Beatrice stands in the middle of her bedroom remembering her life here. The afternoon sun lightly filters through the lace curtains hanging lifeless on the bedroom window. The old grey walls are now bare and now that the rug has been rolled up the timber floor appears to have seen better days. This room seems so much bigger now that all of her personal belongings have been packed in boxes ready for storage. It had been her home for the last 4 years and although at the beginning it had been her solace it now felt like she was slowly suffocating.

Her parents had insisted on her going to Abnegation University to complete her education in selflessness. They themselves had attended and embraced their core values and lived by them without fault, and although she tried to uphold these values also she couldn't help but think that no matter how hard she tried it just wasn't enough. Now that she has graduated she is secretly aching for some adventure and freedom, something that really Abnegation University could not satisfy.

A little over 6 months ago as she was finishing her rounds volunteering at the local hospital she had noticed an advertisement in the paper. It was an application looking for college seniors who were finishing their education and looking for some work experience on a cattle ranch called "Dauntless" in Australia. It took her 4 days of internal debate but in the end the part of her that was aching for freedom won out and she sent in her application. After almost 2 months of not hearing back from them she had convinced herself that they weren't interested in her. That was until she had received a letter that changed her life.

She pulls it out of her bag for the hundredth time and reads it again just to make sure that it's real.

Dear Ms Prior

Congratulations on your acceptance to the work experience program here at "Dauntless".

We received numerous applications for this opportunity and after careful consideration you along with one other applicant from your area have been chosen.

Included in this introduction package you will find:

History of "Dauntless"Brief outline of what to expect during your experience hereChecklist of items that you may find of benefitNecessary paperwork required for work visas and customsDetails of your travel itinerary and flight details

Please ensure that all paperwork required for the work visas and customs are logged within the next month to ensure that they have cleared in time prior to your departure.

Again congratulations on your acceptance and we look forward to meeting you officially at the beginning of February.

Yours Sincerely

Mr Max Jones

Folding it back up she slides the letter back into the envelope containing the approvals for working in Australia, her passport and her wallet containing her plane ticket and travel itinerary.

At the time she just couldn't believe it, they wanted her. Out of everyone that applied it was her. Surprisingly it also hadn't been that difficult to convince her parents that this would be an excellent opportunity for her, after all she was 22 and they felt that this would be an excellent opportunity to enhance her teachings from school.

She looks at herself one last time in the mirror (something that she normally avoids doing) and takes notice of her reflection. Although she didn't consider herself ugly she knew she certainly wasn't pretty. Slowly moving her head from side to side she takes notice of her long thin nose, narrow face and wide blue/grey eyes. Her caramel blonde hair which when isn't in a messy bun at the nape of her neck will sit slightly wavy just past her shoulder blades. She also seemed younger than her years due to her petite height and although her body did appear to have a certain "childlike" appearance there where a few bumps and curves hidden away underneath the baggy clothes that she normally favoured.

Remembering the small family dinner last night at her parents' house as they said their goodbyes, she was sad to leave her parents and her brother Caleb behind but there was that ache again that made it feel like forever until this moment would come. Quickly checking her watch again she notices that it's almost time for the car to come and pick her up. Suppressing a soft moan she abruptly turns from the mirror and grabs her carry-on bag as well as the 2 suitcases that she is taking with her. Doing a mental checklist of everything in her head she turns towards the door.

As she closes it behind her she lets out a sigh and thinks "this is it Prior, this is what you have been dreaming about. Time to be brave….." and although she is nervous as she descends the stairs of her dorm for the final time it is a nervous that she is secretly embracing.

Pushing through the large wooden doors of the building a small smile manages to escape from her mouth but she manages to suppress it quickly after all that just isn't Abnegation after all. Making her way to the curb to wait patiently for the car to take her to the airport she starts to think about what to expect. She seems to be so lost in her thoughts that it takes a second to realize that the car had pulled up and the driver was speaking to her.

Giving her head a little shake to clear her thoughts she asks "I'm sorry?"

"Are you Beatrice? Beatrice Prior?" he asked again trying hard to hide his annoyance.

"Yes, sorry I was just thinking and didn't realise that you where here."

"Just these 2 bags and your carry on?" he asked while reaching down to take them to the back and load them in. She watched him take them around to the trunk of the car and what seemed like forever closed the trunk again. She noticed that he still hadn't put her carry on and 1 of her suitcases in there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I had packed so much."

"pfft, it wasn't you, your travel companion seems to have brought her entire wardrobe" he says while taking the 2 remaining cases to load into the front seat with him.

It's only then that Beatrice realises there is someone else in the car. Opening the door and peaking in she can see a striking girl with big brown eyes, tan skin and shoulder length dark hair. Balancing on her lap is her make-up case and she is holding a small compact mirror in one hand while applying a shimmering lip gloss with the other. When she hears the door open she quickly flicks her head around with the biggest smile and with a slight high pitch squeal she snaps the mirror closed and tosses it and the gloss back in the case. Extending out her hand she exclaims "Hi! I'm Christina. I'm so excited to meet you. You can call me Chris or Christina I'll answer to both" letting out a chuckle.

Sliding into the back seat Beatrice extends her hand and offers a rather light handshake. Of course the letter had stated that there was another applicant accepted in this area but she hadn't given it another thought. As she is fastening her seat belt she can see Christina still looking at her smiling from the corner of her eye.

"Oh sorry, I'm…." for some reason Beatrice just didn't sound right. Not for work experience at Dauntless. She glances down to her hands now placed in her lap and wrinkles her brow thinking. New life, new name and looks back up at Christina

"Tris, my name is Tris. I'm really excited to meet you too."