Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter or Fairy Tail.
"GIRL!" a booming voice shouted, almost shaking the house down to its foundations.
A small girl, no older than five years old, curled up in a fetal position, ears covered with her tiny hands in an attempt to make everything go quiet again. Why couldn't Vernon speak at a normal volume?
Moments later, the girl squinted as a dim light (though still too bright for her) intruded her cupboard. It took a second for her eyes to adjust, and once they did she looked up, shaking a bit, to see that her 'uncle' had opened her cupboard and was snarling at her maliciously. She took her hands away from her ears, knowing that not listening to the man would only make whatever he was going to punish her for (why else would he bother with her?) worse.
The man didn't say a thing, however, and the little girl made a noise of surprise when she found herself being grabbed around her shoulder and yanked out of her little 'safe' haven. Vernon started mumbling incoherently, and the little girl's fear grew worse as he dragged her out of the house and shoved her into the car. An hour later, Vernon pulled the car over to the side of the road and got out. He looked around for a moment, and was satisfied to see nothing but woods around them. He yelled for the girl to get out, and she did, trembling. He jerked his head towards the trees and began walking, not looking at the girl but expecting her to follow.
The little girl, Hayden (as her aunt had let slip once), bit her lip, terrified. Was her uncle finally going to do what she feared he would and kill her? Nothing good could come of this, she knew, and so…
She ran into the forest in the opposite direction, ignoring the man's shouting from behind her.
Hayden gasped for breath, having run for her life when she saw a hunter in the woods near where she had been resting. She had been in the woods for three days, and had taken to eating roots and bark to keep herself from starving to death. Luckily she had found a stream to get the dirt off, first.
Unfortunately, five year old girls (or any human, really), couldn't survive on that kind of sustenance for very long, and Hayden's energy levels had been steadily declining since the night she ran away from her uncle. If she didn't find food soon, then she'd never be able to make it.
That night, if one were to look, they would see a little girl collapsed on the ground, exhausted and starved. They would also see a strange bright light, and a flash before it disappeared, taking the girl with it.
Hope you liked it! I'll post the next chapter or two tomorrow, based on reviews! *wink*