In the days afterwards, she couldn't say what exactly it was that drove her into his arms. It could have been the impending doom that lay over all their heads. Or it could have been her heart, beating and feeling despite of whose hands it currently lie in. Or it could have been Snow's words to her: "Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness…Don't let anything hold you back." Regina had already wasted one chance, and with the threat of Zelena's curse looming over them, it wasn't guaranteed that she would get another.
It was only minutes after Snow left that Regina traveled by magic to the forest, to the place where she knew he would be. She watched him for a moment. He was tending a fire, his lion tattoo illuminated by the glow of the flames. The tattoo brought the memory of the first time she had ever saw him, just for a brief moment, to mind. She had been so foolish. Had she been brave and taken the chance then, she could have saved herself so much heartbreak and misery. But then she never would've gotten Henry… No. No matter how things turned out in the future, whether for wicked or for evil, she was glad for the choices she had made. But that didn't mean she wouldn't be correcting some of her mistakes now. Namely, Robin.
She strode toward him, her resolve purposeful and determined.
"My lady," Robin said, standing up to greet her. "I'm sorry. I let you down." His eyes bore into hers as he conveyed the depth of regret he felt. "Your heart was lost to Zelena on my watch. But I promise you, I will get it back."
It was at this moment that any thought she had of changing her mind, of running away from love again, fled her mind. This man, this good man, understood her. He didn't see her as the evil queen. He didn't see her past mistakes. He was here with her unafraid, and she loved him for it.
Grabbing the lapels on his jacket, she pulled her to him in a sharp motion and captured his lips with her own. So this was what it felt like to kiss one' true love she thought to herself. His hand slid to her back as he kissed her back. Oh yes, she could certainly get used to this.
After a moment, Regina pulled back. Robin gazed at her with hooded eyes, desire evident through the intensity of his gaze. She stared back, waiting for his response.
He let out a breath of air and pulled her to him again, this time taking the initiative himself. They met in an open mouth kiss. As their lips moved against each other's mouth, Robin's hand moved to her hair. He entwined his fingers in the hair at the back of her neck, deepening the kiss.
He smells like forest, she thought. But that was quickly becoming her favorite smell.