A/N- Sorry for the long wait!

"And no, drama doesn't count!"

"But Mom!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"You have to do some sort of sport," her mom said.

"I want to do drama, though. Does choir count?" Kirstie sat down. The only way to convince Mom is to reason with her.

"No. I mean a sport sport. Try soccer," her mom suggested.

Kirstie sighed. "But I don't want to do soccer. Why is it so important anyways?"

"Because you need to be on some sort of team," her mom replied.

"I have a team! I have my choir team and my drama team!" Kirstie exclaimed.

Her mom sighed. "Those don't really count, honey. You don't have to be so difficult about this."

Kirstie crossed her arms, looking down. She mumbled, "Well, it's not my fault that all your ideas are so stupid."

"Kirstie!" her mom exclaimed. "Go to your room."

"Sure, I'd love to," Kirstie replied, a last snarky comment before trudging up the stairs.

And next day found her crying in the girl's bathroom.

Kirstie looked into the mirror, trying to scrub off the sinister lines the mascara had left in it's wake. Her eyes were red and her nose was shiny.

"Well, everyone has to cry sometimes." Mitch held out a tissue from the dispenser on the wall.

"H-How could she?" Kirstie choked out.

"I'm sure she was just overreacting," Mitch said, trying to calm Kirstie down. "We have Language Arts, like, right now, so come on."

"I can't go out like this!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"No one cares," Mitch pointed out, but he handed her another tissue before leading her out into the hallway and down to class.

Of course, the two ended up having to run and even then still turning up late to class.

"Where were you?" whispered Scott. "Wait, Kirstie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the girl said, looking down.

Mitch sighed. "Her mom's making her quit choir and drama because she was rude, or something."

"I wasn't even rude on purpose!" Kirstie exclaimed, then realized just how very rude she was, and perfectly on purpose as well, and she laughed.

"What?" Scott looked at her. "Okay, now I'm thoroughly confused."

"We'll explain later." Mitch pushed the statement away with a wave of his hand.