Cec and Bert returned to the Esplanade later that afternoon, keen to find out how their mistress was coping having lost half her household. They found Jane thoroughly beating Phryne in a game of chess. Phryne stared out the window, not seeing anything.

"How is she?" Cec asked Dorothy quietly.

"Not good. She's lost 3 games already and drunk a whole bottle of that French Champagne. Where's the Inspector?"

"We dropped him home," Bert muttered. Even he knew that it was best his miss didn't hear this conversation.

"I won again Miss Phryne. Are you even trying?" Jane asked her guardian, concern etched across her face.

"I'm just a little distracted today, Jane. Bert, Cec. How did you go at the Sandersons?"

"Rosie has settled in. Hugh is staying with them to ensure the media vultures stay at bay." Phryne nodded.

"And Jack's stayed with them." Bert and Cec looked at each other.

"Ah, no Miss," Cec started. "We dropped him home. He said he needed to sort a few things out."

"Miss? Dinner is served."

"Thank you Mr Butler." Phryne stood and walked alone into the dining room. Jane had eaten earlier in the kitchen with Dot and Mr Butler. Sometimes she wished decorum would allow her to eat with her daughter and staff. Eating alone was becoming tiresome. She dutifully sat at the head of her dining room table and stared at the empty seats around her. Mr Butler deposited a bowl of soup in front of her.

"Vegetable soup, Miss."

"Thank you. Mr Butler, is Jane able to join me?"

"I'm afraid she is finishing her homework Miss. Shall I ask Dorothy to join you?"

"If she wishes." As she returned to her soup, the front door bell sounded. She heard voices in the hallway, but ignored them, preferring instead to return to her wallowing. She pushed the vegetables around in her bowl. She didn't feel much like eating. Jack had returned to Rosie's arms and this bothered her more than she cared to think of. Sighing, she took another sip of her champagne. She was feeling decidedly light headed.

"Mind if I join you?" Her head snapped up. The apparition before her looked so real, he could really be standing before her. What was he doing back? She signalled to the chair beside her and he sat down. As if by magic, a bowl of soup appeared before him.

"Did you forget something?"

"No. Well, yes. But no, I just wanted to be near you again tonight." Phryne rolled her eyes and returned her focus to her dinner.

"And how does Rosie feel about that?"

"No idea. I left her at home with her father some hours ago." Phryne's head snapped up and looked at her Inspector.

"What do you want me to do with that information?" Jack stood slowly and pulled Phryne up from her seat.

"Ever since I saw you in the Imperial Club, I've wanted to do this." Jack's hand cupped the side of her head. Phryne lent back out of his reach.

"What are you doing?"

"Would you stand still?" This time when Jack reached for her, she leant into his touch. As his lips brushed hers for the first time, she sighed and deepened the kiss.

"Jack..." The sound of his name whispered hoarsely from her kiss swollen lips sent shivers down her spine.

"You'll be the death of me," he whispered, stepping away from her and resuming his seat at the table. Phryne fell heavily back into her own seat just as Mr Butler returned with the main course.

Later than night, Phryne lay tangled in Jack's arms, her fingers absentmindedly drawing patterns across his chest.

"Where do we go from here?" Jack looked across at her, puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, someone has to put the press straight. Mr B caught another one in the yard today."

"I keep going through it all again in my mind. I know I did everything in my power to ensure that the case was transparent, there was no emotional attachment on my part. The evidence was there, clear and showing their behaviour."

"So if there was any corruption, it was after you submitted all the documents. That's all you need to worry about Jack. I thought that you'd be pleased that George is home with his daughter?"

"Yes and no. I am glad that Rosie has someone, but I did hope that justice would be served."

"And now Rosie's got someone, you're free to explore other... areas?"

"And what areas do you suggest I explore now, Miss Fisher?"

Jack and Phryne knocked on the door and were promptly greeted by the butler, obviously ready to yell an obscenity at the intruders. When he noticed who it was, they were promptly ushered inside.

"I take it things have not been peaceful since your release?"

"Not at all. I don't mind people being angry with me. I'd be angry with me. But when Rosie is knocked down on her way into the house, that's where I draw the line, Jack."

"Is Rosie okay?" Phryne asked.

"Feeling sorry for herself, but she is fine." Phryne excused herself and went in search of Rosie.

"George? How did you do it? If I'm going to protect Rosie from the fallout, I need to know what happened. No secrets."

"Rosie?" Phryne knocked on the door the maid indicated to and waited to be called to enter.

"Miss Fisher? What are you doing here?"

"Your father called Jack in to see if he can do something to keep you safe. How are you?"

"I am okay. I'm sick of this. This is why I didn't want to come home, but Jack insisted I came home. I shouldn't be here. Jack and I should be able to hide away without having to worry about what my father has done." Phryne stilled. She knew that Rosie was still attached to Jack, but didn't realise how intense that connection was for her. Would Jack be able to resist?

"We will do whatever it takes to ensure that both you and your father are safe. No matter what people out there think, your father served the time that courts deemed necessary and is free to live his life as he wishes."

"I know that, but those out there do not."

"Why don't you come downstairs and we can all talk this out together?"

"So you see, Jack, I did nothing. I don't see why I should be held responsible for my colleagues' misguided sense of loyalty."

"No, but now it's not only you that is being affected by this. Rosie isn't as strong as you and she is also tainted by Fletcher's actions."

"What do we do, Jack?"


"Rosie. How are you? Did they hurt you?" Jack was on his feet, his eyes flicking between Phryne and Rosie, before searching Rosie's face for the truth. His hands explored her face and arms, looking for marks. He cringed as he noticed the angry purple mark on her arm and hissed when he discovered the swollen red lump behind her ear. Rosie's eyes closed and she leant her head into his hand.

"I'm fine Jack."

"Like hell you are. I should never have made you come home. You didn't want to and I forced the move."

"You were doing what you thought was best Jack." Phryne began to wonder why she was here. Jack and Rosie was so caught up in each other that she felt like a third wheel.

"Rosie, why don't you come back and stay."

"Dot? Could you go and tell the Inspector and Miss Sanderson that dinner is served?"

"Yes Miss. Miss? Why is the table only set for two?"

"I will be eating in the kitchen with Jane tonight. I feel as if I have been neglecting her lately."

"Yes Miss. I will fetch them now for you." Phryne felt resigned to her fate. Jack had been locked in the spare room with Rosie since they arrived home early in the afternoon. He hadn't looked at or spoken to her since they arrived at the Sanderson house. She knew in her heart of heart that Jack had some sort of feelings for her, but how was she expected to compete with the remains of the marriage? She silently lit the candles on the table and dimmed the lights before leaving the dining room. She didn't want to watch this cosy little picture. She had a vivacious young lady waiting for her in the kitchen.

"Where's Phryne?" Jack asked as he, Dot and Rosie entered the dining room seconds after Phryne left.

"I believe she's having supper with Jane tonight Sir." As far as Dot was concerned, that was the end of the conversation. She was not going to tell him her fears for her Miss, that she had become withdrawn and non-communicative.