course.)
I have a vague idea where I want this to go, but it is subject to change especially depending on who likes it/what they would prefer etc. Please drop comments and constructive criticism as you like, flames are not appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do not claim the following characters or Fairy Tail. Disclaimer is for the whole fic. Cover image used from wyldraven deviantart and not used for profit.
Warning: There may be spoilers up to the Tartarus Arc.
Celestial Spirit World:
With a bright flash of light, Loke (actually the Spirit of the Lion – Leo,) re-materialized in the Spirit World.
With one hand he adjusted his jacket while the other pushed forward his glasses as he observed his surroundings. As per usual, he stood at the doorway to his own manor which was housed upon the star Regulus.
The Lion's manor was one of the grandest, as Loke was a prime celestial spirit and the leader of the zodiacs. This planetary space belonged solely to him. His home reached high in the sky, with golden lion statues adorning the rooftops and stone pillars. Considering some of the lesser stellar spirits shared planetary bodies as large as Regulus, Loke was indeed lucky to have such a huge space to himself. In fact, all the prime celestials had homes atop certain stars to themselves. The Spirit World was a vast void of empty black, adorned with stars and with certain spaces such as these with connecting stellar bridges.
It was diminutive and sad compared to the human world, Loke thought.
The humans crammed close, building home after home adjoining one another. There were certain spaces, uninhabitable areas such as forests and lakes and oceans that separated them. Yet in their finite world, they seemed to use their space wisely. Not like in the Spirit World. Loke believed that this universe could expand forever; that if he picked a direction and walked, he would never find an end. And yet all the spirits chose to be so far and few between. Sure, they could materialize wherever they wanted within this sphere, but it wasn't like being in the human world. Everywhere you looked you could see a stranger you hadn't met or a friend, yet within the Spirit World they tried to exist separately.
Loke glanced up at his manor and breathed out a sigh. He took pride in being what he was, but he also acknowledged that it could be a lonely existence.
The young man turned around in surprise. He couldn't help the small smile that came across his face as he saw Aries, the Spirit of the Ram, walking nervously towards him.
"Aries, what brings you here?" Loke asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Um, I thought I could feel you return to this world, so I came to see if it were true." She answered quickly, glancing at the floor as she did. Loke knew Aries was a very shy spirit by nature. In the last century she had grown even more withdrawn due to a series of neglectful owners. It saddened him that such a gentle girl could be made even more afraid of the world because of some ignorant humans.
"Yes, I was helping some friends." He answered vaguely.
Aries nodded slightly and then looked up, matching his gaze. "It's just odd that you would disappear twice in one day. Especially when Lucy didn't summon you," she stated boldly.
Loke sighed and ran a hand through his flame-coloured hair. "Well she didn't. I was helping out some members of Fairy Tail." The Lion looked away quickly, feeling shame at admitting where he had been. "Besides," he grumbled, "more than a week has passed there. It's not like I went in the same day in the human world."
The young woman's hands rushed to her face, hiding her blushing cheeks. "I'm sorry, I forgot about that. I didn't mean to pry." Aries explained quickly.
Loke observed as she stood there awkwardly, battling with her own shyness and apologetic nature before he decided that she had suffered enough. "It's alright Aries, don't worry." He told her gently, smiling as he did.
The Spirit of the Ram lowered her hands and smiled shyly in return. "Leo, do you like the human world?" She asked expectantly.
The question caught him off guard and Loke found himself staring wide-eyed at Aries for a moment. He shook his head to try and clear his mind before he answered. "I didn't use to." He answered her truthfully, letting out a sigh as he did. "I thought the humans were lesser creatures that didn't deserve our time or our keys. I was always very picky about my owners and have spent centuries without contracts. And the contracts I did have were insignificant compared to the time I have spent in the Spirit World. But this decade has been different…" He trailed off, glancing up at the endless sky filled with bright stars and planets with a wistful expression on his handsome features.
"I understand how you feel." Aries volunteered softly, wringing her hands together as she spoke. "The humans are changing. I used to be afraid of that world, but now, when Lucy summons me, I know I'll be okay. I'm very proud to be one of her spirits – I mean friends." She amended quickly and then smiled brightly at him.
Loke smiled in return and placed a hand on her head with affection. "You're becoming braver Aries, it's a nice change." He told her with affection.
Emboldened by his statement, the young Ram looked up from beneath his hand and met her eyes to his hazel ones. "It's alright for you to admit that you prefer being there, Leo. With them... and with her," her voice had dropped to a whisper with these last words.
The Spirit of the Lion hesitated for a moment before he retracted his hand and took a step back.
"You know I can't say that Aries."
Aries frowned and then looked down at the pathway beneath her. "I'm sorry." She said meekly, and then voiced, "But we all notice your absences. You spend so much time missing from the Spirit World because you get called away by Lucy or you go to the human world voluntarily."
"Am I on trial or something?" He asked her humorously, folding his arms before him as he did.
"N-n-no, of course not," Aries stammered in return. "I just wanted to say, that you have always been there to protect me. All I want is for you to be happy."
Loke breathed a sigh of frustration and then re-adjusted his tinted glasses. "Thank you Aries," was all he said in response. With that said, he turned around to make his way back inside his manor.
"W-wait Leo!" Aries called out, rushing forward to grasp his hand. The Spirit of the Lion turned to look down at her, confusion marring his expression. "You can talk to me, you know. I will support any decisions you make," she told him quietly, unable to meet his gaze as she did.
"I know that." He replied and then gently pulled his hand from her grip to make his way inside once more.
The last thing he heard was Aries' trademark "I'm sorry," before he could no longer sense her presence on Regulus.
Once inside his home, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. At least inside, he was alone and unobserved. Outside in the Spirit World and the human world, he had to put up a front. He had to be shown as a pillar of strength and power. Aries questions had unnerved him that was for sure. She was hardly ever that bold in conversation. He was even slightly suspicious that another spirit had placed those questions in her head, perhaps Capricorn. It was doubtful that she had come up with all that confidence on her own. But then again, he had even said she was changing.
Loke grunted in annoyance. It was becoming far more common lately that the days he spent in the Spirit World were shorter and less frequent. Aries was right about that. He was called out by Lucy or on his own accord to the human world so often that he rarely spent even a half-day in the Spirit World anymore.
And he noted that it was becoming more frequent that he felt guilty about the Fairy Tail tattoo that he still adorned on his body. Some nights, he honestly felt branded, as if he was baring a responsibility he no longer needed.
Was it guilt? A part of his mind questioned.
He knew the answer deep down but didn't want to admit it aloud.
There was a part of him that extremely proud of who and what he was. But somewhere inside, he also knew that there was a part that ate away at him. The part that made him 'Loke' who had spent three years in the human world, and not 'Leo the Lion'.
He didn't know which one mattered more to him.
Fairy Tail Guild:
"Lucy, could I have a word please?"
Lucy Heartfilia glanced up from where she sat at the table, surrounded by Erza, Natsu and Gray. All four of them sported perplexed expressions as Master Makarov stood before them.
"Err, sure I guess." Lucy replied, removing herself from the table to follow the Guild Master.
The young celestial mage soon found herself in a small office space occupied by Mira and Makarov.
I had no idea this existed, Lucy thought to herself.
Makarov set himself down on a chair, mostly so he was at the same height as the two standing women and cleared his throat. "I have a mission you might be interested in Lucy." He explained, pushing the flyer towards the young blonde.
Lucy seemed surprised by the request but took the paper and read through it nonetheless. "Eh, this is from the Council?" She asked with wide eyes.
Mira smiled slightly and nodded. "They want someone from our guild to work with one of their agents to observe a powerful mage from a potential Dark guild."
Lucy shook her head and waved the paper in their direction. "I'm flattered, but why me?" She asked.
Makarov replied, "Well we have few subtle mages here and I thought you are actually pretty good at causing little to no damage. Unlike Natsu…" he grumbled as his eyebrow twitched he spoke. Composing himself, the Guild Master cleared his throat once more. "Yes, so I think you would do well. Besides, the last mission you had left you with a hefty repair bill that I don't believe you ended up with much of a reward. I thought you could use this towards your rent." He explained roughly.
Lucy found herself blushing as she looked at the paper once more. "You guys sure have a lot of faith in me." She found herself saying quietly.
Mira leaned over to place a gentle hand on her arm. "Of course we do. And you are much more level headed than your team-mates. Of all your mission reports, it's rarely you causing that excessive damage. We think this is a great chance for you to prove yourself in a solo-mission."
Lucy smiled warmly at them both. "Okay, I'll give it a shot." She answered enthusiastically. The prospect of such a good reward, (and for herself – no splitting, yeah!) was an added bonus to the faith her guild leaders had in her.
Makarov stood on his chair so he indeed was level with her gaze. "Just remember Lucy, it is an observation mission only. I don't doubt your magic abilities, but this mission is meant to be done in secret and not with open combat. This target is dangerous and unpredictable. Just follow the commands of the Council's chosen mage. Do you understand?"
The young celestial mage nodded seriously as she put the paper away in one of her pouches. "Yes Master."
"Well then, get some rest today. You can set off tomorrow to meet with their mage." Makarov told her, waving her away as he did.
Lucy waved at them both before turning to leave the room.
Drop a review or a follow to let me know if you like it or improvements that could be made, (they will be much appreciated.) Chapters will hopefully be much longer, this was intended as a brief introduction.
Yes, I feel there will be a subtle Aries/Leo vibe going along some parts of this fic.
- Mae.